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miles was thinking about what gwen said

"good job today spiderman"

was it really a good job? he could've been killed if she didn't show up. he doesn't at all think he's ready to be spiderman. but it takes time, he knows that. he just needs to proof the people of new york, it is his time.


*knock knock knock*

gwen took her attention from the tv to the door.

"i'll get." george said while getting up from the couch.

george opened to door and stepped outside the door. gwen was really confused. she heard someone say george's name before he exited.

a couple minutes later george walked back in

"looks like we're gonna have a guest tonight." george smiled

it was may, she hadn't seen her since pete's funeral. at the funeral she cussed out her dad for not being there soon enough to help peter. it wasn't his fault. he got there as soon as he could.

"gwen, how are you honey." may said while hugging gwen.

"i'm great may, you?" gwen asked

"better then ever." may smiled

"ok let's quit the hugging and eat." george said while rubbing his hands together


miles had to go see gwen, he needed advice bad. he was stuck and didn't know what to do from this point on. miles put on a jacket and left to go see gwen


"i just feel so sorry for you, i know pete was your world, trust me i wish i could've saved him, i dream about saving him instead of what happened happening." george said while holding hands with may who was sitting across from him

"it's ok george, i realized now how selfish i was being blaming it on you, if it means anything, im sorry" may said

*knock knock knock*

"i'll get it this time." gwen said while jumping up from her seat.

she opened the door

"hey gwen, is this a bad time." miles smiled.

gwen walked out the apartment and shut the door

"yes, jeez miles, let me know next time you plan to show up." she said

"well i'll come back later, just text me" he said while turning around.

gwen shot a web and dragged him back but, dragged him a little too close. they were face to face, almost touching. miles backed up and looked to his feet, clearly blushing.

"stay please, to make it less awkward." she said.

"ok i will." miles said

they walked back into the apartment.

"miles, how have you been." may said while standing up.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now