The Fight with Darry

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The rest of the week went by normal. Friday night Soda was teaching me how to make the gangs chocolate cake.
" Nice Sam, you know what was the best part of teaching you this?" He had a huge smile on his face.
" What Sodapop?" I said placing the cake down.
" I now know you can make Chocolate cakes for us every week!"
"oh great Soda just what I want to do" I said sarcastically with a smile.
"That's the spirit!"
He told the whole gang and they were super happy about that. That night we all played board games, cards, ate a lot of Chocolate cake, and the boys made me and Pony drink a bunch of gross drinks. Said it was a guess the flavors game.
"Sam, come in here please" Darry called from the kitchen.
" What's up Darry?"
"Why are we all out of beer?" I just remembered he got a 12 pack today.
" There are 4 people who drink beer. Did you take one?" He looked at me straight in the eye's and that worried me because ever since I was little he could tell when I was lying.
" no Darry I didn't drink any but I think that Two bit might of had 3 today" I lied, hoping Two bit would take the blame.
" Two bit, get in here!"
" What's up superman!" He asked while coming into the kitchen. How many beers did you have today?"  I liped 3 to him.
" oh I'm sorry Darry I had four. I got a little carried away having so much chocolate and you know I always gotta have a beer with it. I wont do it again my bad"he says as Darry had his hands on his hips and just nodded, Then he left the kitchen.
" Look Sam I know you drank some. I don't like you drinking. I don't even let Pony or Soda drink."
"alright Darry." I walked into the other room and sat down. The next night Ponyboy Johnny and I went to the movie's. We watched some beach movie. Then of course we saw Two bit drunk. After the movies we went to the lot and talked. Of course we fell asleep. Someone started to shake me I then realized it was Pony.
" Sam we gotta go we fell asleep. C'mon Sam Darry's gonna kill us."
We ran home. Johnny didn't want to come he was too tired to move. We saw the light on and got nervous. " Where the hell have you two been?"
" Sorry Darry we fell asleep in the lot while talking to johnny." I said trying to sound as innocent as possible.
" Oh ya Sam that's a great excuse. You guy's cant be home by 2 in the morning" He yelled
" Look Darry were really sorry. We didn't mean to" Pony said trying not to yell.
" It was an accident or I forgot. That's all I ever hear from Pony but don't you start using those excuses Sam." He yelled at me while pointing a figure.
" You know what Darry I'm sick and tired of you always yelling at us alright! You're always pushing us away like you don't give a damn about us! You know Darry at some point in time you actually cared about us! But now I don't even know who the hell you are anymore!" I said angrily
He looked at me like he wanted to smack me. "You better watch your mouth little lady, and you know what Sam people change! It's called growing up! So you outta get used to it because if you don't, guess what? You're gonna go out in to the real world and it's gonna eat you alive! You know mom should have never put those stupid thought's in your mind that you should never grow up!" He yelled getting closer to my face as I kept my back against the door. I just stared at him slowly getting more scared, realizing that I haven't lived with them in so many years for all I know Darry was the Next Uncle Vernon and it just takes one swing and he could knock me out cold.
"I hate that she always filled you and Ponyboy's head with that nonsense!" He yelled holding his hands on his hips pointing at us ever so often. Pony would barely look at him. My back was against the door, and Ponyboy had his back against the wall just watching Darry scream at both of us, but mostly me.
"Face it! Mom and dad are gone and your not Peter Pan and god damn tinker bell over here! This is the real world and it's time for you to just both to grow up! I've had it between you thinking you could do whatever you please taking beer whenever you feel like it and you thinking you can take off any where anytime you feel like it!"  He hollered at both of us. But just like that something snapped in me once he brought up mom and dad. I was then filled with Anger. I then lunged at him tackled him to the floor. Then Soda came out of his room hearing all the commotion. Pony got me off of Darry and Soda pulled Darry up. Soda told Pony to take me back into our room and to go to bed as Darry just looked pissed beyond words and shocked he was cursing but I was so mad I didn't hear any of it. "Look Sam he was just worried about us okay? Don't listen to him about that never grow up nonsense. Just be a be yourself.  He really does love you. He loved that stuff to you know. Now he just has a lot of things on his mind..." I just ignored him acces got under the blankets.
" Good night Sam." He let out
I just went to bed wishing this never would have happened. I wanted to cry but I didn't. Mom always told me those stories because they were my favorite. I always hear her voice telling me about how peter won and how all you need in life is faith trust and my brother's. I missed her and dad so much.

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