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(Y/n), October 10th

I gaze out the window of the rickety yellow bus I have to take today. Even though I can drive I have to drive my dad's car, since he won't let me get my own. And he has work on weekdays which means I'm stuck on this bus. I just wanna go home and take a nap. I'm still pretty stressed out about how to talk things out with Jeff, but who knows when he's gonna be back. Maybe he really did feel uncomfortable with me like that and decided to stay away. I know he's at least still in town, because of the news, but he's obviously not talking to me. Not even through that tablet I gave him.

The bus approaches my stop and I drag myself off. As I'm walking into my yard, I catch a glimpse of some movement in the forest. I jerk my head towards it, thinking it's a deer, and squint to get a closer look. Is that...Jeff? Is he finally ready to talk to me again? What if it's just to tell me to back off? He would have already told me that if it was true, right? I look at my driveway; it doesn't look like anyone else is home right I guess I could go talk to Jeff. I swallow my nerves and walk through the gate leading into the forest in my backyard. I lose sight of him, so I just try to remember where I had just seen him. I surveyed the area. Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me. I swear I saw him here. I jolt when I hear someone step on a leaf and look to the left to see Jeff leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets.

"I...uh, I saw you out the window on the bus and sort of figured we should talk about what happened Friday..." My voice wavers nervously and I brush the hair out of my face. Damn it's windy out here. Jeff looks at me like he's searching around my face for something.

He breathes out, "Yeah that might be good." He takes his hood off his head, causing the wind to whip his black hair at his pale face.

"So...we kissed." I speak up, starting to feel uncomfortable talking about this without knowing for sure how he'll react. 

"Right. Look, we both know what happened, we saw the photos and whatever. do do you feel about it?" His words stumbled out, I can tell he's nervous about this too. He's better at keeping his nervousness hidden though. I look down at my shoes, taking a moment to think about how to respond. I look back up to him to see his eyes are also focused on the forest floor. 

"I think if there weren't...feelings involved...then this wouldn't have even happened." I say shyly, biting the inside of my cheek. Jeff nods and kicks at a rock before looking back up at me curiously.

"Are you implying that you have feelings for me?" He asks in a manner like he's not sure why I would. I feel my heart drop in my chest, did I misinterpret something? I hope I'm just overthinking things...

"Yeah, that's what I was implying there..." I avert my gaze, praying that I didn't just make everything worse by admitting that.

"Oh." He states, pausing for a moment in shock while I stare at him, waiting for him to say something else. "Uhm, yeah I do...I do too." He admits bashfully, a side of him I'd never seen before. "You're not lying to me, right?" He asks in disbelief.

"No, are you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No." He states and looks up at the sky. My mouth forms into a small smile as follow his gaze to the clouds. "Why do you like me, (Y/n)?" Jeff blurts out, turning away from the sky to look me in the eyes once again.

"Well." I pause for a moment to think. "You're not like anyone I've ever known before. Every part of you is like nothing I've ever seen in someone before, and I feel like I can be myself around you. Because we're similar, you know what it's like to go through some of the hardest things I've had to go through. And you seem to cling to me even when I don't understand why you'd stick around." I shift my gaze to him, and we make eye contact. "Why do you like me?" I ask in return.

He breathes in, "I don't know how to describe it, but you're perfect. You're so calm about things that would disgust most people, and you're funny. I just feel this pull towards you, for some reason. I've never felt this way before and it's weird. All I know is I just like you, and I have for a while." This feels so surreal. 

A beat passes, "So, what now?" I ask and Jeff leans away from the tree, stepping closer towards me to grab my hand. He entwines our fingers, making my heart skip a beat. 

"Follow me, I want to show you something." He says before pulling me deeper into the forest. I shift my bag more comfortably on my shoulder and let him pull me along. He leads me under branches and between bushes. It reminds me of when he first took me to his cabin after I killed Trent. Except now we're dating? What are we now? Eventually he stops when we reach a clearing in the forest. There is a space in the trees where sunlight shines extra bright, having no trees to block it. But what he really wanted to show me was the small waterfall leading into a pond. The grass is still green, and the water is clear, it really is beautiful.

"Isn't it cool?" I hear him exclaim from beside me, he's still holding my hand, I pretend to act normal about the new gesture. I look at him and my heart feels funny. His hair is fluffy from all the wind and running, and his almost otherworldly pale skin is slightly flushed. And I must have some weird scar fetish cause I just want to run my hands across his smile. He turns to me looking confused and I realize I forgot to respond.

"Oh! Yeah, it's beautiful!" I switch my attention to the scene in front of me. I pulled my phone out to take a picture of the pond. He hums and then pulls my hand again abruptly. I yelp and trip over my feet, attempting to follow him. He stops at the edge of the pond. 
"Can you swim?" Jeff asks rhetorically, and I laugh.

"What! You seriously want me to swim in that water? With all my clothes on? No way." Not with this wind, it's chilly enough out here. Not cold, but sixty-seven degrees ain't exactly swimming weather. I put my phone back in my pocket.

Jeff laughs and lets go of my hand, "Don't worry I've done it before. Also, I never said you have to swim with all your clothes on, silly." He glances at me for a second. What is that supposed to mean? 

I laugh and shake my head, "I am not getting in that water." Jeff takes his shirt off and I try not to linger my gaze.

"Yeah sure."  He rolls his eyes and takes his sweatpants off, leaving him just in his underwear. Next thing I know he's jumping right into the pond, I estimate it's about five feet, so not too deep. His head pops out of the clear water, and he shakes his hair out of his face. He swims over to the edge of the pond where I'm standing and looks up at me.

