To See You

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I woke up to knocking at my bedroom door. I jolted awake at the loud banging noise at the door. Jeff stirs beside me, also waking up from the noise. After hanging out in the abandoned barn last night I had suggested he come home with me. It was 2am by the time we left, and once we got back to my house, it was only right for him to just stay over. 

"(Y/n)! Why's your door locked? Unlock it now!" My stepmom yells. Me and Jeff look at each other, wondering what we should do. The knocking continues and Jeff jumps off my bed, quietly running to hide in my closet.

"Give me a minute!" I yell back at Rachel before ripping the sheets off me and getting out of bed. I shove a t-shirt on and double check that the closet door is closed before unlocking the door. I'm immediately bombarded with the angry red face of my stepmom. What is she so upset about, jeez.

"Do you know how selfish you are for staying out so late? You're grounded! Your father had no idea where you were. We thought you were killed too! Now what would that make us look like? Bad parents!" She rants, sticking her finger in my face. What time is it? I groan and drag my hands down my face in annoyance. My head starts to pound. I didn't think I drank that much last night, maybe I'm just a lightweight. She continues to yell at me but I'm too exhausted to pay attention. 

Suddenly she grabs my arms, shaking me wide awake. "Are you hungover too?! Oh, dear Lord (Y/n), when I tell your father this, hell I don't know how long you'll be grounded for." Rachel says offendedly. How was she able to tell? Can she read minds or something? She lets go of my arms and storms away, probably to tell my dad. I close the door and sigh, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Jeff walks out of the closet after hearing the door close.

"Guess you better go before my dad comes up." I tell him and gesture towards the window we came from last night. 

"Yeah, maybe I can sneak you out sometime again." Jeff winks and I smile at him. 

"I'll have to be more careful about people noticing my absence next time though." I add and he laughs quietly and waves goodbye. I wave back and he jumps down from the window. 

I quickly finish getting dressed and splash water on my face before heading downstairs. Whispers can be heard from the living room. Seems like they've been discussing me. Immediately when they see me, my dad storms up to me, not even giving me the chance to completely walk down the stairs. 

"Why did you think that was a good idea? Your stepsister AND her boyfriend have both been found dead in the past few months, and you have the nerve to just do whatever you want? What kind of person are you, son!? You're making a shit example out of our family, they're gonna start thinking things. And where did you even get alcohol!?" He yells, asking me more questions than I can answer at one time. 

"Will you chill out? If I get killed then I get killed, why do you care anyways? Also, I don't care about what other people think about our family." I retorted. "And I just found it..." I mumble.

"You're done. You fucking hear me, (Y/n)? You are grounded for the next three weeks and will clean the backyard out while you're at it. You'll start tomorrow morning." He orders me and I gape at him.

"You can't be serious." I scoff.

"Well, I am!" My dad crosses his arms sternly. 

"Why are you punishing me so hard? You never even cared about me when Lucy was bullying me. Why are you starting now? Oh, that's right. You still don't! You're just pretending to do so, so that you have an excuse for your own selfish reasons!" I yell back at him, defending myself.

"That's enough (Y/n)!" Rachel yells from the other side of the room.

"I'm not done yet!"

"Do you want one month?" My dad shouts at me threateningly, cutting me off. 

"No." I pout. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Sir." I add reluctantly. He points his finger up the stairs, sending me back to my room. I comply and stomp away, slamming my door behind me. 

"(Y/n)!" He shouts at me. I'm surprised they didn't threaten to take my door, that seems like a popular punishment lately. I hate them, why can't they just leave me alone?


That next morning, I was sent outside to start working in the backyard. We used to have a whole garden with pathways and a creek, it's where the gazebo is. It's all overgrown and rotten now. There's also a bunch of car junk stored under the deck that I have to clean up. This is going to be the longest three weeks of my life. 

I decided to work on the junk under the deck first. It was just throwing it in one of those rentable dumpsters. I go back and forth, up the stairs, carrying chunks of rusty car parts and throwing them in the metal dumpster. My arms shake under the weight of the metal. My dad stands in the garage, watching as I go back and forth, making sure that I finish the job. I glared at him the first few times I went by, after that I just ignored him. On the bright side when this is all over, I might gain some muscle. 

By the time I'm finished cleaning all that crap out its noon, so I decide to take a break. I step foot inside and close the back door behind me. Scott turns around from where he was sitting at the kitchen counter to look at me. 

