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(2 weeks later)

the death of miles uncle, left depression through his whole family. he couldn't count how many family members came to see us. They had his funeral last week, a lot of people showed up, good and bad. Wilson Fisk was there. he introduced him self to miles. big guy. he told miles that he felt sorry and was very close to his uncle. miles didn't buy it. he was gonna blame or suspect anymore. but that voice coming out of uncle aaron's mask, soundly awfully similar to fisks. he wasn't so sure tho

gwen and miles hadn't spoke in a week. she told miles that she needed time on her own. Miles had done a little bit of spidermaning these past two weeks. he stopped a bank robbery, helped a cat out of a tree, help a old couple cross the road, anddddd ripped his suit. he sowed it back. being spiderman is a struggle, there's never anytime to do anything else. he loved it tho. he felt important.


gwen had barely left her room the past two weeks, what happened at prom with miles. made her think of pete. It's sent her into depression again. there were plates and bag from fast food stacked on top of each other on the side of gwen's bed. she didn't even feel like take trash to the trash can. gwen felt awful about how she hasn't texted miles in a week. it's all she thinks about. She really does love him.


"miles you ready bro" ganke asked.

miles sighed. he promised ganke he'd go to the arcade with him.

"i don't really wanna go but sure, i'm ready" miles said.

miles decided to shoot gwen a text

hey gwen, just wanted to say i miss u.
me and ganke going to the arcade
if you wanna come you can. Please
text me back 💕

miles did seem pretty desperate, but come on, he loved her. miles and ganke were walking down the side walk when ganke spoke up

"i'm sorry about the mj thing, it was totally my fault bro." ganke said

"nah man, dont worry about it, she's a good kisser tho isnt she." he smirked at ganke.

"incredible, i don't know what she does, it's awesome" ganke said

"ok ok, let's just shut up, we're here man." miles said

they walked inside the arcade and went up to the counter. they got there tokens and sat down at the food area of the arcade.

he checked his phone again. no response. he sighed place his phone on the table.

"still no response huh." ganke asked.

"no" miles poured

"it's alright man, she'll come around" ganke reassured miles

"of course i'll come around"

miles turned around. and boom, in all her glory, gwen.

"holy shit gwen! how are you" miles said while getting up and hugging gwen.

"i'm" she paused for a second "im better" she smiled

"well i was just about to get a milkshake, want one?" miles said.

"dumb question morales." she smirked

miles bought them both a milkshake and they sat down together next to ganke.

"dig the hoodie." miles said while pointing at the hoodie he gave her last time they saw each other.

"oh thanks, this really awesome guy gave it to me" she smiled.

"can y'all get a room." ganke rolled his eyes.

they ignored ganke.

"so miles, how was uncle aaron's funeral?" gwen asked

"it was good, a lot of bad people showed, most important was wilson fisk." he said.

"yeah dude i heard he killed people that didn't pay him back." ganke said.

"gwen, how's your head?" miles asked.

"it's good now, doesn't hurt, what you worrying about me?" gwen teased him.

"i always do" he smiled at her.

"ok let's hit the games guys" ganke said while rubbing his hands together. miles and gwen held hands as they walked around looking for games to play

(2 hours later)
ganke has been playing the arcade games non stop. gwen and miles spent most there time talking tho. gwen talked about how she went into depression, and when she's with miles it all went away.

"gwen?" miles said

"wassup miles." gwen said.

"do you wanna go on a date tomorrow." miles said

gwen had never been asked on a date.

"of course i will miles." she smiled at him.

"where i'm taking you is a suprise tho." he said.

"i like surprises" she smirked

shorter chapter today guys, this is basically a filler to set up a date between miles and gwen. i gotta y'all with a good chapter when i wake up it 6:25 am as i'm uploading this

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