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~no man can hold what the darkness can sew, you're gonna leave an ugly skull when you go~

Dallas wakes me up early the next morning. After I came home that afternoon, he brought me out front to make a big ordeal to the news reporters. He made sure to knock the hoodie out of my hands before dragging me into the spotlight. Wouldn't want there to be any sign that I wasn't really kidnapped, right? Anyway, the story that they decided to tell was that I had managed to run away from my kidnapper before he could do anything, leaving me unscathed. Dallas also made a point to announce that we would be moving–live–to everyone in the county. I stayed silent throughout the whole thing, not really knowing what to do. When they cut the cameras, Dallas quietly told me to get my things before he walked away to talk to the police.

Now it seems like he wants to leave as early as possible without breaking his statement about leaving the next day. I get dressed quickly, pulling on Jeff's hoodie over my t-shirt, and grabbing my backpack and a suitcase. Apparently, he hired people to pack up the rest of my things that would arrive at the house whenever Scott and Rachel did. That reminds me, he still hasn't told me the address. I continue complaining about the situation in my head as I drag myself down the stairs. Dallas is already down there, making himself a cup of coffee. I pull out one of the chairs in the kitchen and slouch down onto it.

"You seem to understand now that you have no choice." Dallas says proudly, not turning around from the coffee maker to look at me. I just stay silent, not feeling a need to bother with a response.


We leave the house and the drive to the airport is just as silent. I put in my headphones and neither of us bothered with a conversation. I watch as dawn breaks outside the car's windows. Out of my eye, I see Dallas glance over at me often, with concern in his eyes. I can tell he doesn't trust me anymore. In fact, it almost seems like he's afraid of me now. If so, then I'm surprised that he didn't just turn me into the police station the moment he figured out everything. Though, with how much I know his reputation means to him, he seemed to care more about keeping everyone's record clear than doing what's right. Not that I think I did much wrong. Sure, I may have thought about it and written it out, but the only person I've murdered was planning to do it to me himself anyway. And I was never an accomplice to the serial killer I hang around, so that couldn't be brought against me. Whatever though, that's all in the past. Now I just need to wait for Jeff to follow me, I guess.

We check in at the airport, sending our baggage off into the compartment. Dallas hasn't let me out of his sight for one second. Originally, I was frustrated because I thought it was because he expected me to run off again. I'm not sure why I would since we're already this far. Maybe that was part of it, but I think it's because he's afraid that I'm going to lash out at him. Looking back on it, over all the arguments we've had in the past few months, I've always been vocal with my aggression. Today I've been much more silent. I'm not exactly sure what it is that he thinks I'm gonna do, but he thinks I'm planning something. I might as well play along.

"You better not have any weapons hidden on you." Dallas warns me under his breath as we approach security.

"And if I did?" I ask cheekily, keeping down a smile. His face pales and I bite my cheek to keep from snickering. When we approached security, it was revealed that I did not have a weapon. I saw Dallas visibly relaxed as I walked out of the metal detector without the machine beeping. It was satisfying while it lasted though.

Although he seemed to relax a little after going through security, I could still tell he was on edge around me. We wait by the gate in a tense silence. Well, he's tense, I'm reveling in it. It does give me time to think though. I start to second guess my decision to not run away with Jeff, but I know that he is coming after me and eventually I'll see him again. I glance over at Dallas. And maybe now I'll get to have some fun with this family.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now