5 years ago

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Hi every one! This is my first time writing a book and I'm not very good with punctuation. Im very sorry but I hope you all enjoy the book. I would love to read your comments and plz dont forget to vote on your fav chapters.

Samantha's pov

I remember the night my parents died. My twin brother Ponyboy and I were 9 and my brother Sodapop was 12 and my other brother Darry was 14 almost going to be 15. we were at home and I was playing with my brothers Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry.  We were wrestling while mom was getting ready and dad was starting up the car. They were going out on a date since there anniversary was coming up. My mom was leaving Darry in charge to babysit us. I felt funny about them leaving and so did Ponyboy. My brothers said there good byes but I started whining and begged my mom not to leave. She put me down and told me in a soothing voice" Sammy, you know I love you very much and I promise I will be back before you know it. Can you be strong for me?" I gave her a puppy dog face and asked why I couldn't go. She whispered in my ear " Because you have to look after the boys. I just told Darry that he's in charge so he thinks he's in charge but secretly your the real boss in the house. " Ok mommy please be home soon." I said with a big smile.  " That's my good girl." She was always good at keeping me comb and making me happy. We all said our good byes and all gave them hugs. We stayed up for a little longer. Sodapop and I played football in the house and annoyed the heck out of Darry, while Ponyboy watched T.V. and also annoyed Darry with us. Afterwards we all got ready for bed and Ponyboy read me a story. Pony and I shared the same room while Soda and Darry shared the other room. Today I was really surprised our friends didn't come over like Two bit, Steve, Dallas or Johnny. Either way I went to sleep then woke up in the middle of the night. I saw Soda holding Pony because he was crying. Soda was about to cry too though. Darry stormed off into the other room. I was very confused. A minute later Darry came out of the room and stood by his door. I walked up to soda and asked innocently " Whats wrong? Why is every one Crying?" Everyone looked at me funny.  

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