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I wake up slowly, groggy from sleep. I open my eyes slightly to see the sunlight peeking through my blinds. I try to stretch when I realize there is someone holding onto me. Which is when I remember all the events of yesterday and how we fell asleep together like this. I'm surprised he didn't leave. My face warms up as I gaze over at Jeff. His hair is covering his eyes, and he looks pretty. I can't believe how close we've gotten over these past months. What are we now, boyfriends? I would assume so, but it's not good to assume things too quickly. Maybe I'll ask him about it when he wakes up. I softly caress his hand, feeling the roughness of his palm and the scars on his knuckles. He probably has some interesting stories. As I continue to marvel at his image, I'm struck with the reminder that it's Tuesday, which means I have school. My body jolts from the anxiety, which causes Jeff to stir. I forgot to set my alarm, and I slept way over time. I climb out of bed as gently as I can, trying my best not to disturb Jeff in my frantic state. He wakes up anyways and looks up at me, bleary eyed.

"What're you doing?" he asks, slurring his words out of tiredness. 

I turned around to face him, "I forgot I had school today, and I slept in." I complained, walking closer to where he's lying on the bed.

"Just stay here then." Jeff pulls me back onto the bed by my waist and sleepily puts his arms around me, cuddling me like I'm a teddy bear. My heart flutters at the action and as much as I would love to stay here, I really have to go to school. Not because I care a ton about my grades, but my dad will definitely punish me if he finds out I skipped. I lean into the embrace, this is nice though. 

"Jeff, you know I can't stay." I whined. I really want to stay. 

"Just one more minute." He mumbles as he starts to doze off again. 

I smiled, "Alright, I guess one more minute won't hurt." I close my eyes and savor the moment. I'm already late, a few extra minutes won't matter at this point. Right as I'm drifting off into sleep my phone starts to buzz next to me. I open my eyes and look around blearily for my phone. I grab it and hold it up to my face, reading the messages that have popped up.

Elliot: Where are you? 

Ugh, I guess I really do have to get up now. My lack of presence is starting to get noticed. I turn over as much as possible to look at Jeff, who looks to be fast asleep. I ruffled his hair to wake him up. He crunches up his face, reacting to the motion. 

"Jeff. Jeff, wake up." I whispered, I can't leave until he wakes up and lets go of me.

"What?" He grumbles, still not wanting to wake up.

"I need to go now. It's been over a minute." I tell him and he looks at me, finally showing signs that he's actually awake. Jeff sighs and lets go of me, sitting up on the bed.

"Fine." He grumbles and ruffles his hair, making it less stiff. I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet to find something to wear. I'm partially glad no one bothered to wake me up because Jeff would've had to find a way out quickly, but I also have to find a way to get to school now. I grab something comfortable to wear out of my closet and shove it on. I turn around to see Jeff sleepily zoning out with his eyes wide open, staring at the wall. I laugh quietly before jogging over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I don't even really know what time it is. All I know is that it's bright outside and by the time I usually get to school in the morning it's still dark out. Jeff finally seems to be awake by the time I've finished getting ready. He walks into the bathroom just as I was about to leave and looks at himself in the mirror.

He cringes, "I swear I look better later in the day." I laugh at the comment as he combs his hands through his hair. His gaze shifts to my reflection in the mirror. "Damn you got a lot of hair." He tells me, reaching out to run his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, parents give me a lot of shit for it." I respond, huffing out a laugh.

"Well, I like it, my hair is longish too, but yours is soft." Jeff adds in, basically petting me at this point. He's sweet when he's tired, I like it.

"Hm thanks." I respond, turning my head towards him and he nods before making eye contact. "I should probably get going..." I add on reluctantly. I watch as Jeff's gaze shifts from my eyes to my lips before planting a kiss on me.

He pulls away, "Fine, see you later." He states as he turns around to walk away. Even though no one's home he still leaves through the window to clear up any sign of him being here. 

"See you." I say in return as he jumps out the window. I sigh, alright now I need to find a way to get to school. I could walk there...but it'd be a lot easier to just call an uber.

