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I slowly drift out of sleep to the tone of my phone ringing. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up, who's calling me? The sun is already shining through my room so it's not too early. I reach down and grab my phone. My Dad's contact icon shows on the screen. And it looks like he's been trying to call me for a little while according to all the missed phone calls and messages.

I swipe on the screen to answer. "(Y/n)! Why haven't you been answering the phone?!" My Dad's voice screams through the speaker.

"Cause' I've been sleeping, what's wrong anyways?" I ask, still drowsy from just waking up.

"Lucy was found dead on the side of the road this morning!" He announces, seeming to be mad at me for being unaware. I blink the tiredness away from my eyes. No fucking way, how the hell? Were my prayers finally answered?

"Wait what?" I respond to clarify what was just announced. Suddenly I'm aware of the faint crying noises in the background of the call. That must be her Mom, Rachel.

I can hear Rachel, walk over to my Dad and grab his phone. "Why was she out (Y/n)? Why weren't you with her?!" Her Mom wails, and I struggle to find the words to respond. I'm not good with emotions...

"Uh, her and Trent left the house around 9 last night to go to a party, I don't know anything besides that." I respond, still in shock of what's going on right now.

"But they said she died around 1am! Where was she then?!" Her Mom screams through the phone, is she trying to accuse me or something?

"I don't know! I was asleep by then. If you wanna know more information then ask Trent, he was with her anyways." I argue in my defense.

I hear my Dad grab the phone back to talk to me again, "We already talked to Trent and he said she left the party upset with him at midnight."

"Well there's your answer, she walked back home by herself and got killed. Pretty common thing to happen in this town nowadays." I respond exasperated, it's not my job to be a detective for them.

"You know (Y/n)? I'm getting real sick and tired of your attitude. Your step sister just died! Show some empathy for God's sake!" My Dad hisses at me through the phone.

I groan and rub my temple, I am way too tired for this. "Sorry, I'm just in shock." That's kind of a lie, I am in shock but my attitude is because of the way they're acting.

I hear some whispers from the other end of the call before my Dad speaks up again, "Just...just  go pick up Scott from the Smith's and tell him what happened. We'll be home by dinner and we'll continue this conversation then." He says before hanging up.

Great, now I gotta do stuff today. I roll my eyes before I get out of bed and stretch my arms. Hey at least I don't have Lucy to deal with anymore!

Why am I so happy about this?

Well that's obvious, she was literally abusive towards me. It would be weird if I wasn't at least a little happy about it. Right? Or do I really just lack empathy like my Dad said? Eh whatever, I don't have to worry about that right now.

I quickly take a shower and get ready to pick Scott up from the neighbors house. I notice that the stereo for the TV is still on and head over to go turn it off. Well while I'm at it, I wonder if the news has shared any information about her death? They've been pretty quick at reporting all the other deaths that have been happening. I grab the remote and turn the TV on to the news channel.

Sure enough they're playing a story about her right now. The photo of her that they have is from her instagram, I wonder who finds the photos of the victims. Do the parents send one in? Or do they just google search the name? If they go on google to search for images of the victim that seems pretty strange, do they pick out the one they think looks the best or something? I turn up the volume to hear the news lady better.

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