Telling Sam/Why is she Here?

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Sodapop's POV

She looked at me so innocently. I didn't want to tell her but I had to. If Darry told her then he would just yell it to her and if pony told her he wouldn't even be able to talk. I felt awful myself. I just wanted to ball like a baby and cry. I had to be the strong one in the house right now. Darry took Pony into our room and I walked Sam into her room. I looked into her sweet gentle eyes. I have never really seen her sad besides tonight but even then she wasn't even sad. She's always been a happy kid like me. I sat her on my lap and gently as I could tell her " Sammy, Darry just got a call from the hospitable. and-" Then she interrupted me and said "oh no did Steve brake his arm again?". "No," I said giggling. " Well the doctor said it was about mom and dad." She had terror in her eyes. I didn't want to tell her but, I kept going. " I'm sorry Sam mom and dad died in an auto crash." She sobbed on my shoulder. It broke my heart.

Sam's POV

I looked at him for a little bit and cried on his shoulder. I couldn't believe it. We all went into a group hug. Darry was the only one not crying. I could tell he wanted to but, he looked really frustrated. That night we slid Soda and Darry's bed together and slept all together. That morning we didnt really talk Soda made us breakfast and we all ate quietly. A few minutes later there was a strong knock at the door. Darry answered and there was a lady that walked in. She sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then at once we all realized it was aunt Trina. She hated all of our gut's. Mom stopped talking to her after she tried hitting Soda with a belt for forgetting to do one of his chores. But I honestly don't blame Soda for forgetting, I mean, she had us do 20 things for us to do each and never wrote them down for us to remember, and to make it worse he was only 8 years old. " Hello children." She said in a cheerful voice. " I heard what happened to your parent's and I'm awfully sorry to hear of what happened." We all new she was lying. " Look aunt Trina just get to the chase we know your here for one reason. So what do you want." Darry said. She gave Darry a discussed look. " Fine, I would like you all to come live with me until you are an adult and can take care of your selves." I got sick of her attitude and hated her giving us dirty looks. " I would rather live in a girls home then stay with a dirty rat soc like you!" I yelled. I could tell my brothers were proud of me for yelling at her like that. " That is no way for a young lady to act Samantha! You I can promise, you will be living with me" She yelled while pointing a figure at me. "and your juvenile delinquent brothers can go live in a boys home for all I care." She stormed out while yelling. We all looked at each other and started laughing. What I didnt understand though is why would she want just me? Was it to act like I'm some project kid? The rest of the day we were still really upset and didn't talk to each other that much. Me and Pony played cards for a while then he read me a book. Around 5:30 A tall scary lady with black hair and brown eyes walked in. She said hello to us and seemed friendly once she spoke. Her and Darry talked in the kitchen for hours. I didn't get too worried but, I was definitely concerned.

 I didn't get too worried but, I was definitely concerned

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