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it was the next day. gwen and miles had spent the whole morning making a plan. this was the first part


miles approached george's apartment and knocked on the front door.

it opened seconds later.

"oh hell no, miles kid, get outta here" george said

"just hear me out please" miles begged

george opened the door and let miles in.

"sit down" george said while pointing at the couch.

miles sat down but was hesitant to say anything but george spoke up.

"you know your a wanted man right?" george said

"spiderman is wanted, not miles morales" miles said

"listen miles, i know your good for my daughter, but i'm gonna give you a choice. i will let you continue to see my daughter.  but i never wanna see spiderman ever again." george said

he got straight to the point. miles didn't know what to say

"that's seriously not fair george, i've done nothing wrong for this city and also i didn't even pull the gun away from you." miles said

"your partner, spiderwoman did, but you ran from the scene"  george said.

"just choose kid, spiderman or my daughter" 

"i can't, i love both of them" miles said

george's face changed when he said Love

george started to tear up. "miles, im sorry, im way outta line, i can't make you choose, i will get the warrant for spiderman removed, but for spiderwoman, hell no"

"holy shit, thank you george, i hope you know i really love gwen" miles said

"yeah i know kid, get the hell out of here, save the city" george smiled.

he ran out of george's apartment and immediately called gwen.

gwen i got your dad to drop the warrant for my arrest

thank god, he was overreacting, he didn't drop my warrant?

no, i'm sorry

no no no, you did enough.

i'm think i'm gonna go see my parents

you should, you can't stay away from them forever

hey i gotta go. meet me at my dorm later, Love  you

miles was approaching his parents apartment building. he was really nervous. had hadn't spoken to them since the big fight with his dad.

he walked inside and took the elevator to there floor. he approached the door but hesitated to knock. After a couple of seconds of thinking he finally knocked. Seconds later his mother opened the door.

"ahhhh, miles sweetie" she said hugging him.

"hey mami" he said embracing her as well.

"you didn't answer our calls or texts, you had us worried sick" rio said

"i'm sorry mom, i had to clear my head." miles said

"your dads been real torn up about your fight, you been staying with gwen?" rio asked

"most the time yeah, we're dating now" he smiled

"that's awesome, come come inside" she said

miles walked back into his apartment. he had missed this place so much.

he walked into the living room and saw his father on the couch. jeff turned to miles and ran up and hugged him.

"miles, buddy i'm sorry man" jeff said

"no dad, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have left for so long" miles said

"jeff, him and miles are dating now" rio said proud as could be.

"really, well if you told her what i said, tell her i'm sorry, she's a good girl" jeff said.

"you wanna eat miles?" rio asked

"hell yeah! sorry i mean yes please" miles said

rio placed a plate on the table for miles. he sat down and devoured it.

"jesus miles, slow down." jeff laughed

"i missed moms cookinggg" he groaned

they all caught up and finished eating.

after eating miles headed back to his room and there was a package on his bed.

you might need this

he opened the box and inside was a brand new suit. but an armored version of his current one. this was definitely gonna help to take down the sinister six.

thought i'd go ahead and reveal the cover for the sequel of This book. It's Called Miles Apart. It makes sense for where i'm going with the story and also It has Miles in it 😩 thank you for the support as always. sorry for the shorter chapter

cover below 👇

cover below 👇

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