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The next day was Saturday we were all sitting at the table for breakfast and it was silent.
"Hey Sam want to come down to the DX? Steve and I found an old Mercury that we want to fix up. Want to help?" I forgot about how much I loved to help Soda and dad work on cars. I remember how Steve would come over to help too.
" Ya sure that would be awesome." He smiled and I could tell he was super excited.
" Hey Pony, Johnny, you want to tag along?"
" ya why not we got nothing better to do." Johnny said coolly. Pony Johnny and I went back to our room. I got dressed in front of them while Pony was taking off his shirt. They looked at each other and Johnny wanted to giggle.
"oh my god it's like you guys have never scene a girl get dressed."
They just went back to talking.
" you guys need to hurry up" Soda yelled opening our door. We hoped in the Truck as Darry droped us off. I was wearing a black and white flannel with a light grey tank top underneath with black converse, While Soda was wearing a red flannel with a white t-shirt and dirty jeans. Pony was wearing a purple sweatshirt with cut off sleeves and Johnny was wearing a black t-shirt and a jean jacket and finally Steve was wearing his work shirt that he's been wearing three day's straight. And I can assure you it has not been washed in probably months. Steve Soda and I worked on the car while Pony and Johnny drank a bunch of Soda's inside the gas station. Johnny would sometimes hand us tools. Later we all went to drink Soda inside and write down parts we need to order.
"Sam go whipe your hands or something." Steve demanded. "Okay." I rubbed my hands all over his clothes and face while Johnny snuck up behind me and started tickling me then of course Pony joined in. Then Steve and Soda put them in a head lock and poured Soda all over them. I started laughing and they all got Soda's and poured them on me. We all wrestled for a while.
"Alright you guys start picking this up and me and Steve will work on the car" Soda said while running out with Steve.
"Heyyy" We all yelled then laughed. As we picked up 4 soc's walked in.
" Hey greaser's how's it going."
" what do you guy's want?" I yelled. " How about you" one said leaning closer and closer to me. "Hey leave her out of this." Johnny demanded. We all looked at them boldly.
" Come on you don't want to hang with these bum's especially the weak quiet one." He said while trying to come closer to me.
" Back off that's my brother." I said still holding a glare.
" So your the little runt running around town. Well for being the runt in the gang you might want to be careful, runt's like you are known for getting stepped on" He said walking torwards me more until the counter was right behind me. He stared at me for a bit holding eye contact then did before I could react he garbed me by the hair and through me across the floor. Johnny tried to tackle him but 2 other guys grabbed him and pinned him on the wall while Pony tried to come help me but then another guy grabbed him and put his arms behind his back.
"Leave her alone" Pony yelled trying to get loose. There was a lot of commotion you could hear between them throwing Johnny against the wall and Pony yelling with the Soc's. The lead guy started to walk towards me. Then I felt some one behind me pick me up to my feet. It was Steve thank god.
"That's enough Roscoe! Get out!" Soda demanded.
"Aw we were just having some fun with them. Especially with your cute kid sister." Roscoe said. " I don't wanna to see you near my kid sister or brother or there buddy again you hear." Soda said while Roscoe smirked.
"Boy's let's go" They all let go of Johnny and shoved Pony. They all walked out together hoping into there bright red convertible.
"Sam you ok?" Pony and Soda asked at once.
"Ya i'm fine my head hurts a little though."
" Kid why don't you have a blade huh?" Steve said kind of angry.
"I don't have one Steve so lay off" I said sounding a bit irritated but quiet.
It was silent for a little. "Hey Sam Steve let's work on the car a little more we only have 30 more minutes till Superman picks us up." Soda said trying to break up the silence.
Steve went out first busting the side door to the garage open storming out. I pulled Sodapop back " Hey Soda why was Steve so mad? Did I do something? Does he know that Roscoe guy?" Soda sighed looked out at Steve working on the car.
"ya Steve know's Roscoe, before we knew each other real well, Steve and him were buddies. Steve had a kid sister named Jamie. She was a really sweet girl, everyone loved her. Anyways, Roscoe and Jamie started dating but, one day he took her to a party to show off his new broad. He started drinking and got drunk. She over heard them talking about how they were gonna jump Steve since he was still a dirty greaser and he was gonna give him a few bullet holes, but Roscoe just always said those things so he could make a name for himself but at that time who knows if he really meant it or not. When Jamie went to leave someone caught her and told Roscoe that she heard everything. They hit a beer bottle on her head and beat her up real bad and left her at the park. Steve found her the next morning after he found out she didn't come home. She told Steve everything and him being 15 at the time didn't really know what to do but you know Steve can be a hot head sometimes" Soda said nervously.
"We'll what did he do?"
"Steve shot Roscoe in the arm and told him to never go near his kid sister or him again. She doesn't live hear anymore though, Steve sent her to go live with her aunt and uncle so she would be safe. It's not like there mom cared where her and Steve stayed anyway. But Roscoe isn't his real name, it's Ralph but he never liked that name and since he was good with guns they called him Roscoe. Don't tell Steve I told you though alright." Soda said calmly. I just nodded. I felt bad for Steve. I mean me and him arnt best friends, Not even Pony and him get along to well but I still felt bad for him.

Steve's POV
I was angry at Roscoe for doing that to Pony and Johnny and especially Sam. I mean we normally don't get along but still we were okay buddies and no one messes with my buddies especially my Best friends kid sister. Even if it was Pony id would still be bad. But secretly I really liked Sam. She reminded me of my kid sister Jamie. We were really close when she was younger and I really missed her. I just don't like getting attached to people but the only real person I'm attached to is Soda. He's the best friend anyone could ask for. Honestly sometimes I forget that Sam's not my real sister. I mean when she was about 8 years old some kid was teasing her, and I knew It didn't bother her but still I didn't like it.  So one day and remember I was about twelve or thirteen and he was about 9, I grabbed him by the shirt and told him " You better never go near or tease Samantha Curtis ever again!" and I through him to the wall. Then put him in the dumpster. I really did care about her but I always kept my distance.

Johnnys POV

Pony started telling me about what happened between her and Darry. She loved Darry very much. For her it must of felt like Darry disowned her. I remember the Curtis's mom. She was really nice. She knew it was hard for me at home so she always let me stay the night and would tell the twins and I stories. I really did miss her. I remember she was the only one who could keep Dallas out of trouble. When she died his heart just went pitch black.

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