Coming home/ Flight Crash???

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Today was the day. I finally get to see my brother and my best friend since they left. I was so excited. The gang and I were messing around and beating each other up. It's been about 3 days since my nightmares. I haven't had any. We did a few chores Soda and Steve worked on the race car since Darry wasn't home, Two bit did his usual hobby called keep drinking beer's, and Dally wasn't here yet. The boy's are supposed to be at the airport in an hour. I was doing the dishes and was listening to the radio. Hey baby the song came on and of course Two bit heard and came running in from the backyard.
" May I have this dance?" he asked turning me around and holding his hand out. " You may" we were swing dancing. He through me around quiet a bit. " I didn't know you knew how to dance."I said laughing
" Right back at ya darlin" he smiled. I went back to doing the dishes. Then I heard braking news on the radio. "There was a plane heading to Oklahoma coming from Washington. It crashed and had 40 children on the plane 27 have already been killed 4 severally injured and 1 barley made it out alive." The radio announcer said. I dropped the plates that were in my hand. Soda and Steve came into the house hearing the crashing noise
" What's wrong Sam?" Soda came in all sweaty.
" oh my god... Soda, they might be dead, Pony and Johnny might be dead!" I cried out hysterically. I told him and he told everyone to get in the car and I explained it to them. I could tell everyone was scared. We saw Dally walking we told him to get in and we picked up Darry from work. When we got there I saw Ponyboy in a flannel covered with smoke. "Pony" I yelled running into his arms and jumping on him. He grabbed me and held me tight. "Pony please don't ever leave again" I said sobbing. " I wont Sam I wont" he said calming me down.
"Pony, why are you a blonde headed monkey?" I asked giggling. " Soc's played a dirty trick on me." He said annoyed. I got on his back and he ran towards Soda and Darry and we got in a group hug. "What happened to your tuff hair?" Soda asked smiling. "What happen to her tough face?" He let out looking at me.  Then the whole gang started teasing Pony. "I know it's lousy but you don't gotta rub it in." He said. Then I had to ask "Pony where's Johnny?" Everyone went silent. Pony looked down at his feet " He was one of the 4 that were severely injured." I went up to a nurse. " What room is Johnny Cade in?"
" Im sorry you cant go in right now"

"Two bit blade" he threw to me and I pointed it at her.

" Your gonna tell me where my Johnny Cade is before I run this threw you" I said Angry.

She look terrified and just pointed to a door. We walked towards it and everyone was staring at me. "What are you looking at" I snapped. We walked in and saw him lying there helplessly.

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