Life Sucks

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"Once again, another person was found dead just this morning. He was expected to have been a victim of the notorious 'Jeff the Killer' aka Jeffery Woods who has been terrorizing our city the past few weeks. Investigators and police officers are working together to track him down and take him away. The common trait linking the recent attacks is the cheshire smile carved into the face of the victim, along with multiple stab wounds..."

The news reporter continues to drone on about the same story that's been being told for what seems like forever now. It feels like since this serial killer came about that was all anyone could talk about. Almost like suddenly this small southern town had a celebrity living in it or something. That wouldn't be very far off with the way everyone seemed to be talking about him. I seem to be one of the few people who didn't really care. Although it may have been entertaining at first, it got old real quickly. As the news lady drones on and on I think about turning off the news, but it's not like there was anything else on TV. The game shows were interesting sometimes, but of course the interesting ones weren't playing tonight.

I could hear heavy footsteps approaching the living room. I turn my head to the side to see Lucy, my bitchy step sister. It was pretty obvious that the only reason she was coming to me was because she needed something, which killed my mood.

"Trent is comin' over so I'm gonna need you to keep your ass outside until he leaves. You got that?" She snarled at me, crossing her arms before continuing. "I swear if you mess up another night without our parents home then I am gonna kill you (Y/n)." Lucy yells agitatedly with a cigarette in hand. For the size of the girl she sure made that up with how huge her ego was. Even though I was frightened of her, staying outside in the rain wasn't on my bucket list.

"But, it's raining out...what do you want me to do? Stay outside in the pouring rain for hours?" I attempt to bite back, yet it comes out timid because I know inside that I can't win this. I turn back around to face the TV, pretending to be enamored with its repetitive stories. This only seems to set off Lucy's temper even more. She storms over to the other side of the couch, steals the remote off the table, and shuts the TV off. She then turns to me, staring at me threateningly with her cold blue eyes.

"Hey! I wasn't fuckin' done with you yet. Anyways, I don't care if you have to sit out in the rain. I don't want you walking around the house while my boyfriend is here, and especially not when you're dressed like a fag," she spits out. What is that supposed to mean!?

However, me being as stubborn as I am, I don't move. Lucy, obviously having not gotten the reaction she wanted out of me, clenches her teeth and grabs my arm forcefully, reeling me up off the couch while digging her nails into my arm. Although she did seem to struggle a bit because of our size difference. I do end up deciding to comply because I didn't want to end up with another bruise on my face from the last time I tried to fight back. And those nails of hers hurt like a bitch. Even though I was already stood up she would not loosen her grip from my arm.

"Alright, alright I'll stay outside. You can let go of my arm now. Just let me grab my phone and I'll let you be." I internally groan that I am letting her get to me again. However Lucy does listen by letting go of my arm so I can grab my stuff.

Why can't I ever just find enough courage to fight back? Or at least stand up for myself more. God I want her gone. As I move to walk out the door I feel her gaze shift away from me, like she had been watching to make sure I would do exactly what I said I'd do. I roll my eyes and walk out the door.

I'm suddenly hit with the feeling of several tiny buckets of water being poured on to me and rush to get to the gazebo in the far part of the backyard. I make sure to plant my feet with every step so that I don't slip and fall on the slippery stones and planks that create the path to the gazebo. My breathing becomes more unsteady as I struggle to self regulate from trying not to get soaked. I do eventually get to the gazebo which provides me with at least a little protection from the rain. It does not provide me protection from the wind however, which does cause some sprays of water to get in. I do have a bit of appreciation for the fact that it is August which means despite the cool rain, it is still hot and humid outside.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now