Moving in with my brother's

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After our group hug in the court room Sodapop  looked at me and said "don't worry only one night till you come home with us and we'll be there early, first thing in the morning to pick you up, you hear, Just pack your clothes up and everything else you need." He smiled ear to ear. I nodded. Darry gave me a warm smile and said "it's great to see you again baby sister." I smiled and left. I couldn't believe how much they have grown up.  no one talked to me on the way home it was just plain silent but I like it that way better. My aunt and uncle stormed upstairs in silence. That night I didn't eat I was too excited, I packed everything up and went straight to bed hoping that maybe it would be morning sooner. The next day I was up and was ready early  in the morning getting myself dressed, brushed my teeth, and putting my hair in a high ponytail. It was 7:30 am. I was awake before my aunt and uncle. I ran over to the phone book that I was never allowed to look at and used the phone I was never allowed to touch and looked for the Curtis residence. I dialed the phone and a deep groggy voice answered.
"Hello?" It didnt sound like Darry?
"Hi...this is the Curtis residence isn't it?" I said second guessing thinking I found the wrong number or used the telephone wrong.
"Yea now what do you want?..." I paused
"Wait kid...are u callin for ponyboy or something?" He said sounding grouchy.
"Um well sure, or if Dar-" and before I could finish my sentence I was cut off.
"Hey Steve get up your never gonna believe this a girls callin for ponyboy can you believe this man" the boy said almost chucking.
"A what?" I can hear Ponyboy saying coming closer to the phone. I heard the phone getting passed over
"Hello?" He asked
"Hey Pony it's Sam! Sorry I'm calling so early but I was wondering what time you guys were gonna be here?" I asked excitedly almost whispering.
"Oh hi Sam, we didn't know if you were still sleeping but most of us are up we could go right now if your ready"
"Yea that would be great! Do you live far?"
"No maybe about 15 20 minutes? But maybe sooner depending on who's driving" he chuckled
"Hey is Pony on the phone with a girl!" I heard a yell in the back.
"Pipe down Two Bit it's Sam" I heard The grouchy boy yell back.
"Look we'll get Darry up and be right over alright" he said
"Alright I'll see you then" I said excited
"Alright bye" he said and the phone hung up. First time I ever really used a phone and instead of it being a boy it was my brothers. Figures. I thought kinda laughing at myself.
I waited about 30 minutes for my brothers, and they finally arrived. Aunt Trina and Uncle Vernon were awake by then in there robes and gave me a dirty look as they passed me in the kitchen. I heard a knock at the door and ran to see Darry dressed nicely with a brown coat and his hair slicked back and Soda in his red flannel and Ponyboy in a dark blue T shirt and blue jeans with white converse. I gave them a hug each as they came in.
"Alright where are your bags? We can help you carry them out" Soda smiled.
"Oh well I don't have much but I just have my backpack which has my books and small stuff and just a trash bag but it's small cause I don't have much clothes" I smiled putting my backpack on and pulling out my trash bag from my room that was actually just a closet space. They looked in the room and Soda almost had a sad look on him. Darry just looked at it in shock and pony stayed quite.
"All this time, in this big house you been living in here?" Darry asked still peaking his head in. I didn't know what to really say.
"I mean, sucked but it's not the worst. I kept my books on that shelf and believe it or not it was actually easy to put bed sheets on because there's no frame so it wasn't too bad" I just kinda shrugged trying to make light of it.
"No wonder they never let us over" Soda said.
"You guys tried to visit?" I asked turning around in shock to him.
"Yea sure all the time. Soon as Darry got Soda and I back we tried stopping by on the weekends or holidays. They always told us you were busy or that we can't come or they'll call the cops saying we were trying to kidnap. I mean we never could afford much but we still tried giving you gifts for your birthdays and stuff but they would never let us see you or tell us where you were. They never even allowed us to give you gifts or letters. It always said send back to sender stamped on it" Ponyboy spoke up. That made me angry, it made me want to cry. I just kinda stood there feeling upset.
"We'll there's no point in standing here reminiscing on how they acted" Darry said closing my old room door. Sodapop grabbed the trash bag I had and Darry opened the door for us. As we walked out Aunt Trina then starts on a mocking voice
"Thanks Aunt Trina, Thank you uncle Vernon for all the amazing opportunity's you gave me! Thank you for letting me stay in your delightful home. Thank you for taking care of me all these years just for me to be ungrateful and get up and leave" she said mocking me. I just stood there looking at her thinking of all the pain this women cause me and she expects me to thank her.
"She owes you nothing. You had her sleeping in a closet space having her believe it was a room when I know damn well you have a spare bedroom upstairs if not 2. Even if she wanted to thank you I wouldn't of allowed it because you treated her like she was nothing, so no...she dosent owe you nothing. You never wanted her in the beginning so don't even act like you want her now " Darry spoke glaring her down. She just stood there with a better look on her face. The same face she made the day she walked in to our house, and she want to take me away after a parent died.
Sodapop grabbed my shoulder gently "come on let's get you home" he said. Ponyboy went in the back of the truck while I road in the middle with Soda and Darry. We showed up to the house and gosh it hasn't changed ine bit. Other then the fact it being a little dirty looking like a frat house which is pretty close to what was actually happening. Ponyboy gravbed my bag as I had my back we walked up to the door and as Darry was unlocking the door he let out a
"Welcome home little sister" he almost yelled and as the door swung open everybody surprised me yelling and hollering "Surprise"
I got to see two bit,Johnny, Steve, and Dallas. Of course Steve was yelling with chocolate cake on his face. I was so shocked I almost had a heart attack! After I gave everyone a hug and said hello we all sat down for lunch because boy was I hungry. We sat at the table and they had so many questions. " so how  have you been Sammy?"   Steve asked. " I could have been better but okay I guess." I chuckled.
"Damn  what happened to your eye Sam?" two bit  asked  curiously.
" oh not much really, uncle Vernon just got mad at me one day and clocked me but it doesn't hurt." I said scarfing my food down.
"Oh ya Sam that's nothing Uncle Vernon just happen to punch you in the face but that's just nothing." Soda said sarcastically. Steve just giggled. "So Darry where am I going to school?"  I asked kind of hoping he would say I don't have to but I knew I couldn't get a job.
" you'll be going to Tulsa High School with Johnny Pony and Two bit." I nodded. The rest of the night we just talked and laughed together it was cool to see the gang again. Everyone left that night except  Johnny he just sleep't on the couch.

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