Ponyboy Sorry

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I ran to the lot crying. I never would have wanted to kill Johnny or Dally. I finally got to the lot under a tree where Johnny and I would go growing up. I then saw Johnny and I playing on the tree and playing tag how we used to. I imagined us playing again. "You cant catch me im Samantha Curtis the first lost girl.  You'll never catch me and make an adult" I would yell on top of the tree. "Ill get you lost girl if its the last thing I do" johnny used to yell being a pirate.  It was always fun playing Peter pan with the boys. Then I saw Two bit and Soda under the tree. " I swear I saw her go this way"  Soda said scratching his head. "Man I know there twins and all and I know they fight but man Ponyboy went to far this time." Two bit said looking at Sodapop. I tried to jump to the next branch but just fell to the ground. "Hey Minnie you okay?!" Two bit yelled. I got up rubbing my arm. " ya just great!" I said sarcastically. Soda gave me a piggy back ride home. "Hey those cuts makes you guys look real tuff!" Two said trying to lift my spirits. I gave him a small smile. Soda put me on my bed and closed the door. Then Superman walked in "Hey Samantha how you feeling"  "Great superman I mean my twin hates me now I killed both of my best friends got cuts all over ya life's great don't you think."  He just let out a deep sigh. " Sam Pony doesn't hate you and you didn't kill your best friends but you did get pretty bad cuts." We just giggled then he left and Pony came in. "Hey Sam" he said saying happy to see me. "Look I just want to go to bed okay" I said angrily. "Runt look im sorry ok. What I did wasn't ok and I'm sorry I hurt you...I haven't been dealing with everything too good the last few weeks and I just blew up and I'm sorry" he said. We just hugged for awhile. I knew we both needed that. "So you know how we tell each other everything?" I just nodded. "Well what the hells up with you and Two bit?" he asked smiling. I just told him what happened and he hit me with a pillow so then I hit him back then the whole gang came in and let's just say it turned into a war zone.

Soda came in and joined then Steve and Darry started a pillow fight then Two bit snuck up behind me and set me on his lap and he kissed me. Then Soda came up and took me away from Two bit and set me on the other side of the room. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis was that necessary?" I laughed. "Actually yes even though Superman should be paying me and Pony to. Your our baby sister and were gonna protect you while Darry keeps you from having fun." We all just giggled. "Hey I got to go but I'll be back tomorrow. Bye guys bye Runt."  he yelled we all said bye and they all started teasing me then Sodapop Steve and I played cards then me and Steve arm wrestled and Steve barley won. Other then that, the night was fun. I mean they were the happiest that I was with you a bit, but they knew they couldn't stop me and him being together.

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