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miles opened his eyes. he took a nap on the couch after him and gwen took down sandman and kraven. he was tired of this. he wanted to get back to a normal life with gwen. it's was around 12 am and he received a call from gwen. he picked up the phone to her panicked voice.

MILES, please hurry to the power plant! it's max. he's trying to become more powerful.

gwen, just calm down. i'll be over there soon.

don't tell me to cal-

miles hung up the phone. he groggily walked to his room to grab his suit. he slung open his closet and grabbed his suit, he strip of his clothes and threw on his armor suit.


gwen rushed to the power plant. she couldn't believe miles told her to calm down. it made her even more mad.  she landed on a building near the power plant and waited for miles. after a couple of minutes miles landed beside her

"so where is he" miles asked

"miles don't do that shit again" gwen said

"what do you mean? i didn't do anything"

"you tell me to calm down when clearly this is important shit and then you hang up on me!" she exclaimed

"your really mad at that? i was asleep 2 minutes before you called me. i was still groggy as hell. i hung up not even hearing you talk, stop overreacting" miles said

"overreacting!? do you realize all of brooklyn is in jeopardy" gwen asked

"can we just focus on the task at hand, we need to talk down electro" miles said

"ok whatever dude. he's over there. i guess gaining power from that's power lines." she pointed at

"ight let's do this then"

they swung in together and landed below the levitating max.

"max, sorry to spoil the fun" gwen said

"the fun is far from over spiders" max said

max shot a lightning arc at the two spiderpeople. they both dodged and started to web max.

"it's not doing anything!" miles yelled.

max fly down and kick miles back. miles rebounded himself and web striker at max sending punches at him.

gwen then shoved miles out the way and did the same, sending punches at max. max then struck gwen with electricity and it sent her back down to the ground.

"spiderman, your turn." max said sending a lightning strike at miles. miles evaded and tried talking to max.

"max this isn't you. you used to be a successful scientist at oscorp. we can fix things. i know we can!" he said to max

"i wish i could spiderman, but it's too late for me." max said.

he began to try to gain more electricity from the power plants.

"i'm gonna be more powerful then ever man, this energy. it makes me feel whole again!" he yelled

"max stop! there's no reason for this"  miles yelled

max fly towards miles and grabbed him.

he flew up and started to send electricity into miles.

it caused miles web shooters to explode.

"games over spiderman." max said

he let go of miles and he began to plummet back the ground. his web shooters were broken so he closed his eyes and was ready to accept his fate. but before he hit the ground gwen swung and grabbed miles. landing safely on the ground.

"holy shit! i thought i was dead! thank you gwen"  miles said

"WATCH OUT!" gwen said

she jumped in front of miles and took the lightning bolt from max right to her chest.

she flew back and into a fence.

"GWEN!" miles said

"looks like your little girlfriend is down and out. too bad" max laughed

miles couldn't do anything. His web shooters were broken and his venom powers were useless.

"be right back spiderman, gonna get more powerful."

max flew back to the power lines and was gaining me power. after gaining more power he was ready to fight again.

electro flew as fast as he could at miles. for miles, it was like time slowed down. he charged up a venom blast and jumped up to meet electro sending one huge venom blast.

"WHAT DID YOU DOOOO" max screamed

max combusted into millions of particles.

miles landed back down and rushed to gwen.


miles began to shake her. she was limp and was unresponsive.

"god please work"

he generated a little bit of venom power and used his hands like a defibrillator. he placed his hands on her chest and gave one quick charge of venom blast.

her eyes opened and she gasped.

"miles-" she said her voice began to break down.

miles grabbed her and hugged.

"shhh, it's okay baby, i got you" he said while rubbing her head.

"i thought i was dead" she cried

"your not gwen. you're  okay, look at me"  he grabbed both sides of her head and looked into her eyes.

"you're okay"

HES BACKKKKK. sorry quick klay thompson reference. i feel a lot better about this chapter. hope y'all liked the electro fight. "sadly" that's the last we will see of him. he had a similar death as his one in amazing spider-man 2. he overloaded his electricity supply and it killed him. But miles venom blast overloaded his electricity caused him to basically disintegrate. Rip max. see y'all in chapter 29.

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