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miles stayed up all night to make sure gwen was ok. she was weak and tired after last nights fight with max. miles didn't care that max was most liking dead. he almost killed gwen and miles wasn't gonna let him get away with that. it was currently 8 am and miles was scrolling through his phone as gwen slept. he clicked on the newest news articles.

the speculation of flint marko aka sandman being killed by spiderman is false. he was found alive late last night laying by the ocean. he's in custody but is saying his sand powers are gone.

good to know i didn't kill him, i hope he finds help miles thought to himself

he got up from his bed and went into the living room. his father was up early sitting on his recliner. miles walked over to the couch and sat down

"how is she?" jeff asked as he turned to his son.

"she's better, the argument with her dad really tore her up" miles lied

"well tell her she's welcome to stay as like as she wants to" jeff said

miles sat there staring at the tv for a couple minutes. he spoke up and asked his dad a question

"do you like gwen?" he asked

"huh, oh. i'm shocked she's your type. but don't worry miles. i think she's a good person and if my son is happy. i'm happy for him" jeff smiled

"thanks dad"

miles stood up and went into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

he went back into his room and sat at his desk. he sipped his coffee while he drew in his sketchbook. he heard movement behind him and turned around. gwen had turned in her sleep.

miles stood up from his chair and sat on the floor beside gwen. he brushed her hair out of her face

"i promise i'll never let anything happen to you gwen" he whispered.

gwen smiled and opened her eyes.

"you better keep that promise too" gwen said

"trust me after last night. i will" he smiled

gwen sat up and kissed miles.

"i wanna apologize for last night, i definitely overreacted, my dad keeps coming home drunk and he passed out on the kitchen floor, so i was just really upset and tense"

"don't worry baby, im not mad." miles smiled

"ok good, i don't want us on bad terms when we take down kingpin and otto." gwen said

"i don't think your in good enough shape for that gwen" miles said

"don't worry i am" she said while trying to stand up.

she immediately clutched her stomach and fell to one knee.

"let me look at your stomach" miles said while lifting her baggy shirt up.

there was red lines all over her stomach from the lightning strike from max.

"look like you're gonna have a scar." miles said while rubbing her stomach.

gwen looked down at the red lightning strike looking lines on her stomach.

miles picked up gwen and put her back on miles bed.

"go to alchemax, otto and kingpin will be there. im sorry miles,i'm not well enough to fight with you. your gonna have to do this alone , grab my web-shooters and use them." gwen said

miles went over to gwen's bag and grabbed her web shooters.

"target ottos neck, there is a a neural inhibitor chip. destroy that and otto doesnt have his mechanical arms. without them he's weak, i believe in you miles" gwen said

"good luck kiss?" miles asked

gwen pulled miles in using his shirt and gave him a long passionate kiss.

"really now?" gwen asked

miles nodded. he changed into his suit and jumped out his window.

he landed on a roof top and pulled out his phone. he clicked on george's contact.

miles, what's up?

your daughter is at my place if your worried about her. i'm going to alchemax, otto octavius is there. mind bringing help?

not at all, let's take down that son of a bitch


miles landed on the roof of alchemax. he looked around until he saw a ventilation system he could crawl through. he climb inside and crawled through the vents. he stopped at what looked like kingpins office. miles stopped and listen to kingpin who was sitting at his desk.

"yes otto is currently working on that project in lab 173" wilson said

lab 173, bingo miles said to himself.

he jumped out through the next vent he crawled over. it was a janitors closet. he slowly open the door and looked in all directions. when he knew it was clear he webbed himself to the ceiling and crawled across searching for lab 173. he was coming up on the lab when the building starting flashes red.


oh boy, it's going down. miles said to himself

LADIES AND GENTLEMAN CHAPTER 29. if you don't know chapter 30 is the finale to this book. i am so happy the support y'all have showed more for what like the past 2 months i've been writing this book. i love every single one of y'all. special shout-out to ElmoRo2002
and Sophie_Dreams0  who have definitely been my best supports. see y'all in chapter 30 aka the finale 🫡

scrolled through my notifications and wanted to also thank SpiderManFan121

also chapter 30 i'm aiming for 1500 words

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