The midnight call

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I was really worried about Johnny. Pony could tell he let the other to idiot's go inside first then stopped in front of me and picked me up and put me over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" I giggled
He dropped me on the grass.
" We are talking about this." I knew what he was talking about but I just played dumb.
" I dont know what are you talking about?"

" You know exactly what i'm talking about. You know we are the only one's that can tell when one of us is dying inside." It was true.

" I'm just afraid to let Johnny go. He's our best friend Pony." I said playing with the grass

" I know but there's nothing we can do about it now. We can lie to ourselves but I'm afraid on this one no matter how hard we try it's not gonna work" he said softly.

I couldn't stand being sad. The only way Soda and I got through sad thing's was by laughing.

" Pony. You had to much Jello. You smell like your wearing a clone of Jello." Then I saw his pocket's and guess what they were filled with. Jello. He just smiled at me.

" Your a horribly good twin brother Pony." I said giggling.

" I know." he said with the a big smile. We went inside and I looked at two Bit and Dally.
"What are in your pockets" I asked them then they looked at each other and just poured out all the Jello cups, I rolled my eye's and went to put my PJ's on.
" Hey you guy's want to play card's or something?" Soda asked.
"I'm going to bed Soda" He walked up to me and felt my head. "You feeling ok Sam? It's only 9:30." I just giggled
"ya I'm fine just tired. Go play with your boyfriend he look's lonely without you." I said pointing to Steve. The gang just played that night. When everyone got tired they stayed the night at our place and Dally sleep't in my room, all Pony's bed, since he fell asleep on the couch. It was about 2:46 AMwhen the phone rang. No one got it even though Two bit and Steve were right by it. Man, were they knocked out cold. "Lazy bums." I told them as I got up walking into the living room.

" Hello, is this the Curtis resident's"

" Yes this is Samantha."

" Please come down to the hospital. I don't think Johnny is doing to well. He's having too much trouble breathing."

I hung up the phone and ran to my room. I woke up the boys immediately yellin for them to get up. You normally never want to wake Dally up early but this was about something he loved. I just started shaking him "Samantha Bay Curtis this better be important." He grunted. " The hospital called about Johnny we need to go now." After they heard that Pony and Dally both jumped up got there key's and got in the car. We didn't tell anyone else I guess we were too much in a rush. As we were driving Dally was freaking out. So was Pony. I could tell he was freaking out on the inside. I leaned on him and told him silently that it's okay and that he's not alone. He put his arm around me. Dally just parked in front and we ran in.

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