Johnnys letter

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It's been a week since of what happened. Today it was Wednesday. I got up and went to school with Pony. Not with Pony and Johnny how I used to. Just Ponyboy. I didn't wake up to the smell of breakfast hearing Darry yelling "Don't slam the door!" To two bit and Johnny walked in behind Two bit yelling Sorry to Darry for Two But slamming the door like how he used to. I didn't wake up to Dally laughing at them saying "nah it's alright man Darry could never get mad at you" with that obnoxious laugh that was still contagious. I didn't have Johnny walking with us to the bus stop to tease pony with and I didn't see Dall driving up in a car he either hot wired or borrowed from another Greaser, offering to give us a ride to school as if we weren't already at the bus stop. It was boring without them. I mean Two bit tease's everyone all the time and Steve always pick's on me but doesn't care about us. Not like Johnny and Dally used to. When I got to school everyone was still staring at me because they knew Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade were one of my best buddies.
"Hey you" A voice shouted. I turned around and saw a guy there
"What do you want!" I mumbled grouchy. Him and his buddies surrounded me. I felt to weak to do anything. I tried to keep walking but they pushed my books down and pushed me around to his buddies. I tried leaving but they were strong. The guy looked familiar then I realized that it was Roscoe.
"Just back off alright." I said calmly. "What are you gonna do about about it dirty greaser? Your buddy Dally isn't here to protect you anymore." He said while I was picking up my book's. "leave her alone Roscoe" I heard Two bit yell seeing Pony by his side. I felt Roscoe grab me by my shoulder. "Or what Keith." That was it. Game on. No one calls Two bit Mathew's by his first name. Two bit tackled him and through punches at him. Eventually we pulled Two bit off of Roscoe because Two would have killed him and the principle coulda been coming at any minute. "Thank's Two bit." I told him. "Ah shoot kid it was nothing. I didn't like him in the first place and I don't like him ganging up on you." I just smiled at him. After school we went to the DX and saw Soda and Steve. "Hey runt."
"hey Stevearino" I yelled back. "I helped work on the cars and helped people with gas." Everyone was inside and I stepped out to watch the Sunset and thought about Johnny. We then headed back home and ate dinner. After we ate Pony came and sat next to me in bed. "I know your thinking about Johnny. Here's a note to you from him. The nurse gave it to me." He then got up and walked out of the room.

Dear Sam,

I had the nurse wright you this note for me to give to you. I really love you and care about you. I didn't want to leave you but I had no choice. You know I was always wondering why my mom and dad never cared about me and why I couldn't have a normal family like the kids on the south side but then I realized I did. It sure as hell wasn't a stable one but it was still a family. I mean what kids at our school could say they had 6 Brothers and a pretty cool sister you know. I may not have one the lottery in this life but I'm glad I had you guys. You guys showed me what it was to be a family and that no matter who are or where you come from it dosent matter you can be whoever you want and I don't mean a greaser or Soc I mean as a person. That was one of the first things your mama taught me, she taught all of us. I think Dally sometimes forgot that and I want you to remind him, he may be cold hearted like everyone thinks but you and your mom were always the one who could get him to look at life a little differently. I want you to show Dallas a sunset. I don't think he's ever really seen one and I think he should. Life's to short Sam. It really is. That's why I don't want you to be sad about me. I don't want you to miss the future by staying in the past, it's not worth missing out on things. I spent 16 years on the streets seeing all the wrong things happen along with Dally and as stubborn as he is I don't want Dally to miss out on things like I did just like how I don't want you to either. Promise me Sam, don't hold on to things that have happened to you. If you do that you'll end up like me feeling trapped never appreciating the right things till it's too late. Don't be sad for too long, I'll always be with you just like how your mom and dad are. I'm sure gonna miss you Dally and Pony a lot. I love you Samaroo.                                                                                                                                                           Love you with all my heart,                                                                                                                                                                                                     Johnny cake.

I Then remembered the box. I found 2. I opened one that said Johnny and Sammy best friend's forever.  I opened it and it was full of different things. Not only of us but my brother's too and pictures that I painted for him and just regular photo's of us and the gang and a note that was attached to a camera that said "I saved this for you Sam. I love you." Since everyone was gonna be gone tomorrow I thought I should watch them tomorrow.

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