Aunt Trina and Uncle Vernon's

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Sams POV

She kept telling Mrs. Katie Jane of how happy she is of that i'm here and how she feels horrible of what happened to my parents. After they left she grabbed me by my shirt and through me into the house. " I told you you were gonna end up here. No one would have wanted you in the first place. That's probably the reason your mother and father left. and that's probably the reason of how they died." She snickered. I tackled her to the ground. Having a bunch of brother's and friends that are all guys that like to wrestle teaches you quit a few things. Especially with having Dallas Winston in the gang. I felt a hand grab me from behind and pull me off of her. It was uncle Vernon. I wouldn't stop so he pushed me and I hit the back of my head. It hurt really bad. I touched my head and I saw blood on my hand. It wasn't bleeding to much but it still hurt. Uncle Vernon grabbed me by the arm and dragged me and through me into a small walk in closet that barley could fit a twin mattress. He left me in there for about an hour. I didn't really mind it because there were so many cool books in there. Me and Ponyboy are a lot alike. I don't know if it's because were twins or what. Mom always told me I had a little bit of the boys in me. I was kind of smart like ponyboy and liked to read. Sodapop and I both liked having fun, not liking to listen and loved working on cars. Darry and I though were both athletic. Just thinking about it, I started feeling really sad. All of a sudden my door opened. It was uncle Vernon. " You better go apologize to your aunt before I smack the hell out of you!" He dragged me out and through me in the living room where my aunt was sitting.
"Do you have something to say, Samantha." she tried saying in an accent. "Yes actually"I said mocking her.
"and what would that be?" She asked sitting in her chair holding her head up high.
"I'm sorry that your husband only loves you for your money." I snicked.
It may not sound bad but, I remember my mom always saying that and boy, did she hate that. "You little..."
Before I could here anything she was going to say uncle Vernon punched me straight in the eye and through me in the closet which turned into my room.
I was emotionally already tired and in a lot of pain but I've never felt such physical pain. I've never really been hit before, my mother and father never hit any of us so to now be punched and pushed and all was new and quite painful. From then on I have always been getting scraps of food and almost got hit a few times. But like Dally used to always tell me, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but I don't know if I completed agree with that. Now I'm 14 and still living here. Sometimes I wonder if my mom and dad can still hear me when I talk to them or if there ever really there. Sometimes I'd imagine telling my mom everything that's happened and I could see her just wanting to cry and give me the biggest hug. Gosh and if only I could tell my dad he would be furious. I used to be a daddy's girl so I could wrestle and mess with the boys but god if anyone outside our gang dared to hurt me my dad and the boys would not play too nice. However it's been so long since I've seen them I wonder if there all still friends.

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