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I put the key in the ignition of my dad's car. I was finally ungrounded and allowed to leave the house, so I was thrilled. It was the weekend, which meant my dad's car was available, and after some begging he entrusted me with it for the afternoon. I pulled out of the driveway. Jeff said he would meet me outside of the forest on a spot along the highway, where I could then drive us the rest of the way. I'm intrigued to see how he disguised himself. 

I cruised down the highway outside of town, keeping an eye out for the landmark I was told to look for. I tried texting him earlier, but there was no response. The tablet must've died. I spotted the tall dead tree and pulled over by the side of the ditch. I get out of the car and lock the doors for the time being. I walk around the area, peering between the trees for a sign of him before checking my watch and looking back at the car. I guess I am a little early. I lean against the car and pull out my phone, scrolling through it to keep myself busy.

"What 'cha doing?" Jeff's voice speaks up from beside me, startling me. I turned to the side to look at him. He's got sunglasses on to hide his eyes, and he's somehow figured out how to patch up the scars on his face—or conceal them in some way. 

"Wow, how'd you do that?" I ask him as I graze my fingers against where the faux smile had been. Jeff laughs and takes his sunglasses off.

"I know someone who's surprisingly good at the whole disguise thing. It's just this waxy stuff and foundation." Jeff tells me. "And I tried wigs and hats, but they still felt too suspicious, so I had her curl my hair." I move my attention to his hair, and yeah it certainly looks different. It's shinier, and loosely curled. Whoever did his whole disguise did a good job.

"Nice!" I smile at him, and stuff my hands in my pockets. 

"Alright, so movies?" Jeff asks, insinuating he wants to get going. I grin and pull my keys out, unlocking the car.

It was nice driving with Jeff in the car, even if he was ducking below the window at every intersection. It felt like another step in our relationship in a way. After a short drive into town, we arrived at the parking lot of the movie theater. For the middle of the afternoon the parking lot sure was full. I guess it made sense though, a long-awaited movie had just arrived at this theater today. After about a month of the movie showing in regular theaters. This place is so small it had to wait for the movie to be released to the public to get it.

"Come on, we have to get in there in enough time to make fun of the previews!" Jeff complains as I try to find a parking spot. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to just drop you off at the front door?" I joke sarcastically. Since I'm the only one of us that can drive it's like I'm a chauffeur, or something.

"Yes, that would be good. Here I'll give you your tip." Jeff grins, playing along with it and I roll my eyes humorously. 

After circling around I found a parking spot at the back. Jeff puts his sunglasses on, and I put my baseball cap on. With Maisy on my case, I needed a little bit of a disguise now too. We walk in and I buy tickets for us up at the front. I also got us a large popcorn, you know, the full experience. Jeff stays close by my side, he's probably nervous about if his disguise is working or not. The previous times he's been out in public he's had a "full coverage" disguise. Now it's mainly sunglasses and makeup. 

"When's the last time you went to a movie theater?" I asked him after realizing he probably hasn't been able to since what happened to him. 

"I don't know, probably when I was like twelve or something." He replies as we walk into the theater room. I stare at him with my mouth agape and he laughs at my reaction.

We took our seats that were somewhere between the front and the middle. Somewhere that hopefully no one else would sit. Right before the previews started, I heard a large group of teenagers walk in. It made me nervous. There ended up being a lot of people in the theater, which was unexpected to say the least. But I had noticed earlier that this was the only showing of this movie today, so I guess it made sense.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now