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The hum of the Tv lulls me, as I drift off into an after-school nap. It's not long though until I'm jolted awake by the back window being opened and someone falling into the house. I blink in surprise, before I peak over the top of the couch. I watch Jeff stand back up to his feet and dash behind my kitchen counter. Man, he is so lucky I'm the only one home right now. But why is he being so careless anyways? Just before I'm about to get up to see what he's doing, another figure climbs in through the window. It's a woman with long black hair and a black dress. You know what, staying down might be best for the time being.  

"I know you're in here Jeffery." She calls out, surveying the house. She checks behind the counter, and I guess he must've moved because she just walks away from it. I listen to her footsteps, which are starting to get farther away from where I'm at. 

"(Y/n)." Jeff's voice suddenly speaks up from the floor beside where I am on the couch. I turn my head in surprise to look at him directly. He's crouched down and frantically looking around. Probably making sure she hasn't snuck up on him.

"What is going on?" I whispered demandingly, only for him to put his hand over my mouth to quiet me. The click-clack of her footsteps get closer, and Jeff is being so quiet it doesn't even sound like he's breathing. We stay silent as she starts to open drawers and cabinets in every room she enters. 

"Come on. Where the hell are you?" She hisses, as I hear her footsteps turn the corner into the room me and Jeff are in. I expect Jeff to make a run for it, but he just lays flatter down on the floor, still not taking his hand off my mouth. She's going to eventually find him if he stays like that. She walks across the room, keeping her back towards us until she reaches the end and turns around. She stops, staring at me and the pale hand over my mouth with her dark empty eyes. 

"Jeff." She demands, but Jeff doesn't respond. "I know you're there." I watch her cross her arms, waiting for him to respond, but he still doesn't. I shift my gaze to him to see he's struggling to hold in a laugh, for some reason. I'm so confused. Jeff shifts his eyes to mine, smiling. The realization hits me, is he trying to do what I did when he tried to kill me? Eventually the woman just stomps over to where we're at and looks down at him. "Do you want me to kill you or something?" she asks aggressively, clutching the knife I just realized she was holding. 

"No." Jeff states before getting up and dusting himself off, finally removing his hand from my mouth. They stare at each other for a second before Jeff tries to dash off but is stopped by the girl grabbing his hood. He then just stops trying and rolls his eyes.

"I'm bringing you back whether you like it or not." She snarls, pointing her knife at Jeff's face. 

Jeff groans, "No. I'm tired of it there. Leave and tell Slender I told him to fuck off." Jeff pushes the girl away from him, making her let go of his hoodie. He then falls back onto the couch I'm lying on. I pull my legs towards me courteously.

"You made a commitment! And roped me into it all. You can't just leave so selfishly!" She yells, gesturing angrily with her hands. I glance at Jeff, still not sure what the fuck they're even talking about. His gaze feels darker as he looks at her. 

"I already told you I'm sorry Jane. Now leave." Jeff crosses his arms, letting her know he's done talking about this. 

Jane laughs, taken aback. "Yeah, and I don't forgive you." Jane gestures towards me, "Oh and this must be that 'new friend' Eyeless told us all about? You know how furious Slender is with you now right?" Jeff bites his lip angrily while I just look between the two wondering how I got dragged into all of this again. 

"Fuck off." Jeff spits out, glaring at her. 

Jane huffs, "Fine, next time you see one of us it's going to be Slender. And you won't have an option." She then stomps away, whispering angrily under her breath. We sit in silence until we hear her hop out of the window, slamming it behind her. I let go of a breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

"So, can you everything that's been happening." I turn my head to him, all the questions burning inside of me.

Jeff hesitates, but sighs, "Might as well." He then turns his body towards me so that we're face to face. "Alright, you're probably wondering who this 'Slender' guy is?" I nod my head yes and Jeff continues. "He's basically my 'boss', against my will, that is, I tried to fight him, and he won, so I'm stuck under his control now."

"So that's why he's trying to get you back? Cause you're supposed to be under his control?" I asked, starting to understand his problem.

"Right, but right now I'm outside of his control which is why he's so upset. I've done this before too, but I guess this time it's a problem for some reason." He huffs out, tucking his legs into himself. 

"Damn, how long has it been going on?" I twiddle with the threads on the blanket, focused on what Jeff's saying.

"Since I was thirteen." He bites his cheek, not looking all that comfortable with talking about this. 

"So, is that how long you've...uh, had those scars?" Fuck, I shouldn't have said that. "I'm sorry you don't have to tell me-"

Jeff cuts me off, "Yeah, that also happened when I was thirteen." He avoids his gaze, choosing to look at the wall instead. I take a deep breath and nod my head. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now