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" Hey Johnnycakes." I said trying my best to sound happy.
" Hey Sammy. Hey guy's." They all said hi. We couldn't say much because we were in such shock. He was so burnt you could barely tell it was him. The only way he could see is was by using a mirror in front of him.
" We really missed you while you were gone." I said
" Ya well I sure missed you guy's a lot. Pony and I got all ya'll gift's. Pony get them out."
" No it's okay we'll open them when you get home." I said .
"Hey when you come back we'll make you a bunch of chocolate cake." Soda said trying to sound cheerful.
" Can I please talk to Sammy alone." Everyone nodded and left.

"Johnny what's going on."

" Sam I'm sorry, I might not make it."

" Johnny don't say that. Your my best friend. your gonna be fine."

" Sam I'm sorry I want to be honest and even if I survive I wont be able to walk and I will have to keep taking medicine and be in so much pain."

" Johnny please don't leave me. Remember when I was little you used to tell me when I was scared all I would ever need is my brother's and the gang and everything will be okay, Well that's all I have. I'm losing my fourth brother, Johnny. I love you to much to let you go." I started to cry

" I know Sam but I over heard the doc saying I'll be lucky to live up to 3 day's." He told me. I loved Johnny to death. He was my brother and my Best friend. The nurse came in and said time was up. "Bye Johnny I'll try to come back tomorrow." I closed the door behind me and I ran off. Pony followed behind me but I was crying so much no one could understand me. When we got outside of the hospital Pony stopped me.

" Sammy what's wrong?"

"Pony he's dying."

"No he's not Sam your just scared."

" Pony he told me. I never should have let you guy's go, it's my fault."

"Don't say that Sam it's not!"

"Pony Today I thought I lost you like mom and Dad. I don't want to loose Johnny like that. I'm scared Ponyboy I'm scared. I don't want to let him go."I told him sobbing.

" I know but sometime's the best love you could give someone is the love that let's go. Even if your not ready."

Pony was right.
Ponyboy's POV

I was actually right. I didn't want to let Johnny go but I have to be prepared to. He was like a brother to all of us and my Best friend. It hurt me to see Sam hurting like this. I had to shed a few tears. I couldn't help it even though I tried to stay tough for Sam. When I got home everyone was in the living room. Sam just went to our room and fell asleep.
"I need to tell you guy's something about Johnny." We all sat in the living room and I told them what Sam told me. They all got depressed and went to bed. Two bit sleep't on the couch and Steve sleep't on the other. We all just went to bed. When I walked into my twins room I saw Dallas with her. I didn't mind because she was the third most closest to Dally. Here's the order by who she is closest to:




Sodapop and Two bit are tied



Dally's POV

I walked into Sams room to check on her. It looked like she had been crying. She was on top of her blankets so I lifted her up a bit to put the blanket's on her. "Dally please don't leave me, can you stay?" She asked. It reminded me when she was little and her brother's had to go somewhere with there parent's Mr and Mrs. Curtis would ask if me and Two bit would come and watch her. She knew that I would secretly always be excited to babysit. I love Sam to death. Two bit and I would read her stories and when she was little she would be scared of having nightmares so I would sleep with her. " Alright Sammy but you got to scoot over i'm not as short as I used to be. She scooted over and I just say there with my back against her head board. "Dally" she said.
" Yea Sam ?" 
She told me everything that Johnny told her. Damn I ant'e gonna lie. I loved Johnny and her. I didn't want to loose Johnny. This is what I hate about caring people. You get so attach and then they leave. They say there gonna love you, they say there always gonna be there for you but there always lies. I should have known better then to start caring about people. I just started falling asleep

Sam's POV

I closed my eye's and thought of all the good times Johnny and I have had through the years. I missed a lot since I had to go live with my aunt and uncle.


I remember on a rainy Saturday I was about 7 years old and Johnny was 9. Mom went to the grocery store while dad left to work and left the gang and I at home. She trusted the boy's a lot. I was sitting with Johnny on the couch. " Johnny i'm bored. I need to do something destructive or fun."
" Well we can go play a trick on Dally." He said. We loved playing jokes on Dally. They were always fun. " Hey Dall Sam has a present for you." Johnny called out.
"For me? Ohh you shouldn't have." he said sounding excited. I always got him the best gift's. I set it on the living room table. Everyone was staring at it. "Open it." He opened it and a mixture of honey and whip cream shot out on him.
" Bulls eye Sammy! Nice" johnny laughed
" Why Thank you Johnny."
" You guy's really shouldn't have" he said while he chased us around and tickled us.

Another time I was home with Johnny and saw a movie where they were dancing. I was about 8 he was 10. " I wish I could dance good." I said. He smiled at me then got up and pushed the living room table out of the way.
" Stand up Sammy girl and put your feet on my feet." I stood up and did what he said. We were dancing all over the place. " I want to try to dance without your feet!" I laughed
He then taught me how to swing dance. It was so much fun. My mom then walked in and saw us twirling around. " What are you guy's doing?" She asked giggling. " Johnny's teaching me how to dance mommy." Then Pony came in and we all danced together. Then they started playing hot potato with me.

On my nightstand I had a picture of me on Johnny's shoulder and Pony next to Johnny smiling. I remember that was 2 days after Johnny turned 12 and I was 9. My mom snapped that picture 2 day's before she died. I didn't want Johnny to go. I loved him to much.

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