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It has been 5 days since miles last talked to or saw gwen. 

it's weird he thought she might of apologized for leaving all of a sudden through text. 

The picture he drew got them an A so thats a plus.

 He has the picture on his desk waiting for the next time she came over, if she ever does. 

During the week there was a lot of stuff on the news about spiderwoman and stuff. Everyday there seems to be a new story about her, she beat this guy and blah blah blah.

 Miles had been very active in his journal as of late, mainly drawing gwen or spiderwoman. 

He thought he would go see his uncle aaron first thing when he woke up, it's 10 am. 

He put on his coat because it was pretty chilly out. 

He ran to uncle aaron's and climbed up to his window. 

He knocked on aaron's window. "uncle aaronnnn." miles said. 

aaron's head popped around the hallway wall. he walked over and opened the window for miles. 

"miles brotha, good to see you man." he said while fist bumping miles.

 "we gotta talk uncle aaron." miles said. "girl stuff?" aaron asked. mikes shook his head. "you came to the right guy." he said


"so you telling me this chick, pulled up to yo house the first day yall met, and she ghosting you now." aaron said. 

"yep." miles responded. 

"that's a classic move, it's to get a guy thinking about that girl more, shawtys used to do that to me all the time, she'll come around." aaron said while patting miles on the shoulder.

 "She's just all i'm thinking about man." miles said. 

"all? you've known the girl less then a week man, spoke to her like twice, you got yourself a crush man." aaron chuckled.

 "no i don't uncle aaron." miles said. 

uncle aaron gave him a look like he was about to burst out laughing. 

"ok ok fine uncle aaron, maybe i like her a little." he said. 

aaron bursted out laughing loudly. 

"you done?" miles asked. 

"yeah i'm good, that's some good shit tho." he said while wiping a tear running down his face.

 "you wanna go back to the tunnel, where you painted that thing." uncle aaron asked. "heck yeah." miles grinned


"Ight bro you wanna throw up a picture of shawty you like." aaron asked. 

"yeah that could work." miles said.

after a little bit it was finished.

 "man that looks good." uncle aaron laughed. 

"it's beautiful" miles said. 

"so you saying she's beautiful, man you are hooked." aaron laughed. 

"let's get outta here, i gotta go to work man." aaron said. 

as they walked out miles felt a quick pain on his hand. he let out a whine. 

"you good miles." aaron asked.

 "yeah just a spider." he said "ight let's get going." aaron said. 

they went back up to the surface and say there goodbyes.

*bring bring*

"hola ma." miles said.

"hey sweetie can you stop by the store and grab some milk." she asked.

"yes mom i will." miles said

"ok miles come home after." she said

He put his phone back in his pocket and walked into the local market.

 "where's the milk." miles asked. 

"back right of the store." the worker said. 

he walked back there and went to the fridge.

 "they're out." 

this is weird, why are my thoughts so loud he thought. 

Someone bumped into him. "watch out man, oh hey miles." gwen said.

 "oh gwen hey, how you been, haven't talk to you since monday." he said 

 "just been dealing with family stuff." She said. 

Out of no where his head started to tingle and he was squinting his eyes.

 "you're like me, um miles we needa talk meet me on the roof at 4 pm don't be late." she said. she walked quickly away from him. 

4 pm don't be late got it he thought.

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