"I Know"

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"(Y/n) get your ass down here! We're gonna be late!" My Dad yells in his strong southern accent. Well, I could've gotten ready a little quicker, if only I didn't have this painful stab wound in my side. But things just can't be that simple. First I woke up late, then I had to switch my bandage and put disinfectant spray on the wound, which I forgot last night because I was rushing. Then I had to dig through my closet to find my suit and actually start getting ready. Stupid serial killer.

"Give me a minute!" I shout down from my room. I finally finish buttoning up my shirt and decide to just skip the tie for the sake of time. I check the mirror and decide to put on some concealer that I took from Lucy, so it doesn't look like I've been up all night. Once I'm all good I run down stairs. By "run" I mean walking a little faster than normal and wincing whenever I take a step.

"Boy (Y/n), you take forever. Scott and your Step Mom are already in the car waiting so you best hurry up." He scolds me before turning around to go out the door. I roll my eyes and follow him to the car.

"You take as long to get ready as a girl." Scott laughs out immediately when I get into the car. I glare at him in response.

"It's probably all that damn hair. I don't know why a boy your age would have hair down to his back." My Step Mom adds on. Great, there comes the belittling of my appearance again.

"You're just jealous that my hair is nicer than yours." I mumble under my breath, not thinking she will be able to hear me. I mean in my defense she has dry middle aged woman hair, damaged from all the heat she puts on it to make it not look frizzy.

"What was that (Y/n)?" My Step Mom turns around to look at me, questioning me sternly. Her eyebrows raised in offense.

"Nothin'" I respond and rest my head on my palm, looking out the window.

"Better be." My Dad adds in, finally starting the car so we can leave. If I was actually killed last night they would have had to add on another funeral today, they should be happy they don't have to deal with that.

I watch the large oak trees pass by as the car moves down the road. The sky is gray, but the kind of gray that's more like a giant fluorescent light. Gives me a headache. What a stereotypical day for a funeral. Not too long later the truck pulls up to the church, where the funeral is going to be held. It's just an old baptist church, but it does have some very pretty stained glass art on the windows, that's one of the most redeeming qualities of the place.

We arrived 30 minutes before the service so that we could meet with the pastor and make sure everything was set up the way we planned. While the adults do that, me and Scott just go sit somewhere in the pew. Since it's such an old church, the pews are wooden and uncomfortable. I just put my headphones on and play some music until everyone else gets here. I stare out the church window into the forest and let my mind run. It's so strange that I just met the guy who killed Lucy, and I'm still alive. It's hard to not be in shock whenever I think about that. 

Sooner or later people start arriving, mostly from Lucy's family. The only one who was coming from my side of the family was my Grandma, so that she could be there for my Dad. Otherwise most of my family have only seen facebook pictures of her, since my Dad and Step Mom have only been married for 4 years.

I see a lot of her relatives start crying, they probably knew her differently than I did. I do wonder if she was always like that or if she used to be just a normal nice kid. I watch my Dad weave through the benches to get to me and I take my headphones off.

"(Y/n), you're gonna sit up in the front row with us, okay?" My Dad lets me know.

"Alright." I say simply, getting up to follow him to the front. On my way up I recognized some people from my school. Pretty much all of Lucy's friends seem to be here, along with Trent. I wonder if he feels guilty, whatever fight they got into led Lucy to walk home which got her killed. Who am I kidding, Trent is an even worse person than Lucy, he would probably just blame it on someone else.

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