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miles snuck into the old oscorp warehouse. rhino and vulture were moving stuff around looking for something.  miles knew he had to be smart. he waited for rhino to exit the warehouse then took his chance to take on vulture.

"hey bird brains"

vulture looked up at miles.

"the new suit looks good kid, to bad you only gonna get to use it once" vulture said while charging at miles.

miles dodged and vulture almost crashing into the wall. vulture then swooped back down on miles and grabbed the back of miles neck. he flew up with miles through the top of the building. vulture was flying really high. miles was moving and trying to get out of vulture grips.

"can spiders swim? well i don't care if they can" vulture said

miles looked down and vulture was hovering above water.  this made miles panic. miles swung himself up and on to vultures back. he began to punch at the back of vultures wing.

"hey kid, stop that! you'll kill us both." vulture said

"hmm, maybe"

miles punched and ripped apart the power source of vultures wing. they both began to fall back down. they were heading for the water. miles grabbed onto vulture and shot a web at the oscorp warehouse. before they hit the water the web sent both of them crashing into the warehouse.

vulture was out. his wings were done for and without them he was just a old man.

"sorry adrian" miles said while webbing him up.

"little spider!"

miles turned around to see rhino staring at him.

"good job spider, you took care of that useless old man, now it's just me and you."

rhino charged at the weakened miles. he shoulder tackled miles into a near by shipping container.

miles came up with a plan.

miles slung open the container while rhino was charging at him. rhino ran inside of the container and miles webbing it shut.

miles fell to the ground, he was tired and beaten.

he called george while still laying on the ground.

miles, what's up

caught good old alexei and adrian at the old oscorp warehouse. i'll text you the address.

thank you miles, knew i made the right choice

miles took down two of them, but there was still 4 more, and fisk

(2 hours later...)

"just rest miles, that's what you need to do." gwen said

miles was laying his head in her lap.

"i know but the rest of them are still out there, i can't just let them cause more troubles" miles said

gwen was rubbing miles hair.

"baby listen, your took 2 down today, you take two down tomorrow. sound fair?" gwen said

"i wish you could help." miles said lifted his head up out of her lap and facing her.

she gave miles a long kiss.

"i wish i could too, it's to risky, if i get arrested then my father with figure out i'm spiderwoman" gwen said

"i totally understand gwen" miles said

"you look like shit, let's get you out of that suit."  gwen said they both stood up

gwen helped him out of his suit.miles was only in his underwear when the worst thing could possibly.

they door opened

"do y'all want pizza orrrr, OH SHIT, im sorry gwen, honey. i'll leave." george said while slamming the door

"that's gonna be hard to explain." gwen nervously chuckled


"miles miles, just answer the question. are you having sex with my daughter?!?" george questioned

"george jesus, no i'm not, i've said that 6 times already, she was helping me get my suit off" miles said

"oh so she knows your spiderman?!?" george said

"yes, you and her and my friend ganke are the only people that know"  miles said

"well keep her out of all of it" george said

"of course george" miles said

"ok, sorry about walking in, pizza or burgers?"

another day another chapter. i can't wait to get to the new book. if y'all didn't see my community post thing. miles apart is gonna be told in a first person perspective. switching between gwen and miles.

sorry about the short fight and short chapter. i'm just trying to get to the final chapters. love yall

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