Sodas Drag Race Gone Wrong

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We headed out and boy was I excited. I love drag racing so much. It was me and Sodapops thing. We showed up in Soda's drag racing car that he hid behind the DX shop. Only Steve and I knew about it. If Darry knew he'd kill us. Dally would always want to use it and Johnny and Pony never really cared about drag race's like we did so we never really told them. When we got there, there was a bunch of guy's.
" Hey Steve, Soda. Who the hell is she?" A big guys asked. Steve stood in front of me.
" it's fine Mike she's my kid sister. Ponyboy's twin." Soda said coolly. All of a sudden a bunch of his guy's came over and started checking me out.
" Layoff creep's" I said as one came a little too close. They all backed off a little but I could tell they were still checking me out. Steve just stood there some what protectively. I could tell he cared but he didn't want to show it. " Aww you do care Stevie" I said jokingly. He gave me a snarling look. " Shut your trap Sam" I just smirked at him. "You ready to lose Curtis." Mike said while getting in his car.
" Youll be eating your words pretty soon" Soda yelled. They asked me to tell them when to go so I went in between the front of the car's and yelled "On your mark, get set, GO!" Soda flew off but then that Mike guy was catching up. " No" Steve said. " Dammit Sam that guy's a dangerous cheater! This Why I was scared to let Soda go!" Steve said putting his hands on his head. "Steve come on it's just a race he'll be fine" I told him I could still see the cars going back and fourth taking a lead in eachother. "Sam you don't get it Sodas wild and reckless so he'll keep going till he loses control of the car and Mike never wants to lose he'll do anything to win!" Steve said panicking more and more. I looked back at the road to see Soda almost about to win then Mike's car slammed into Soda's car and made him go flying off the road. " Soda!" I screamed. Steve and I ran towards the flipped over car. "Sodapop!" I yelled running off the road into the side ditch. Steve was right next to me then started trying to open the door but it jammed. I started hitting the window "Soda! Soda can you hear me!" I yelled panicking. It was was pitch black I couldn't see anything especially in the cars. Steve finally got the door opened and We pulled out Soda. He was unconscious with a bit of blood on the side his face and a bruise forming where his eyebrow was. "Oh god" I let out almost wanting to cry.
"Hey! Soda? Buddy can you hear me?" Steve said shaking him panicking.
"Soda?!...shit" Steve said trying to get him to wake up.
After about a minute he woke up. He took a huge breath and I let out a sigh.
"Oh thank god, You okay Sodapop?" I asked looking at him more seeing a huge cut on his head. "Ya im fine" He said with his eyes looking around.
Then Steve started yelling at me. " dammit Sam, I knew he shouldn't of came! But of course you just had to come in the room and motivate him to !" He said pushing me. Steve never yell's at me and I never wanted to hurt anyone? Especially Soda. " I'm Sorry Steve! I didn't know any of this I didn't know this was going to happen? Here let me help" Steve pushed me back hard. I fell from being on my knees to my back.

"No, you've done enough."

" Steve im sor-"

" You know what Sam, why dont you just get out of here and go screw up someone else's life!"

"Steve shut up" Soda yelled.

" You are just another mistake Sam. face it no one want's you!"

" Steve I didnt mean to. Honest!"

" Just get out of here Sam you don't belong here or anywhere else. Your just another Stupid girl that's just a screw up."

I felt tears start coming down slowly. I just left. First I walked up to Mike kicked him in the crouch then punched him in the nose then just ran off. I know Steve was being a bit dramatic blaming me because I know this wasn't completely my fault because I didn't even know Soda was gonna race let alone race Mike. But what bothered me was what if that's how the whole gang really did see me.

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