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(8:20 am)

miles slowly opened his eyes, falling asleep was hard for him last night.

He realized he had fell asleep with his phone on so it was dead.

he went into the kitchen but at this point his mom and dad were gone.

They usually leave early for work and expect miles to get to school. he walked into the kitchen and looked at the microwave "8:21!" he yelled.

he ran as fast as he could to his room and threw on his school uniform.

he went outside and ran as fast as he could to his school.

"late again miles." said a kid.

"you know me best" he chuckled.

he took a step into his classroom.

The teacher cleared her throat and miles glance shot from his feet to the teacher.

"late again miles." the teacher said.

"well einstein said time was relative, so maybe i'm not late, maybe you guys are early." he said.

he heard a chuckle from the back of the room the new girl

"just sit down morales." the teacher said.

the only open seat was beside the new girl. he sat down and the new girl immediately started talking to him.

"stupid joke by the way." she smiled.

"well you laughed so it had to have been funny." miles said while looking at her.

" it was the farthest thing from funny, it was just soooo quiet." she said.

"what's your name." miles asked.

"gwen, gwen stacy." she smiled.

"well gwen, i'm miles, welcome to brooklyn visons academy." he said while dramatically waving his hands around.

Gwen just laughed.

"ok enough chatting class, please exchange numbers with the person beside you, i need you guys to meet up and draw and picture of new york, assignment is due tomorrow." she said.

"well um gwen, here's my number, the assignment is due tomorrow, so you wanna come to my place, we could go on the roof and we'd have a perfect view of new york." miles said.

"sure miles, i'll meet you there at 6?" gwen asked.

"perfect, can't wait to hang out." miles said

(5:50 pm)
Miles was laying on his bed and throwing a ball up in the air.

this was the longest 2 hours of his life, he really wanted to hang out with gwen, she seems like a fun person.

*knock knock knock* he opened his door and no one was there.

"turn around dummy." he heard a voice say.

he turned around to see gwen at his window.

"how the hell did you get up here" he chuckled.

"a guy i met a couple days ago, hobie lives 5 stories below you." gwen said.

"well  welcome to my room, i don't stay here most the time but the school dorms are getting redone so i'm here for now." miles said.

"interesting, you play with toys." gwen said while picking up unopened figures, he's had since he was little.

"no no, those are collectibles, not toys." he chuckled nervously.

gwen stopped at a spiderwoman figure.

"Oh that one, i bought that recently i'll admit, she just such a badass, and i bet she's pretty under that mask." he said.

"yeah she's really cool." she smiled. "ok enough chitter chatter, let's get to work." miles said.

miles and gwen climbed to the top of his building.

"beautiful view." miles said.

"sure is." gwen smiled.

"so miles, what do i need to know about you." she asked.

"i love to draw and uhhhh im 16 years old and my father and mother would not approve about bringing a girl i just met over" he chuckled.

"well let me see some of your drawings." she said.

"yeah yeah of course." he said while grabbing his backpack.

he took his notebook out of his bag and handed it to here

gwen started flipping through but stopped at one. it was her, obviously not gwen stacy, but spider women. it's crazy to think a boy i just met is drawing picture about me without knowing.

"I made that one in art class, got me an A." he chuckled.

"Miles these are incredible." she said.

"thanks." he smiled.

"well we better get to work." gwen said.

"yes absolutely." miles said. 

"how about i draw you standing in from of some of those buildings." he asked.

"yeah that would look good." she said.

she went over and stood where the buildings were behind her.

(2 hours later)

"sorry you had to stand there so long." miles apologized 

"no reason to apologize, if it gets us a good grade i wouldn't care how long it took." gwen said.

he handed the paper to gwen. gwen jaw dropped

"miles this is perfect." she said.

she couldn't help but hug him. "well if ms. land gives me it back, you can have it." he said.

"thank you mi-"gwen stopped and turned around.

"i gotta go miles, it was great getting to know you." she said while running down the stairs on the building.

She was gone. Miles just walked back down to his room and opened the window.

"sneaking out again." jeff said.

"i was on the roof." miles said.

"oh, sorry son." jeff said.

"it's ok dad." miles smiled.

jeff left his room and miles layed down.

he grabbed his headphones out his bag and put on Hummingbird by Metro boomin & James Blake. *knock knock knock* his mom opened his door. "mijo, what did i say about going on the roof without asking." she said.

"i was doing an art assignment." he said.

"care if i see?" she asked. he handed her the piece of paper. she looked confused.

"you have friends that are girls?" she asked

"mom what the hell, of course i do." he replied.

"she's very pretty, how long y'all been friends." she asked.

"about 12 hours." he said.

His mom just laughed. "always remember, carry a condom with you." she said.

"mom ew! stop it just get out." miles said while shooing her out the door.

he slammed his door shut and lied back down.

"why did she leave so sudden, and why did she react like that." he thought in his head.

could she have just last track of time, but how did she know the time she didn't check her phone. who's know. Gwen is very interesting. miles can't wait to get to know her more

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