Tuesday- The Flight/ "Sodapop Can I go?"

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On Monday nothing changed except the fact that more soc's started chasing me. There is no way I'm gonna leave this year without a fight. Then came Tuesday. Since Darry had to work he said goodbye before Dallas took us. We barley fit in the car. Only 3 could fit in the front seats of the car and 3 could fit in the back seats. Which was Dally, Sodapop,and Steve in the front. And of course Ponyboy Johnny, Two bit, and I had to fit in the back. We were all talking till Johnny heard a song he liked. " Hey someone turn up the radio." Steve turned it up. " Hey baby, I want to know if you'll be my girl" Johnny sang. They were listening to Hey Baby by Bruce Channel. Once Johnny started to sing then everyone started to sing. Then once the chorus Hey baby started to come around Dally yelled " Take it away Sam!"
" Hey baby I want to know will you be my man!" I sang. We all goofed off in the car. (song is down below.)

We finally arrived to the airport. I gave Johnny and Pony a big hug and told them to be careful and to have fun. " Bye guys." We all yelled. We drove home singing then had chocolate cake. Steve dragged Soda into his room. Of course I was board so I left Two bit in the living room and I just ease dropped.
" Soda I can't leave let you go. What if you got caught. They could throw you and Pony in a boy's home and Sam into a girls home."
" Steve I'll be fine." I wanted to see where he was going but I didn't want to risk him getting hurt so I walked in. "Soda can we talk."
" Ya Sammy what's up?" He said with a superstar smile. " Since Pony's gone I'm afraid I'm gonna start getting nightmares. I had them a lot at uncle Vernon's and aunt Trina's house. I was wondering if you could sleep in pony's bed tonight?" Then Steve started
" Ya Soda she needs you tonight. Come on you gotta stay for runt-" Then I kicked him. " I mean your kid sister." He said while tightening a grip on my shoulder. It's not that I didn't like the nickname it's just a chance for me to kick Steve.
" Sam just come sleep with me tonight. I'll be home before you go to bed." He said smiling. "where you going?" I asked curiously. He just sighed.
" I'm going to a drag race."
" let me tag along! please!" I begged giving him a cheesy smile.
" I'll be good I promise. You know I love drag race's! You used to take me when I was little remember! Just let me tag along please."
He just giggled.
" ya I remember but I don't know Sammy it's just risky." He thought for a minute.
" Fine you can come but if you don't get ready in less then 5 minutes I'm leaving without you." He said smiling. I sprinted off into my room wearing my beat up converse, some black jeans and a plane white t-shirt. In the car I put my hair in easy braids. Steve decided to tag along too. We didn't tell Two bit he was just to busy eating chocolate cake and watching Mickey.

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