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I open the front door as quietly as possible, but I'm still noticed anyway. "(Y/n)! Where were you!?" My dad yells at me and I internally groan.

"And why are you wet!?" Rachel adds, grabbing at my wet hair. I grumble at all the questions targeted at me and try to come up with an alibi. You know what, Elliot is always a trusted person for them.

"I was just at Elliot's house, you know he has a pool, so I've just been there since school got out." I lie as convincingly as I can. They look at each other, seeming to believe me before turning their heads back to glare at me.

"What? I'm home now aren't I?" I retort, just wanting to go upstairs already.

"The problem is that we had no idea where you were and there is a murderer out there!" My Dad yells, and I struggle not to laugh at the irony because that is exactly who I was with. If they ever found that out, or what I was doing with him, they would shit themselves.

"You came home, without a vehicle, and didn't bother notifying anyone of where you were." Rachel adds on sternly.

Trying anything I can to leave this situation I decide to just act innocent, "I'm so sorry I didn't even think about that. I promise I won't do it again." I convince them, sucking up as much as possible. My dad sighs and places his hands on my shoulders.

"(Y/n), just go to your room please. We can continue this conversation later." He lets me leave finally and I rush out of the room and up the stairs. Turning the corner on the stairs I see Scott who was sitting there with a baffled expression on his face. It seems like he had been listening in on the conversation. I stop in my tracks, feeling frozen in place.

"You weren't at Elliot's." He accuses me, crossing his arms. My eyes go wide before I scowl at him, trying to keep my cover.

"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely not sure how he would figure that out.

He just sighs, "Because I was at Elliot's house today hanging out with Kevin, and you were never there." Shit. Not having a solid way to back my story up, I dart past him and head to my room. At the last second he grabs the door while I'm trying to close it.

"(Y/n)! Tell me who you were really with!" He orders me, not in a protective way like how my dad pretends, but in a way that he only wants to find out for blackmail. I know how he is.

I sneer, "This is none of your business Scott." I pull on the door more, but Scott is unrelenting.

"I saw you out of my window! You walked out of the forest! Who were you with? Why were you in the forest of all places?" I don't understand why he's so mad about this, it doesn't involve him at all. What do I tell him? He's clearly caught me in some way.

"Fine, I was with a friend from school, her house is on the other side of the forest and she has a pool." I figured out a way to switch my story. I try to close the door again, but Scott still isn't ready to leave.

"Really!? Okay then what is her name and what does she look like?" Scott is on some investigative bullshit.

I pull out my phone and show him a picture of Willow, "Here, her name is Willow and she's friends with me and Elliot, you can ask him too." Scott's face is still red, but I feel more calm now that I've crafted a better alibi.

"Well...well, why didn't you just tell Mom and Dad that?" He asks, still waiting for me to slip up, but I'm smarter than he is.

"Cause they would trust Elliot more and I wouldn't get yelled at as much. Now can I please change?" I hope I finally convinced him enough. He stares at me, seeming to only now notice how soaked I am, and lets the door go.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now