I call an Uber and eat something quick while I wait for it to get here. Luckily it doesn't take too long to get here and by the time I arrive at school it's fourth period, which isn't terrible timing. I grab a tardy pass and head to class, which just so happens to be the first class I share with Elliot. I open the door as quietly as possible and walk over to the teacher to hand him the tardy pass.

"Sorry that I'm late." I apologized and the teacher just sent me to my seat. Elliot looks up at me, raising an eyebrow as I pass to sit behind him. Elliot turns around discreetly as I'm taking my things out.

"So?" Elliot inquires, knowing a little bit of what must have happened yesterday based on the texts Jeff sent.

I smirk, "He's the reason I'm late."  Elliot laughs quietly and turns his head around to make sure the teacher isn't looking at us.

"Tell me more. It seems like you made up?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, turns out we both feel the same way about each other. We hung out last night and he took me to this secret spot in the forest with a pond we could swim in. Then he snuck into my room and we basically fell asleep watching a movie." I whispered, smiling from ear to ear recounting everything. Ah, I just realized in my rush this morning I had forgotten to ask him about what we are to each other now. Oh well, next time.

"Are we talking about the same guy here?" Elliot quips and I roll my eyes humorously. "No really, this is the same guy on the news every week, not just some cosplayer?" He laughs aloud which calls attention to him and makes him turn around quickly, pretending he was doing his work.

I lean forward, "He must be a real convincing cosplayer then."  I whispered to him and snickered. I lean back in my seat and start paying attention to what the teacher is saying. 

"Who can tell me the circumference of a circle?" Mr. Valdez looks around the room for someone to call on. "Yes, Maisy!" He points to the girl a few seats down from me. Wait...Maisy? I glance over at her. Yeah, that's the same Maisy whose house I broke into...oh shit, I just said all of that right in front of her. Hopefully she wasn't listening and was paying attention.

"Two pi r, sir." She answers cheerily.

"Very good!" Mr. Valdez responds, turning around to write her response on the board. Good, it seems like she must've been paying attention to the lesson and not me. After what feels like an eternity of listening to the teacher drone on, the bell finally rings. Me and Elliot part ways as he heads up the stairs to the second floor. Before I can turn around to head to my own class, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Maisy, the self-proclaimed detective in training.

"Um, yes?" I asked her, trying to figure out what she wanted to ask. I have an inkling, but I don't want it to be true.

"Was the guy you were talking about to Elliot the guy on the news?" She interrogates, staring up at me with her oddly large eyes. Of course, it's about this. Why would I expect any differently?

"What? No, why? Were you eavesdropping?" I retort; I'm getting better at this whole lying thing.

"No! I just overheard and connected dots and-" Maisy scrambles and I really don't have time for this.

"Okay? Well you thought wrong, so." I turn to walk away, but she just keeps talking.

"Wait!" She calls and I turn around to face her. At this point I'm gonna need to get another tardy pass. "Fine then. I did want to ask you if you wanted to help me catch him then, because I know he killed your sister and all. I figured you might be passionate about it!" She grins, offering me a partnership to capture my own boyfriend. It's not like she knows that's what she's asking though.

"Ah no, I'm not really into going out of my way to solve other people's problems. Have a good day!" I smiled at her sarcastically and turned to walk away again.

"Really?" She exclaims and I roll my eyes again, stopping in my tracks again. "I figured you of all people would want him arrested?" She exclaims passionately as the bell rings, great. I continue walking away to my class, but Maisy follows persistently. I turn my head to the side to look at her.

"Didn't you just accuse me of knowing him? You seem to be jumping to conclusions Maisy. Either way if he isn't caught by now, it's a lost cause so why try?" I add on, trying to get her to leave. To my relief she stopped following me.

"I guess." She says doubtfully and I get a chance to finally get away. God, I wish that girl would just leave me alone. Not that I'm worried about her figuring out anything about Jeff, but if I'm not careful, she could pin some stuff on me. Like Trent's death or breaking into her house...I didn't do the greatest job at hiding that stuff. I'm just lucky I'm able to come up with excuses so quickly, and I guess I'm fairly good at making them believable. . 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now