Now You Feel, So Alive

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Before I can pass out I see a white figure out of the corner of my eye......Jeff?

I blink, still dizzy from the pain and thrill. Jeff starts to run towards me, he has a big smile on his face. Well, he's actually making a smile, it's not just carved in.

"You actually did it!" He exclaims, astounded. I'm too drained to talk so I just nod and hum in response. He notices this and tosses me a water bottle he pulled out of his hoodie pocket. "Here."

I grab the water bottle and unscrew the cap, downing it all in one go. Wow, that feels better. "Thanks." I breathe out and smile up at him. I still feel a pit in my stomach though, is it because of what I just did?

"You know I kind of just expected you to get beat up around the corner of your school, but no. You dragged him out into the forest and shot him. And I got to witness it all!" Jeff laughs hysterically, not even trying to hide how proud he is.

"Wait, you saw all of it?" I ask, how did I not notice him sooner?

Jeff nods and sits down next to me by the tree, not seeming to care about Trent's dead body or the pool of blood that surrounds him. Or even the fact that I am completely doused in blood right now. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome. For a while I was really on my toes, and wasn't sure who was gonna win." He faces me and grins, "But when you finally pulled out that gun, I knew he was done for." I huff tiredly, yet affirmed by his amusement.

"I'm really going to hell for this." My voice shakes, and I shake my head. Ain't no way God's letting me into heaven now.

"Aren't we all." He says simply, from beside me. After that we both go silent, just sitting there listening to the noises of the forest. I'm still covered in blood and dizzy, but sitting in that comfortable silence seemed to calm me down a bit.

"What am I gonna do with the body? I mean I fuckin' shot him, that's not something you usually do in your kills?" I huff, how the hell am I gonna cover this up? Jeff doesn't say anything, instead he gets up, pulls his knife out of his pocket, and walks over to Trent's dead body. I wonder what he's doing before I see him carve that trademark smile into Trent's face, I wince a little looking at it. He then moves over to Trent's throat and slits it cleanly. He also grabs the gun off of the ground and shoves it into his pocket.

"There, now it looks like it was a two person job. Are you fine now?" He asks me, a little aggressively, but there are still so many situations in my head where I could be found out.

"No, I still don't know what my alibi is. Everyone in the school saw Trent chase me out. Sorry, but how the fuck am I supposed to explain that!?" I snap back from all the anxiety building up inside me. He rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Chill out, it's not that difficult just-"

I cut him off, "Not that difficult? Jeff if you hadn't noticed this is my first time killing someone, and I plan on not getting life in prison. Also how am I supposed to go home when I'm literally covered in blood." I don't even know why I'm being so aggressive right now, but I just feel so much right now.

"Fuck, (Y/n). Okay, if you're really that concerned, then come over to my cabin and we can sort stuff out there." He stated in response, leaning down and pulling my arm aggressively. I barely had enough time to grab my bag because he was already speed walking in the opposite direction.

"Are you just gonna leave Trent there?" I question him, continuing to get pulled by my arm.

"Yeah, I don't usually worry about hiding bodies." He says as he pushes through branches and weaves through the trees. The back of my head still aches and I'm starting to wonder if it's bleeding, but there's so much blood on me right now I wouldn't be able to tell anyways.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now