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(Sunday 7:30 am)

"Gwen, Honey i won't be home the next couple days, im going to new jersey, they need extra help is this big operation." george said.

gwen was practically still asleep.

"ok dad" she yelled not knowing if she heard him right.

"ok love you gwen." george said before shutting the front door.

gwen rolled over with one eye open and checked her phone.


miles: thanks for yesterday, your dad is an awesome guy, you wanna do something today? i know a good burger place

gwen: what are you doing up so early? And no problem, i had a great time, glad u like my dad. and yeah i'm down to go to the burger place

no response. Gwen got up out of her bed with her long baggy tshirt hanging down her thighs. she walked out of her room.  *buzz buzz* she checked her phone

miles: oh i didn't much sleep last night, i was testing out the web shooters, kinda got the hang of it.

gwen: be careful miles, i got bruising all over me from falling with using my web shooters.

miles: i am, don't worry about me, actually do i got a bad cut on my chest.

gwen: shit miles u ok? send me a picture

miles sent a picture and gwen looked at it. um ok that's um, his abs, wow gwen said to herself.

*bring bring bring*

"hey miles, why did you facetime.?" she asked

"yeah why." she said worryingly

"i got show you something, it's a suprise" miles smiled.

"ok miles, see you soon." gwen said.

he hung up. That accidental ab picture of miles is all that was on that was on her mind.

she can't fall for someone again, not after peter.

getting close to someone only gets people hurt, or killed.

gwen went into the kitchen.

she grabbed a cup and got some coffee.

she heard a faint knock from her room.

she walked in and saw miles at the window.

"miles! let me know when you're gonna come through my window, i haven't even put pants on yet." she said.

"sorry sorry." he nervously chuckled.

he turned around and gwen went to her closet and grabbed a pair of sweats and threw them on.

"ok you're good miles." gwen said.

he came in through the window.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now