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(A/n): (f/i) means first initial

Ever since I got back home last night everyone seems to be on my back about what happened. First my dad greeted me at the door. Apparently, he had been waiting for me to come home for over an hour. He yelled at me for not telling him where I was and so I told him sorry and that I was at a friend's house. He then noticed my bruises and I had to tell him about the fight with Trent. I also told him about what Jeff had told me to say, about how I saw the guy in the hoodie coming and ran away, and also that I didn't know what happened to Trent afterwards. After hearing that, my dad seemed to lighten up a bit, hearing that I wasn't involved. Though he was still angry because while I was gone I almost "got killed". Which means he is going to be much stricter about where I go from now on.

However, when the news statement about him being missing came out this morning, the people at my school were gonna start to ask questions. Since they saw him chase me out of course. Which was even worse. A group of people came up to me at school saying they saw him chase me out and they wanted to know what happened. I told them my alibi, which actually is pretty solid, and they believed me. 

Once art class came along, I was just about ready for Elliot to ask me the same sort of questions. "What happened?" "Are you okay?" "Did you see him kill Trent?" "What did the other guy look like?" Bla Bla Bla. All of these questions make me nervous, I don't wanna get caught. I really just want everyone to forget about everything. I just want to forget about everything. I watch as Elliot shuffles into the seat across from me. I stare at him, waiting for him to speak up. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it, like he doesn't know what to say. 

"What did you do?" Elliot speaks up after a hesitant pause. I blink astounded, taken aback. What did I do? Is Elliot assuming things now?

"What do you mean...?" I ask nervously, unsure of what Elliot's going to reply with. 

"I told you to just ignore him, (Y/n). Then I see you get chased out of school and Trent goes missing, only to be found dead in the middle of the forest." Elliot whispers in an accusing tone. What, what is he trying to imply here? Does he think I killed him, I mean, I know he's known me for a long time, but I didn't think he knew me that well. 

"Are you trying to say I did that to him?" I exclaim in feigned disgust. 

Elliot crosses his arms and looks over to the side, "You know I just think it's a little weird that in the past week two of the people that you told me have bullied you for years are killed." My brain freezes. I never would have expected Elliot to be this upfront about something like this, or to even analyze it to the point that he did. 

"You know there is a serial killer in town, for God's sake. Why are you trying to pin this on me?" I say, keeping my voice low. 

Elliot put his hands up in a surrender motion, "All I'm saying is it looks awfully suspicious, but I don't know the full story, so if you wanna tell me I'll hear you out." I relaxed a bit, so he was just jumping to conclusions. At least he admitted it. 

"That's fair." I sat back, calming down again. "What happened was: Trent chased me into the forest like you all saw. He eventually caught up to me and he threw the first punch. We fought for a little while, the most damage I did was break his wrist before the killer on the news and some guy with a gun came. I assume he had a gun because I heard a shot while I was running away. Trent didn't get the chance to run away..." I explain to Elliot in a short paraphrase. Elliot sits there and nods his head, seeming to have trusted my story.

"That makes a lot more sense. I'm glad, I was hoping it wasn't you that hurt him." I swallowed a lump in my throat. Although I'm glad he believes me, it kind of hurts to hear that last bit. 

"Yeah, well what are you planning to do for our next project?" I ask, changing the subject. Me and Elliot move over to lighter topics for a while, trying to forget about the earlier conversation. The class goes on as always, and I almost forget about everything going on. 

That moment is short lived however when out of a small window behind Elliot, the smiling face of Jeff the killer peeks in through the window. What, why? Luckily, we were in a more sectioned off corner of the room where no one else could really see out that window. I meet Jeff's eyes, in shock to see him here of all places. Jeff waves to me before slowly drawing an "(f/i)" on the window with what I assume to be blood. Is he trying to make me even more of a suspect here? 

Elliot, who had been looking down at his paper this whole time looks up at my face. Which must've looked like it's seen a ghost, because he turns his head around to see what I was looking at and sees that red bloody "(f/i)" drawn on the window. Jeff had ducked away just in time. Now Elliot turns back around looking like he's just seen a ghost. 

"Was that always there...?" He asks shakily and I shake my head.

