Im 14 Now

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Sam's POV

Yup! I'm now 14 and still living here. Some people ask why don't you run away and look for your brother's?
I really cant because if I do my aunt Trina and uncle Vernon can say they kidnapped me. I don't want to get them in trouble though. But that doesn't mean I cant get into trouble. Any time I do get into trouble my aunt and uncle say how it's my mother and father's fault for raising me with boy's. I'm a tomboy. I ain't like soc girls that like to get there nails done and stuff. Nothing wrong with it, it's just I never liked it. I like skate boarding and doing sports and I definitely ain't afraid to get dirty. My aunt Trina  makes me go to some private school. All the girls at my school look at me like I'm the only dirt bag in the school. Well actually I really am the only greaser that goes to my school. The principle there knows me pretty well. Like for skipping class,riding my skate board in the halls, getting into fight's. All that fun stuff. I know it's wrong but, It drives people insane which is the best part. I normally walk home after school but some times i'll hitch hike.
"Were the hell have you been? You have not even started doing your chores!" My aunt Trina yells at me a lot but I really don't care. "There is a reason I don't do half the chores and that's because there ridiculous. Like vacuuming the curtains while leaving them hanging,I don't think so. I already did the ones that make sense" I said while sighing. Uncle Vernon slapped me hard on the ear. So hard that my ear started bleeding.
At first I just heard a ringing then I could hear the screaming of my uncle Vernon
"You don't EVER disrespect us like that you hear!"I rolled my eye's and walked away. I have a lot of bruise's on me. A lot on my  arm and stomach. As sad as this sounds you kinda get used to it.
That night I over heard them talking about how my brother's are going to court to try to win custody of me and how they have been trying for the last 2 month's and they might win tomorrow. Aunt Trina and uncle Vernon sounded upset which made me happy.
As I was walking back down to my room they started hearing my foot steps through the squeaks the floors made.
"Samantha!" I heard my Uncle yelled. My heart started racing because I knew if I didn't make it back to my room this was gonna be one hell of beating for being up late, snooping, and eavesdropping. I ran down stairs and through myself on the mattress gently closing my door. I barley made it.

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