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"Mr Kingpin, that new spiderman took down the lizard, what next."

"Break out otto, we need his smarts" Fisk said

"yes sir, anyone else?"

"if you can break out more people, do it." fisk said



school is back open for gwen and miles. miles convinced principal drew to let him stay at the dorm. gwen had been staying with him since ganke wasn't there. there relationship got so much better after they started dating.

miles was in 2nd period damn near dozing off. his grades were awful right now but he could care less about school. his job was to be spiderman, that's what he was gonna focus on.

"miles, hey man" ganke said

miles turned to ganke but didn't say anything.

"sorry for ratting you out, your dad told me what happened." ganke said

the teacher starting talking before miles could respond to ganke.

(after class)

miles made his way to his locker. he was going to grab his notebook for algebra class.

when he was digging through his locker someone tapped on his shoulder.

"hey babe" gwen said

"babe?" miles laughed

"you don't like it?" gwen asked

"it's not that i'm just used to being called miles, babe is ok tho" miles smiled

"shit i gotta get to class. wanna go on patrol after school?" gwen asked

"yeah that's cool" miles said

"ok love you miles" she said

she gave him a quick kiss and left.

miles made his way to algebra. he was stopped by a familiar white haired girl.

"felicia, what a suprise!" he said

"hey miles, you wanna hang out later?" felicia asked

"cant going to do stuff with my girlfriend." miles said

"well too bad, i was gonna show you something really cool" she said while walking away.

her voice, HER VOICE, he knew black cat sounded familiar. it's felicia, and she kissed me miles thought

he ran the rest of the way to algebra. He sat down in his usually seat next to ganke.

"ganke, i gotta tell you something, you're my best friend and you need to know this" miles said.

"ok miles, we cool?" ganke asked

"of course we're cool"

(miles dorm, after school)

ganke came into the dorm

"what's the big secret miles" he said

"well uhh" he was interrupted by ganke

"your spiderman and swing around saving the city, im just joking" ganke laughed

miles was shocked, this dude really just "guessed" the secret.

"well you guessed right" miles said

"haha funny" ganke looked at the serious look on miles face "wait, your serious?!" ganke screamed

"you're the amazing spectacular spider-man!" he yelled

"dude shut up, yes that's why i'm never in the dorm, not because of gwen, because i'm spiderman, i mean partly gwen" he said

"why did you tell me" ganke asked

"because i want you to be my partner, make all my gadgets, do repairs, i know your smart so i want you to help me" miles said


the dorm room slung open.

"hey babe, you ready to go on patrol" gwen said not noticing ganke standing in the corner.

"i'm gonna faint" ganke said.

"he's here!" gwen said

"yes and i just told him that i'm spiderman." miles said

gwen gave miles a disgusted look.

"what! he's good with gadgets." miles said

"that's why we have aunt may, she just got out the hospital today"

"we?!?!, your spiderwomen!? ganke yelled

"yes dipshit, im spiderwoman" she said

ganke was pacing around the room.

"let's get out of here please." gwen said

"yes ma'am" miles said

they both told ganke to turn around and changed into there suits.

"ganke turn around" miles said

ganke turn around and fainted.

"and there he goes, such a fanboy" gwen said

they both picked him up and put him in his bed.

"ready?" gwen said

they opened the window and jumped out


they both landed on top of the roof top across from the bank. they got an alert that it was being robbed.

"let's head down there, quick" gwen said

miles landed on top of george's cop car.

"hey george good to see you" miles said

"spider-man, it's that electricity guy and a couple of familiar faces" he said

"like who?" miles asked

"vulture and sandman" he said

"well me and spider-woman got it" he said

"tsk, spider-woman" george said disgusted

gwen swung into the bank miles shortly after doing the same. they stuck to the side of the wall

"what's the plan" miles asked

"you get max, i got vulture and sandman" gwen said

miles swung to max who was standing outside the vault.

"max, dig the new suit" miles said

"thanks spider-man, finally get to put into the use"

he shot electricity at miles but he evaded. he shot a web at him but it burnt right off max. miles pulled himself towards max by sticking them to the walls and kicked max in the face. max didn't fall but slide back. he dashed at miles, grabbing his wrist and sending electricity through miles. miles yelled in pain but fought back with his venom power which caused a huge blast. it sent max into the bank walls.

"sorry max" he said while swinging towards gwen.

gwen looked to be struggling against vulture and sandman. miles swung in and kicked vulture in the face. vulture flew back but flew towards miles and grabbed him by the throat. he then led him to the now back up max who grabbed miles and spiked him into the ground.

"one down, one to go" max said.

they flew back over to gwen who was fighting sandman. vulture tried to swoop up gwen but she dodged and webbed his wings. he skidded across the ground. vulture was out.

gwen was ready for who attacked next. but then she heard a familiar sound.

she turned around and saw a very familiar face.

"gwen stacy, brilliant but lazy."

the sinister 6 is being formed. so far we got electro, sandman, vulture anddd, obviously y'all know who it is. i'm not gonna say it tho. i'm so bad at the fighting parts of the book. but atleast i got a chapter out. love y'all

also kinda rushed to get this chapter out if there's grammar errors.

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