"No." I reply, more weirded out that Jeff knew where I was in the school than anything.

"Do you think he's after you now? Since you had run away after you saw him?" Elliot asks out of concern. Maybe after the first time I met Jeff, but now it seems like he's just attached to me, strangely enough. I can't say that though.

"I don't know, I hope not." I lie, Elliot doesn't have to know I'm long past being a target of him now.Elliot just nods anxiously and goes back to doodling on his paper. I take another peek out the window; I feel bad for whoever is going to find that and clean it up. That blood smell is pretty disgusting. 

I'm about to turn away when I see the top of Jeff's head duck back into the frame, and then his face pops back up. Why is he still here? Not even just here, but "here", like around me. Does he need me for something or? I just don't know why he would want to stay around me. I make sure Elliot isn't looking before I wave to Jeff, confusion spread across my face. Jeff laughs and waves back again. I look around me, double-checking that no one's looking. 

"What are you doing here?" I mouthed to him, trying to be discreet. It didn't seem like Jeff understood immediately so I mouthed it again, this time he understood.

"I found you." He mouths in response, at least I think that's what he said. I roll my eyes; is he playing one sided hide and seek or something? 

"What is this hide and seek?" I asked, moving my mouth slower so that he could understand better. I watched him laugh again and nod his head, showing that he understood what I said. I find myself smiling a little in response as well. The buzz of the loudspeaker suddenly catches my attention. 

"(Y/n) (L/n) to the Administration office." The speaker announces. That's odd, I wonder if it's related to yesterday, I mean, it must be. I look at Jeff as I'm standing up and motion that I'm leaving. I didn't look to see his response; I just turned to Elliot and nodded a goodbye before exiting the classroom.

I walk down the hallway to the administration office. I've walked past it before, but I don't think I've ever been inside until now. I open the wooden door and enter to see the principal sitting at her desk and three cops standing on the sides of the room. Holy shit, okay this is serious.

"Good morning (Y/n), please take a seat." The principal beckons me to sit in the chair in front of her. I do as told, sweating nervously. She then clears her throat and glances at the officers before looking at me again. "I know there was a commotion yesterday afternoon with you and Trent. Care to explain that?" I take in a sharp breath, just go with the plan.

"Yeah, Trent was planning to beat me up after school and I got scared and ran. He kept following me though." I explain, trying not to give away too much detail until asked.

"Did the two of you end up fighting? I noticed bruises on you and found some irregular damage that came back on Trent's autopsy." He already had an autopsy done? They must've found his body pretty quickly.

"Yeah, he caught up to me and threw the first punch. I defended myself too, but the most damage I did was break his wrist." The policeman who asked me the question nodded at my answer. I try to stay as calm as I can, there shouldn't be any evidence that I had done anything, right? Jeff had taken the gun back and any of my prints there could have been justified because we had been fighting. 

"Did you see Jeff the Killer while you were there?" The same policeman asks me. 

I responded with the story Jeff gave me, "Yeah, I saw him coming and ran. I don't know if Trent just didn't see him or was frozen. There was someone else with him too." The principal raised her eyebrows at this. 
"Another person?" She asks in shock. The police must've not given away that information yet. 

"Yeah, and while I was running away, I heard what sounded like a gunshot. I had figured that it came from the other person that was there but I'm not sure." I tell them, making sure it doesn't seem like I know too much. I fiddle with my thumbs in my lap. The officers seem to agree with the things I say which is good. 

"You said you ran, where did you go?" One of the other policemen asks me. 

"I just kept running and eventually realized I was near a friend's house and stayed there with them for a while." I tell the man, hoping he doesn't want more out of me.  I was thinking of using Willow as the friend I went to stay with, but I don't really want to wrap her all into this. The policeman nods and looks over at the others, they shrug and nod back. Am I clear?

"Alright kid, I guess you can go then. We just wanted to clear some of the things up." The policeman who hadn't said anything yet told me. I smile out of relief; I must be good at lying. The principal writes me a pass to go back to class and I exit the room. I sigh, hopefully I won't have to deal with any of this interrogation stuff anymore. It's seriously stressing me out.

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