Ponyboy Leaving?

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It was already Sunday. We just did our chores. Soda cleaned the floor, Steve did the laundry, Two bit some what cleaned the bathroom and Ponyboy ,Johnny and I did the dishes and there were a lot of dishes. Later on Pony left me and Johnny to go talk to Darry outside when he got home. It started off as regular talking then to yelling.
" You never let me do anything fun! you always treat me like a baby!"
" That's because you always act like one!" I tried running out but Steve grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I have seen how bad it could get between them and I didn't want to see it again so I bit Steve's hand and ran out. " What the hell's going on?" I asked walking outside.
" Darry wont let me go on the flight to Washington for a school trip, Even though Johnny's going!" Pony said upset.
" Because no one's going to be watching after you! You cant even bathe your self right." Darry yelled back. Soda had to turn around so he wouldn't laugh.
" Come on Darry...Pony is somewhat of a big boy. He's not a 9 year old anymore maybe he's still the height of one but come on we're getting older and Johnny can watch after him, watch Johnny come here" I called as he walked over to me shyly. "Johnny do you promise to tell Ponyboy to clean behind his ear's and to make sure he washes all the grease out of his hair before bed?" I said while smirking.
" I promise" Johnny said while giggling.
Darry just giggled at that too and so did everyone else. He just stared at us for a bit thinking.
" Alright fine, you can go...you better thank your twin for that one." Darry said while still smiling. After everyone went inside Pony and Johnny walked up to me and asked " Why did you do that for us?"
"because you guys have never been out of Tulsa and it may be the only time for awhile. Plus This can also show Darry that you can take care of your self and he might trust you more so don't screw this up" Pony and Johnny just smiled at me and hugged me. "Thanks Sammy I owe you one."
"Yes ya do, plus I kinda liked the idea of having my room to myself for a bit" I said teasing him but I did mean it. When I walked in I didn't see Two bit on the left side of the door and Steve on the right. They both tripped me when I walked in. " That's what you get for biting me pip squeak" I punched in the stomach and walked away " that's what you get just because"
Anyway there flight was on Tuesday. No one had School that day because of some kind of staff meeting. I never mentioned going to Washington to Darry because I didn't want to go. I've always been afraid of height's and after what your gonna learn you'll understand why.

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