The Gangs Family Videos

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    After everyone was gone to work, I immediately pulled out the box from under my bed again I was able to find a way to play the old films. There was a video of me Johnny and ponyboy at the park on the swings just sitting there, talking and laughing, and right, as I was wondering who was recording this, my mom's and dads voice played. It was a foggy morning in the fall with gold and red leave's everywhere in the front yard.
"Honey what are you recording?" My dad asked walking out onto the porch. She was sitting on the couch outside with a plaid colored blanket on her.
"The twins and Johnny across the street at the park" I heard her say so joyfully. You could see my dad walk past the camera handing my mom a cup of coffee.
"Well wheres the rest of the pack?" He said sitting down.
"Darry Give it back! It's my turn!" You then hear young Soda yelling. The camera then turned to Darry holding a football high in the air keeping it away from his little brother.
"And there goes the peace and silence" my dad sighs.
"You want it? Come and reach for it squirt!" He laughed.
"I'm telling mom!" Soda complained. Then you see Steve running up behind Soda out of breathe with a sweatshirt wrapped around his waist.
"Yea we're tellin mom!" Steve added
"Can we actually do that or will we get in trouble too?" Young Steve asked leaning in whispering to Soda.
"Ohhh what are you boys doing now?" My mom asked
"Mom Dar- Darry- he's um- he's he's-" Soda said trying to put his words together but did a horrible job doing so due to his lisp at the time.
"Soda hold on, catch your breathe first, you been running around like a wild child, now let's zoom into your pearly white teeth and see the missing one" my mom said trying to side track the tattle tailing.
Soda then started jumping up and down smiling pointing to his teeth.
"Yea yea see that one ma that one I lost eating an apple and the tooth fairy gave me a whole nickle!"
"Wow a nickle! What did you buy with it?" She asked acting like she had no idea.
"Gum, I can't- I can't chew the gum yet cause, because I have no teeth yet, but when they come back I get to chomp on as much fun as I want!"
My mom just starts giggling
"Yea if they come back!" Darry Laughs in the back throwing up the football.
"Darryyyy" my dad let out walking down the porch stairs to him.
"It'll come back!" Soda yelled turning around to Darry then slowly turning back around
"It will come back won't it mama?" Soda then asked looking back to my mom terrified. I couldn't help but laugh.
" yes it will" My mom laughed then Steve jumped
In front of the camera, pointing to another empty space in my brothers mouth saying
" yeah and And this tooth, this one right here, this one came out because of me!" Steve said proudly.
"Oh really?" my mom said suspiciously
" yeah because Soda and I were climbing the monkey bars and I slipped and fell and bumped into him so so then he slipped and fell and boom his tooth came out so I got him a new nickle!" Steve smiled also with a missing tooth. My mom didn't know to laugh or be concerned so she just nervously laughed.
"Hey mom! ...MA!" Darry yelled
"Jesus- QUITE HOLLERING! You weren't raised in barn what do you want!" She yelled back laughing now pointing the camera to him.
"Watch this!"
Darry was behind the front house gate as my dad was across the street. Darry was able to throw the football super far to him and my dad caught it and started cheering for him along with my mom.

"See that honey! Look at that! Zoom into that boys face! Darrel Curtis the next professional athlete! The next Biggest Quarterback for Football!" My dad yelled running across the street smushing Darry's checks once zoomed into the camera.

"Well let's see if he can even make Varsity in High School first" Dall said Cooly walking up to the fence. My dad just laughed looking back seeing Dally leaning on the fence.
"Hey you watch I'm gonna make Varsity Freshman year!" Darry said ever so confidently

"Not with that height you won't" Two bit said also showing up.

"Hey I'm barely in middle school! I may be 5'5 now but you watch I'm gonna be over 6 foot!"
And boy was he lucky cause dad was barely 5'10.

The camera then started zooming into Dallys face as he put a Cigarette into his mouth and I knew boy was he about to get in trouble

"Dallas Tucker Winston you got 2 seconds to get that cigarette out of your mouth!"
And immediately at the start of the sentence Dally jumped and dropped the cigarette out of his mouth but tried catching it with his hand and still dropped it on the floor.
"Aw come on Ma" Dall complained
"Don't Maaa me you know I hate those!" She scolded him as he rolled his eyes lookin grouchy

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