Ignore It

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I sit in the cafeteria trying my best to stay awake, resting my head in my arms. I ended up sleeping in this morning, so I had to rush to get to school on time. Coffee doesn't seem to help me very much, and I haven't been able to focus for pretty much the entire morning. Partially because I'm just so tired, and partially because I can't stop thinking about last night. Maybe I shouldn't have prayed for my life to be more interesting. Because that was way more than I was expecting.

I wouldn't say it was terrible though...he did almost cut my throat open, but I guess it was interesting to talk to him. I do feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest after talking to Jeff, I feel less guilty. Even though I haven't killed anyone, it felt nice that I wasn't judged for thinking about it. Almost like whatever thoughts or feelings other people would've been freaked or grossed out by, he didn't seem to care about. That might've been the most accepted I've ever felt honestly.

I pick my head up to see Elliot sit down across from me, and I wipe the tiredness away from my eyes. "Hey Elliot." I greet him, my voice is still groggy from the lack of sleep.

He looks back at me with a concerned expression on his face, "What's wrong?" he asks.

"Huh? Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired." I respond avoidantly, why does everyone have to guess what I'm feeling all the time? It's annoying.

"Yeah, you look tired. Were you up all night because of the funeral?" He questions me, it's like everyone around me is on a mission to interrogate me or something. Even that damn serial killer.

"Yes, I was up late, but not because of the funeral. The only reason that the funeral would make me feel any negative feelings was because Trent and Lucy's friends were there." I retort, frustrated about having to talk about this and not really thinking about all the information I'm telling Elliot right now.

Elliot hums in thought, furrowing his brows. "I know Trent used to bully you, but do you not feel sad about your sister dying or something?" There it is, here comes the questioning of my morality. Just because I'm not sad about someone who basically abused me dying.

"First of all, she's my stepsister, and she was the same as Trent, maybe worse. The only thing I felt when I heard she died was relief." I vent, revealing to Elliot what I've kept to myself for years. Man, I really am opening up a lot to people lately.

"Oh. I didn't know that (Y/n)...sorry." Elliot says timidly, probably beating himself down inside for what he said before. I guess I forgot I've never told him that before. Whoops.

"Ah it's good, didn't mean to snap at you. Like I said, I'm just tired today..." I apologize sincerely.

"Hmm so I guess that means you won't be up for hanging out later?" Elliot frowns.

"Yeah, probably not, sorry. Just looking forward to taking a nap when I get home." I say, before yawning. "Oh, by the way, where's Willow?" I asked Elliot to see if he knew.

He takes a moment to think, "I'm not exactly sure but I think she was visiting a college or something today."

"I should've known, that's where she always is if she's not here. It's cool that she has a goal though." I shrug.

"Yeah, admirable I admit. I'm not sure if I have a goal at the moment. If I do it would probably just be impressing my parents." Elliot takes a sip out of his water bottle.

"If that was my goal in life, I would've probably killed myself" I say as Elliot laughs, almost spitting his water out.

"What is your goal, (Y/n)? I mean if you have one." he asks, carefully setting the water bottle back down. That question leaves my mind blank. What is my goal in life? Be born then die? I don't really have any job in mind that I'd wanna do, nor do I really want a family. Maybe that is my goal. Just to do whatever the fuck I want. You know, be free.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now