Getting used to living w/ my brother's

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The next day I woke up in my old room and Ponyboys bed is still there. I walked into the kitchen and saw the whole gang there. Are they always here? I saw Soda making breakfast Pony and Johnny eating and cracking jokes while Two bit was annoying the heck out of Steve, and of course Dally trying to trip Sodapop while cooking breakfast. " Morning sleeping beauty." Soda said. "Morning" I said kind of sounding grumpy. "Ohh someone's not a morning person?" Two bit snickered. " Ohh someone can't get a girlfriend!" I said back with a wolfish smile. All the guys laughed. Then Darry came down stairs and told everyone to get ready to go. Soda and Steve had work, Johnny and Pony had to go to school, and Dallas and Two bit were going to watch me and show me around and take me shopping.
" Alright thanks guys for watching Sammy today and everything." Darry said while leaving.
" Sure Darry, I love babysitting little runts like Sammy here." he snickered.
I hit him in the back of the head then he got me in a headlock and said "bye Darry" while laughing his head off.  "All right bye. Don't break anything though or else i'm gonna have to break you."  Dallas just rolled his eye while we wrestled on the ground. We went at it for a while until he pinned me down started tickling the heck out of me I couldn't stop laughing and I couldn't breath till Dally pulled him off of me. I could tell he was a little impressed that I could wrestle.
" Not bad for a girl" he smirked.
We Walked  around a lot.  Two and Dally took me to mall to get some clothes.  Two  actually had good taste but Dallas wanted me to wear something similar to stripper clothes but I knew he was joking I just kept throwing them right back at his face. After we started walking home and was about to turn around the corner and saw a blue Mustang turning the corner behind us. "Well who's this pretty broad you have with you?" Bob asked in a drunk wobbly voice as he got out of the car.
"you better watch it you're on our territory." Two bit said sternly.
"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing with the bunch of greasers like them." He said it like it was a bad thing.
" you better watch it before I kick your ass." I said glaring at him.
" You're feisty, I like that in a girl."  He said getting closer.
Dallas punched him in the face then Bob looked like he was going to punch him back but before he could I then kicked him right where the sun don't shine. Bob and Randy ran to there car and yelled " You better watch your back greasers because I'll be watching out for you guys. Especially you, you little rat!" he yelled at us as he pointed a finger at me. They drove off and we laughed the rest of the way home. "Damn Sam you're a pretty tuff and tough girl." Two bit said kind of surprised. " Why are you surprised?" I asked.
"Maybe because before you were a scrawny little runt that liked hanging around your brother's a little too much." Dally smirked.
" Oh ya dally like you didn't care or like me." I said sarcastically.
"she does have a point Dall. You did always like her tagging along and always were close with her. You acted like you were her fourth brother." Two bit smart mouthed.
  "Ya,ya, ya," he said while trying not to smile. "Aww you do care." I said smart allicin him.
"Shut up Sam. At least I'm not the baby in the gang." He said trying to mock me.
" Do you really need me to kick you were the sun don't shine too? Same goes for you Two bit." Two through up his hands as we walked onto the bus. We got home and I started to put my clothes away. I honestly can't remember a time I had new clothes it was really nice. After that we all sat in the living room and watched Mickey. I never was allowed to watch TV either so anything we did was fun. I saw Two bit having a beer. " Hey pass that over, let me try some." I've never had one but I wanted to see what it tasted like.
" I don't think Darry's gonna like you drinkin." he giggled. I didn't really care though. I took a big gulp and almost spat it out. " uuhh that taste awful how can you drink that?"
They both laughed
" what's wrong baby in the family can't keep her beer down." Dallas said while laughing then talking a swig. As he took his sip I tipped the bottom of it making it poor on him. He gave me a death stare while Two was laughing his head off. He tackled me to the ground and put me in a headlock. He literally dragged me into the kitchen and got another beer bottle and poured the whole thing on me. " Dallas stop, your getting it in my hair!" He knew I hated getting stuff in my hair. Like when Steve purposely put chocolate cake in my hair or when Darry got honey in my hair. "I know that's the point you little runt!" Then Two bit got in it and smashed an egg on my head we had a food fight until Darry came in. "what the hell is going on." He stared at us.
" Sam why the hell do you smell like beer? Have you been drinking?" He scowled at me. I normally don't get scared of people when they yell at me but, he was really scary. We told him everything what happened. He still looked upset though. "Sam you're grounded for 3 days and Two bit, Dally, you guys are going to buy all the  foods you guys wasted."  We all nodded and laughed once he left. Later on that night we discussed all of our chores.They weren't difficult which was good and some of them my brothers and the gang would be helping me do which I think would make it fun. Then Darry started talking about how next week I'm going to be going to school. It was already Friday so that means on Monday I'd have to start which totally sucked. Especially that I was grounded this weekend.

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