Not Just Self Defense

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I woke up earlier than usual the next day so that I could meet Jeff at my bus stop before the bus arrived. I stopped for a minute; did I really not even question the fact that he somehow knows my bus stop? Does he really just stalk me that often? Whatever, all I need him to do is give me the gun and then all of this can be over with. Hopefully, but I still don't know what I'm gonna do after the fight with Trent. If we're both still alive he'll probably spin the story in his own favor. Though if he dies...I could get into pretty bad trouble for that. I check the time on the fridge and grab my bag. Only one way to know I guess; I think to myself as I open the front door and leave the house.

The bus stop is only a short way away from my house. It's a little spot on a sewer drain highlighted by a streetlamp, it's right next to the forest which I guess is most likely why Jeff knows where it is. I see a figure standing in the shadows near the bus stop which must be him. He's probably staying out of the light for if someone were to see him, smart. As I get closer, he steps a little out of the shadows and stares at me from afar. I feel a shiver go through my body, regardless of how much I've talked to him already, his demeanor still freaks me out.

I stop walking and stand in front of him, he smells like smoke. I don't say anything, he already knows what we're here for. I watched him pull a pistol out of his pocket and set it in my hands. "You said you know how to use one of these?" He asks, gazing into my eyes, I start to get nervous.

"Well, I know how to use a hunting rifle, that can't be much different right?" I speak nervously and Jeff's gaze hardens.

"Those are two completely different guns, (Y/n). What did you...never mind." He sighs, shaking his head and then grabs the gun out of my hands. "Just know that this is the cartridge that holds the bullets, and this is what you pull back to load it. Once it's loaded you can shoot one bullet before you have to reload it, okay?" I watch him point to the sections on the gun so that I know what to do before he hands it back to me.

"Yeah, I think I got it." I tell him even though I'm still not completely confident. I shrug my bag off my shoulder and unzip it to slide the gun in.

"Just make sure it's somewhere secure, because if it falls out by accident or you get caught, I won't be there to help you." I nod at him and hide the gun in a pocket on the inside of my bag.

I zip up the bag and swing it over my shoulder, "You wouldn't even be there to break me out of jail." I joke, making a puppy dog face.

"Nope, not if it's because of a stupid mistake you made." Jeff says gruffly, crossing his arms and I laugh silently.

"Nah, I'm just playing. My Dad would probably bail me out quickly anyways, but then he'd probably whoop me at home so, neither one is a win." I cringe thinking about getting caught with this. I heard the bus slow down to the stop before me and looked over to Jeff. He seems to have noticed the bus arriving as well and salute's goodbye to me before backing off into the forest. I salute back to him, but I'm not sure if he saw me or not. I turn around to see the bus pulling up to my stop and take a deep breath in, this is going to be a long day.

As the day went on, I felt myself getting more and more nervous. I realized that I really had no plan at all. If he attacks me right outside the school, there's no way I'd be able to use the gun without getting caught. Sitting in Physics class, bored out of my mind, listening to the teacher drone on and on I had no distraction from my thoughts. I played out all the different ways the fight could go in my head over and over. This could either be my moment of revenge or a final blow from Trent. Or I could just ignore it and it won't even happen. I tap my pencil on the desk, completely zoned out and staring at the wall.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!" Mr. Barnes calls out my name and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I respond, embarrassed about being called on while being zoned out. I hear snickers around the class.

"What's the answer to the question on the board?" My teacher asks and points to the question about sound waves on the board. A question that I have no idea what the answer is.

"Uh...C?" I guess, it seems right.

He sighs, "No. You should be more focused in class (Y/n). You won't get anywhere in life if you don't pay attention to school." He rambles on like he always does when someone isn't paying attention. Sorry Mr. Barnes but I think I have more important things to worry about than your stupid physics class. I tune him out again until class is over, I just wanna be done with all of this.

I skip lunch, and I try my best to avoid any of the hallways Trent might be in. The day passes quicker than I wanted it to and soon enough there are five minutes left of the day. I pray to God Trent forgets about fighting me or has a change of heart, but I already know there's no way that would ever happen. I just gotta stay strong, not let him get to me. I'm not as small as I was in middle school, I'll be fine. At least now I can put all those "How to Fight" YouTube videos to good use. I try my best to calm my nerves and reassure myself. Sooner or later the bell rings, spiking my anxiety. Oh God here we go.

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