"Does it hurt your eyes to be open under water?" I ask curiously. Jeff shakes his head and smiles.

"Now will you come in the water? Please (Y/n)...?" Jeff pleads, looking up at me. I crouch down to eye level with him. His wet black hair frames his face and cascades over his shoulders messily, and I watch his eyes move around, studying my face, trying to figure out what I'm thinking. It's true that the water is cold, but Jeff's already in, and he's fine.

"Alright." I hum and walk a few feet away from the pond to remove some layers. I hear Jeff cheer from behind me and a splash from him falling back into the water.  I set my bag down and take off my jacket so it's just my tank top on. It might be warmer to just leave it on. I crouch down to take off my shoes and socks before removing my sweatpants. Which leaves me in only a black tank top and boxers. I stand up and turn around to head back over to the side of the pond where Jeff is at.

I sat on the ledge and put my legs in the water. Jeff, who is leaning on the mossy ledge, extends a hand for me to grab. Before I realize what he's doing, he yanks my arm, pulling me into the water. I hold my breath at the last second before hitting the water. Shit, that's cold! I float back up to the surface, spitting out water and wiping my eyes.

"You jerk." I laugh, opening my eyes finally to see Jeff's face half submerged under the water next to me, smiling. I giggle and splash him in the face, so he stands up and splashes me back. We splash each other for a good while, each splash bigger than the last. At one point after I splashed him rapidly, instead of splashing me back, he jumps at me and wraps his arms around my torso, pulling us under water. Again, I had time to gasp in some air before going underwater, but this time I intentionally opened my eyes underwater. I start laughing because his cheeks are puffed out making him look a little funny. He laughs a little too and we rise back up to the top. I spit out the water left in my mouth and gasped in the air. 

"Man, you look so funny underwater." I tell him, laughing so hard that I'm struggling to breathe. 

"Me? You should've seen yourself; you were struggling so hard to keep your eyes open!" He retorts and laughs at me back. I smirk and continue what we were doing by pouncing at him, making us go underwater once again. We wrestle underwater, before bobbing up to the surface once again. Eventually we both calm down and it gets quiet again. Both of us are tired out from all the splashing and wrestling. The only noisy thing is the small waterfall now. It actually had some stones next to it, still in the water, but shallow enough to sit on. The sun was starting to set as well, we must've been out here for a while then.

"Hey, how about we go sit on those stones over there." I point over at the stones, and he nods in agreement, swimming over there. We sit next to each other on the stones, a little bit of water still covering our legs. On these rocks it's chillier than in the water, with the wind and with the sun going down. From the stones you can see the sunset directly. Suddenly, I feel a hand sift through my wet hair, tucking it behind my ear. I look over and see Jeff's eyes focused on me, a soft expression spread across his face. I notice his hair is even messier than before, so I return the gesture and run my hand through his hair. He looks surprised at the action, but to my surprise he leans into it. I'm so glad I met him. I turn away to look at the sun, admiring it, it burns orange and pink as it continues to lower. I look back at Jeff, the orange sunlight cast onto his face. As we stare at each other the same thing seems to go on in our minds. 

"I really feel like kissing you right now." Jeff tells me, abruptly.

"Me too." I say breathlessly before grasping the side of his face and kissing him, deeply. This time I can confirm that I'm sober. He tenses for a second, not expecting me to be so sudden, before relaxing and kissing back. His lips are rough, yet the kiss is surprisingly soft. That funny feeling in my heart from earlier comes back and I smile. We pull away and everything in the world feels right. I want to live in this moment forever. Jeff pulls me in for another kiss, but by doing so he drags me back into the water, off of the rocks. And we stay just like this, kissing and giggling, holding onto each other for warmth as it gets colder and dimmer. After a while, once it starts to get really dark, I just know my family is going to be wondering where I am, so I break away.

"I have to go home now, or my family's going to think you've killed me." I speak up and we laugh at the irony. Jeff understands though and we both get out of the water together. I grab my bag which I never had the chance to set down at home, and although I'm soaking wet, I still have to put all my dry clothes on top of my wet ones, which feels extremely uncomfortable. I feel my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants, which I'd forgotten I'd put in there, and get an idea. I open the camera app again and put it out in front of me in selfie mode. 

"Come here." I wave Jeff over to me and he looks at me curiously. He walks over to where I'm at and I pull him into me, without explaining anything first, and kiss him on the cheek while taking the photo. "Might as well make it a tradition." I say after I pull away from him. I shove my phone back into my pocket and look at Jeff who has a faint blush on his cheeks. Never would've imagined a serial killer could be so adorable.


It gets very cold while walking back to my house, so Jeff and I stand close together. He had decided to walk with me till I got to my house to make sure I was safe. From what? Cause he's the most dangerous thing in town right now. He stops walking once we reach the end of the forest.

"I probably shouldn't go any further, wouldn't want to be seen, especially if you're saying they're already going to be waiting for you." He says rather calmly, I nod, and we say our goodbyes. I started walking towards my house and looked back at him. He's still standing there, just watching me. I don't want to leave him just yet, not after we just confessed to each other and all. I look at my house before turning back to Jeff and walking towards him. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Sneak in." I whisper and gesture my thumb to my window, and he grins. 

"For sure." Jeff exclaims before pulling me into a quick embrace and walking away to get whatever he uses to climb up from his cabin. I turn around as well to walk towards my house. That hug caught me off guard, I didn't really expect it, but I don't think anyone's held me like that since my mom felt nice. I walk through the back gate into the front yard so that I can enter through the front door instead of the back one. To make it look less suspicious. I ring the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now