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I sit down at my usual lunch table, dreading the conversation I know is coming. Who knows what Elliot really thinks about all of this? It seems he's kept it to himself so far, which is good. I watch as Elliot walks over to me, Willow following behind him.  

Elliot begins to talk before he even sits down. "Look! We need to talk about answering my texts and what you were doing last Friday. Or rather who you were doing last Friday!" Elliot yells at me over protectively. 
I roll my eyes, "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your messages, but honestly there was a lot going on at the time." I apologize as the two sit down across from me. "I'll tell you after school. When there's less people around." I whisper, looking around in the crowded lunchroom.  
"Okay wait, what is going on?" Willow laughs, having no idea what's going on or why it would need to be discussed in private.  
"I guess I should tell you too. Elliot, just hear me out and I'll explain everything." I look him in the eyes, feeling nervous.  
Elliot sighs, "Fine. I'm not sure how you're gonna explain that and make it not seem terrible, but I'll listen to you." I cringe but am glad that he's at least going to hear me out.  
"Now you've got me intrigued and I'm gonna have to wait all day to hear about it." Willow complains jokingly and I let out a small laugh. 
"Trust me, you don't wanna know." Elliot jokes in a horrified tone, and I continue to laugh nervously. I guess it could be a little hard to see me the same after seeing pictures of me drinking and making out with a very known serial killer. The rest of the lunch period goes normally or as normally as it can be. We decided to meet at Willow's after school so I can clear things up. 
I struggle deciding how I'm going to explain everything. If I'm being honest, I'm not even completely sure what my feelings towards Jeff really are. I've been so busy worrying about other things I guess I never really put much thought into it. I mean Jeff actually understands me and has helped me out a lot over the past month, and on more than one occasion I've found myself admiring him. His creepy exterior is different and alluring. I like how expressive he is, even when he's angry. I've never met anyone like him, and I've never felt like I can be myself with someone so quickly. Someone so unique yet similar to me. Someone who acts like I'm the most interesting thing in the room. No matter how much I pulled away out of fear of being a burden he stuck around. That's not something you come across very often. And the fact that he might like me back makes me feel warm inside. I find myself doodling Jeff on my paper, drawing little hearts. Man, I really am down bad.  
The kid next to me speaks up, "Hey is that the guy on the news?" He asks me, pointing down at my paper. I jerk my head towards him, embarrassed and cover up the paper. 
"No." I mutter, putting my arm up on the table to block my paper. God, I gotta be more careful. 
I park my car in front of Willows house. Here it goes. I breathe in nervously; it feels so taboo for them to know. I guess I trust them well enough though, and Willow has already met him technically. I step outside and lock the door; the weather is still cloudy like it was on Saturday. Really reflects my mood. I haven't seen Elliot's car so he must not be here yet. I stand in front of her house and ring the doorbell. It only takes a few seconds for Willow to answer the door. 
"Hey (Y/n), come in!" She invites me in, cheerfully. I've only been here a couple of times, but her house is nice, it's comforting. She leads me past her kitchen where her mom is.  
"Hello (Y/n)." Her mom waves, sipping on some iced tea. "I just made some tea if you two would want some?" She asks, and Willow answers before I can. 
"Yeah, Ma that would be great!" Willow says, sitting down at the counter. I stand there awkwardly, awaiting the uncomfortable conversation I'm about to have. While we wait for Elliot to get here, we sip on the tea Willow's mom got for us and chat about the mundane things that happened today, like who got into a fight with who. Trying to keep it light. After a few minutes Elliot arrives. Me and Willow answer the door together and Willow offers him some tea. Once Elliot gets his tea we go upstairs to Willow's room. 
"Alright (Y/n), explain." Elliot orders me, keeping his voice at a low volume.  
I sigh and turn to Willow, "Willow, remember the guy you met at the mall who came up to us?" I ask her and she nods. 
"Wait what?" Elliot exclaims, having not known about this. 
"I guess I'll explain that first then." I take a deep breath before starting. "When me and Willow went to the mall, he came up to us and started trying to introduce himself to Willow. He was a bit of a stalker back then, so we had a little argument about that, but anyways yeah, the guy of the topic met Willow."  
Elliot takes a sip of his tea. "Hmm." Elliot says before pulling out his phone. "Alright, here Willow, this is the guy who I guess was at the mall, and these are the texts that are sparking this conversation." Elliot passes his phone to Willow. The screen is open with the texts between me and him and the photos. I start to blush thinking about them again. I watch as Willow looks at the phone puzzlingly before swiping through the photos. 
