The Kiss & Going to far

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I had bought my dress that weekend with the boys and I got a nice dress I liked for $11 and shopping with them wasnt too bad besides Steve pretending to try on dresses and Sodapop picking up chicks left and right.
The next day Two bit and I walked to the Dingo for lunch.  " so what you getting?"  He asked. "Some food"  i said still looking at the menu. We cracked jokes the whole time we were eating. The juke box then started playing and everyone was dancing so then out of nowhere Two bit got up grabbed me and started swing dancing with me. We danced for so long i was actually sweating but gosh was it fun. They finally started playing some slow songs and for some reason I got this funny feeling from how Two Bit was lookin at me. I mean the way he was looking at me no one's ever looked at me that way before. It kinda made me nervous have me a bit of butterflies. We pulled apart and thought it would be best to start walking home. We walked out and Two grabbed my hand and started twirling me. "Hey I wanna try something" he said
"Alright" I giggled he spun me out then spun me in and did something I never saw calming. He kissed me. My first kiss. Two Bit Matthew. I was shocked then in awe then shocked again! I pushed him off me and ran down the alley on the side of the restaurant. " Sam! Sammy!  look im sorry. Please comeback. " he yelled begging and looking around for me. After 5 min. Of looking for me i finally came out. I couldn't believe what just happened. The worst part was I actually liked it. " hey two im really sorry I-" he interrupted me. " No Sam i should be the one to apologize it was stupid of me and-"  
"Oh shut up!" I smiled and got up on my tippy toes and kissed him and he kissed me back. Then when we stopped and we looked to our right and saw Pony standing there in shock. He ran home and we chased him. He was in track so it was difficult to keep up with him. We were an inch away then he opened the door "Runt and Two bit were making outside of the dingo." They were all watching TV and slowly processing of what my soon to be dead twin just said. "you little bastered" I yelled chasing him and tackling him. We were wrestling on the floor till I finally punched him where the sun don't shine. Everyone groaned imagining the pain. Soda and Darry Tried to get Pony while Two bit and Steve tried pulling me off. It took Soda Two bit and Steve to take me off. "You sun of a b-" pony yelled then Darry covered his mouth and took him into his room while the other 3 had to almost carry me to my room. I swear I would of torn Ponyboy apart limb by limb. "Sam's got a boyfriend Sam's got a boyfriend!" Steve sang. I lunged at him and he screamed like a girl. Soda and Two Bit both had to pin me to the wall. "Nows not the best time to pick on Runt Steve"  Soda said worried also trying not to laugh. I could hear Darry having a rough time with settling Pony down.  The boys started loosing grip on me so Steve went to get rope and duct tape. "Soda just knock her out for pete sake" Steve yelled at him getting nervous to tie me up. "Dude im not gunna knock my kid sister out...and ur not gonna tie her up put that down!" Soda said trying to get a better grip. Neither of us settled down cause we were still yelling at eachother through the walls." No one is knocking anyone out" Darry yelled walking in the room with Pony in his arms not being able to get loose. Once our eyes met we were at it again.  I scratched Pony on the cheek and he bit my arm. "Enough!" Darry yelled angry. "You wall you wall" Darry said pointing to opposite sides of the room meaning we just had to stay on opposite sides with our backs against the wall. We cooled off after 5 minutes of Darry's lecturing we didn't listen one bit but we just didn't talk. We sat in the kitchen starting to make threats to each other through our eyes because our brothers were there. " you guys are acting like little Bratz right now." Soda said putting an Ice pack on his jaw while Two gave me one for cheek. "What is wrong with you 2. You have been the best of friends since you were born." Darry said while looking at our cuts and bruises. "Well I dont like being friends with stupid snitches. And just so you know snitches get stitches you little bi-"
"Dont go there Samantha"Darry scolded.
" Hey I would rather be a snitch then be a stupid runt little girl who killed our best friend." Pony yelled quickly regretting what he just said.
" Hey Pony you went way to far" everyone started yelling. That one hurt a lot. I felt tears almost coming out. "Sam! Wait you know I didn't mean that." Pony yelled over there voices. "You know what Pony. I'm tired of you always blaming me for shit whenever something goes wrong! Johnny may have been my best friend but after Johnny left I thought you would always be as much as a best friend to me as he was. But I guess I was wrong huh" I said getting up and leaving. I ran out the door in the cold crying. I just ran to the lot where Johnny and I used to go.

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