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miles stayed at his parents last night, it felt great to sleep in his bed again. he texted gwen a lot last night. he felt really bad about everything that's happening.

The sinister six is now complete. last night rhino and kraven the hunter robbed a oscorp warehouse. so the sinister six consists of electro, rhino, sandman, vulture, kraven. This was gonna be a lot for miles to handle on his own. He wish his uncle was still here, maybe he could've convince him to join miles in fight. But he's alone. for the first time ever as spider-man, he's alone.


"miles go empty the dish washer" rio said

miles emptied the dishwasher and place the plates back in the cabinets.

"one more thing, go grab the broom out the closet"

miles went to the closet and opened it and grabbed the broom. when he did a letter fell out from the top shelf.

"mom what's the letter with my name on it about" miles yelled to his mom.

"um, i think that's from your uncle aaron" rio said while wiping down the counters.

"can i open it?" miles asked

"yeah go ahead." rio said

miles opened the letter and read it

miles, if youre reading this, the worst probably happened. your father knew about my crimes for a long time, he just chose not the say anything. don't be mad at him. he loves you more then anything in the world. he used to call me every night, rambling on about the things y'all did that day. he's a great dad. and i hope i was a great uncle to you. i'm sorry we stopped hanging out every night like we used to. i hope you know i never stopped thinking about you man. til we meet again miles, i love you kid.
~uncle aaron

miles smiled at the note. behind all the crimes and stuff. uncle aaron was a great dude. miles put the letter back in the envelope and put it in his pocket.

"what was the letter about mijo" rio said

"nothing to serious" he smiled

"ok, that's been up there for like 1 or 2 years, kinda forgot about it, he told me and your father not to read" rio said

uncle aaron knew the risk.he wrote that letter not knowing miles would be the last person he spoke to.

miles walked back into his room. he sat down at his desk and opened his art book.

(2 hours later)

miles woke up from his nap. he accidentally fell asleep at his desk. he had a missed call from gwen 32 minutes ago. he called her back

hey gwen, what's up?

kingpin, he's behind it all. i just got back from sneaking into alchemax.


yeah alchemax, it's the company kingpin owns. i saw him and the sinister six in his office

jesus, so we got 7 people to worry about.


that's awful, swing my place if you want, you can have dinner with us?

sure miles, i'll see you in a bit. love you miles

love you too gwen

he placed his phone back on his desk and went into the kitchen.

"can gwen come for dinner tonight?" miles asked

"of course honey, your father won't be here tonight, has to work on his case overnight" rio said

miles went back into his room and laid on his bed. he threw on his headphones and dozed off again.


miles began to slowly open his eyes back up. he was startled by ganke looking at him.

"jesus!" miles jumped

"me and gwen are here for dinner" ganke said

"then where's gwen?" miles asked

"helping your mom set up things, you should see it in there, it's crazy how well they get along" he said

"well that's good, not sure my dad likes gwen that much" miles stretched while standing up from his bed

"well you look rough man, you don't sleep much?" ganke questioned

"no i don't, out my the night doing spiderman stuff, sleep any chance i get" miles said

"that must suck" ganke said

"gotten used to it"

they left miles room and miles was shocked to see ganke was right, they were laughing and having a great time.

"hate to interrupt y'all's girl time, but the boys here now" miles said

"booooo" rio said

gwen approached miles and gave him a quick kiss. rio had a shocked look, while ganke made a "ok i see youuu" look.

gwen and miles set the table up while ganke and rio sat down.

"so gwen, miles has told me a lot about you" rio said

"yeah i'd hope so" gwen smiled

"so how are you doing in school, i know you and miles share some classes" rio said

"i do okay enough to pass." she laughed

"well that's good" rio said

they all stopped and began to eat their food.

miles heard the tv in the background.

vulture and rhino have just been spotted near another old oscorp warehouse.

gwen looked at miles and mouthed "go"

miles told his mom sorry and ran into his room. he put on his brand new armored suit and jumped out his window.

NEW CHAPTERRRR. i'm gonna try to do one chapter every day or two days. i wanna get this done so i can move onto miles apart. thank you for the support. see y'all in the next chapter.

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