"Is that?" Willow asks, not sure if her eyes are playing tricks on her or not.  
"Yep." Elliot says and looks at me. I hide my face in my hands in embarrassment. I look up when I hear Willow gasp. 
"Oh my gosh (Y/n)." She laughs. "Why did you send these to Elliot?" She continues to laugh. 
"Jeff sent them, not me!" I defend myself, red in the face. 
"How long has this been going on?" Willow asks, wiping tears from her eyes.  
"I'd like to know too actually." Elliot adds in sassily. 
"Like...two months, I guess. I've known him for that long at least." I bite my nails nervously. 
"So around when Lucy died?" Elliot asks and I dodge the question.  
"I'll just start from the beginning." I say before finishing off my iced tea. 
"Please do, I have so many questions." Willow exclaims, eager to know more. She loves any kind of drama so I guess I should have expected her to be so interested in this. 
"Yeah, so he tried to kill me one night, shortly after Lucy died, and I was able to make him leave while only getting stabbed a little." Willow gasps again and Elliot's eyes widen. 
"He stabbed you?" Willow squeals in shock. 
"Why are you dating someone who stabbed you?" Elliot exclaims, not understanding. 
"We're not dating. Let me finish!" I exclaim before leaning back into a more comfortable position. "Okay so after he left, he came back and tried to kill me again but ended up deciding not to again. I honestly think it's because he was lonely, not that he'll admit it. Anyways, from then on, we just hung out and he has helped me out a lot as well. He's stuck around me and just been there. Last weekend we decided to break into that mansion at the end of the street and spend the night. I guess we got a little drunk and did some stuff and wrecked the house, whatever. I know it sounds bad. We woke up the next day with a foggy memory and seeing those photos kind of just made things awkward between us and I haven't heard from him since." I breathed out, finally finished with my spiel. Elliot still looks in shock and Willow looks like she's trying to take it all in.  
"So, how can you like him? Is he different from what's on the news?" Willow asks quietly and I think of how to respond. 
"Well, he definitely acts differently with me, I think. He could be angry one minute but then switch quickly to being normal. The opposite is true too. He could be excited about showing me his snack stash and then pissed off when someone he doesn't like is at the door. Honestly though he isn't like anyone I've ever met before. He's very fun and spontaneous, it's freeing. 
He has this rough exterior and acts tough, but if he likes and trusts you, you'll see he's actually just hurt and is trying to protect himself." I smile for a minute before dropping it. "Which is why I feel like he's just gonna keep ignoring his feelings, like he did the morning after." I vent and look at them, wanting advice. They both look like they're still trying to take this in. 
"I guess if you talk to him first about how you feel, it may help him?" Willow suggests, shrugging her shoulders. I nod my head, considering it. 
"What really happened to Trent?" Elliot blurts out, looking into my eyes and my stomach drops. What should I say? I don't want them to know I killed him. 
"We were both involved." I say, not giving away specific details. Elliot nods, taking a sharp breath in. This obviously seems hard for him, morally. 
"Alright. Well, it's your decision anyways. If you want to be with him, then you can, so who am I to judge?" Elliot says, leaning back against the wall. I feel pressure come off my chest, that's good to hear. 
"Yeah, I agree. Do I really understand? No. Am I gonna say anything without really knowing the full story? No. I trust that you'll do what's best for you (Y/n)." Willow smiles at me and I smile back.  
"Thanks guys." I press my lips together into a half smile.  
"Just...just be careful (Y/n)." Elliot tells me, looking into my eyes sincerely.  
I nod, "Don't worry." I stand up from the ground and stretch my arms. "I gotta go before my parents start to worry about me again."  They both mumble their goodbyes and I leave the room to head back to my car.  
The talk went just like I'd imagined, maybe a little better, but it was uncomfortable. I wave goodbye to Willow's mom and step outside, unlocking my car. It's started to drizzle again. I put my key into the ignition to start the car. The silence lingers as I drive so I turn the radio on, to fill the empty space. Nutshell from Alice in Chains plays through the speakers as I drive along the long winding road back to my house. I take in the lyrics, feeling that they are also very fitting for the situation. I really hope that I can make things right with Jeff. Elliott too, he seemed to be having a hard time with it all, morally. Should I really confess to Jeff like Willow said? I don't want to overwhelm him with talking about things he may not be used to. I chew on the inside of my cheek; I need some more time to think. 

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