Seeing Johnny

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How you know who's talking when they go see Johnny. Ponyboy, Two bit is in bold , Dallas, and Johnny and Sam normal.

The next morning I woke up and started getting ready to go see Johnny.  Everyone was already awake yelling and eating breakfast. I went to go to brush my hair. As I was brushing my hair I saw Pony come in with a big grin on his face. I then saw he had an egg in his hand.
" What's going on Pony."
"Nothing much. Your hair look's nice." He then tried to smash the egg in my head and I grabbed his arm and got the egg and put in his hair and rubbed it in.
" Thank's your hair look's good too" I smiled. I then saw Soda taking a picture. " So cute seeing you two play nice." We looked at each other then pulled him in and pushed him in the tub. We got the shaving cream and put it all over him. Steve was laughing. We just ran before he could get us. Later on Dall took us to all go see Johnny.
"Hey Johnny" we all said walking in

"Hey guys what's up" he said trying his best to sound cheerful.

"Nothing much kid. We miss having you at home though."

" Hey, do they make you eat Jello only?"

" Honestly, I just throw them away you could take that stack though" Johnny said looking at about ten mini jello cups.

" Thank's man."

" Hey, Johnny do you want me to ask them for a T.V. or something?"

"That would be great Sam."

" Hey Johnny, what do you eat here?" Pony asked curiously.

" I haven't even eaten actually. I just drink a lot of water."

We just talked and Two bit kept sneaking down to the cafeteria to take a bunch of Jello. I hated Jello like Johnny though. That day we also talked about memories we had with Johnny. Like how Johnny took me to my first carnival, how Johnny used to go to rumble's with Dally, how Tow bit and Johnny tried to suprise us by cleaning up the house but clogged the toilet (Yes it was Two bit's fault but Johnny tried to help unclogged it and made it worse.) and how Johnny and Pony met in 2nd grade at the track. It was fun talking about old times. It started to get late and we had to leave. " Sam wait come here." Johnny said trying to whisper. I went back. " Sam, I just want you to know that I love you. You have always been my kid sister. Just don't think that this is your fault ok?"
" Alright Johnny it means a lot to me. I love you too." I hugged him that night and left expecting to come back tomorrow.

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