"They really got you cleaning out the whole backyard!" He laughs before turning back around to his lunch.

"Shut up." I respond, rolling my eyes. I walk across the kitchen to the fridge to take some ingredients out to make a sandwich. I took two slices of the bread that was sitting on the counter already when I noticed Scott was still giggling. "What?" I ask defensively. I hate being stuck in this house.

"What'd you even do?" he asks, laughing to himself. I thought he would've been told by now. Unless they don't want him to know, or something.

"Stayed out late and got drunk." I answered.

"Really? You?" Scott laughs again and I shrug. He's really having a field day with this. I finish making my sandwich and leave the room to sit in the dining room. 

God maybe last night was a bad idea. I don't regret it, but if I had known I was gonna have to work outside for weeks I would've come home earlier. I'm gonna be under close watch as well. It'll be harder to do anything with Jeff. I finish my sandwich and down my cup of water before heading back outside.

I look across the garden area, trying to figure out what seems the easiest to do. My dad had given me a list of the things he wanted me to get done. Some of them were easy like pulling out weeds and blowing leaves away. But some of them I was saving till later, like replacing the wooden planks and repairing the creek. I don't see why he couldn't just hire someone to do this stuff. I decided to just start with pulling out the weeds. Since it's getting deeper into fall, I should probably wait until later to clean the leaves away so that I don't have to do it twice.

I walk down to an area near the fence full of weeds and vines. I tug at them and throw them into the compost basket. My arms are going to be so sore tomorrow. For about an hour I continued going along the fence and getting rid of all the weeds. I stopped when I suddenly heard a voice. I looked to my left to see Jeff looking at me from a gap in the fence. I glanced behind me to make sure no one was watching me before making my way over to where he was. 

"What are you doing?" He asks from behind the fence.

I sigh, "This was the punishment they gave me." I told him.
"Yard work?" He asks and I nod.

"Yup, I'm grounded and have to clean out the yard for three weeks. Not to mention the fact they've been watching me all day long." I complained to Jeff. "Why are you here?" I asked him, wondering why he would come to see me at this time of day.

"It's in between locations. Right in the middle between where I like to kill and where my cabin's at." He says casually. "I pass by your place a lot." Jeff adds and I nod in understanding. I guess that would explain why he used to come by so often then. It was like a rest stop of some sorts. 

"Well, I'm gonna be out here for a while, so if you want to stay you might as well get comfy." I joked, but Jeff listens and sits down, looking at me through the fence like it's a window. I continue pulling weeds and throwing them into the wastebasket in a repetitive motion. The sun's high up in the sky, but slowly getting closer and closer to the horizon. Once again, I thank God that it's not summer.

"You're lucky that you don't have to worry about disappointing anyone by doing what you want." I comment to Jeff and a flicker of emotion crosses his face. I worry if I said the wrong thing.

"Recently it's been that way, I guess. But back when I was a 'proxy' for Slenderman--pretty much anything that I did on my own accord was disappointing." He responds, recounting the times when he had no control over his life. "It was actually worse than anything I experienced while living with parents." He added, giving me a better understanding of his past. I hum and nod, continuing to tend to the garden.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon Jeff stuck by me, until we both had to part ways. We sat there enjoying each other's company and making idle chit-chat every so often. It was nice. It felt normal. When I went inside for dinner the environment changed drastically. How was it possible that I could find more comfort in being around a serial killer than eating around a table with my own family? Objectively it makes no sense, but to me that's just how it is.

Everyone was silent at the table, specifically Rachel, for some reason. My dad seemed to have calmed down at least a little bit after seeing me do all that yardwork. However, Rachel has always had something against me that has only seemed to multiply after recent events. Scott was sitting there acting normally, not a care in the world. After he had gotten over his insatiable need to eat, he noticed the tense silence.

"Is this because (Y/n) got drunk or whatever?" He asks and his mom gasps, like it's taboo for Scott to say. I admit I giggled at that.

"Scott!" She exclaimed and my dad put his hand on hers to calm her down. 

"Is it?" Scott raised his eyebrows, looking from his mom to me. I nodded at him, confirming that yes, they were still mad about that. 

"Well, it's not the first time." I comment and this time my dad gasps too. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I lie, putting my hands up in defense after noticing it didn't have the comedic effect that I'd thought it would. But seriously, it's not the first nor the worst. 

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