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I woke up with a start as the doorbell rang. Who in their right mind would be at the door this early? I hear someone open the door before quickly closing it back up. I decided, out of pure curiosity, to get up and see what it was. Might as well since it woke me up. As I began to walk down the stairs I saw Scott walking in the opposite direction, towards me. He looked confused or as if he was processing something.

"Who's at the door?" I asked Scott, as he seemed to have been the one that answered it.

Scott looked up at me, "No one was out there, but there was a teddy bear pinned to the door with a knife? There was a note and it said it was" Scott faltered as he questioned the gift. I immediately assumed it must be from Jeff and pushed past him to see for myself. I mean, who else would it be? I opened the door and saw it; a cream-colored teddy bear with big brown eyes and silky soft fur pinned to the door with a kitchen knife. I grinned and took the knife out of the door and let it hang by my side. I then grabbed the teddy bear and read the note pinned along with it.

This reminded me of you for some reason -Jtk

I'm suddenly aware of Scott standing behind me and I put the note in my pocket and close the door.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend" Scott arches one eyebrow at me.

"Because I don't?" I scurry past him, holding onto the teddy bear and spare knife Jeff gave me.

"Then who-?" I didn't answer and just continued walking away from him and into my room. I bite my lip; I'm starting to worry Scott will find out. I've successfully kept the secret so far, but I don't think I can keep it from him for much longer. He's been close to finding out about everything this whole time.

I close my door behind me and set the knife on my shelf before falling onto my bed with the teddy bear. I stare at the bear. It does resemble me, I guess. Either way it's surprisingly sweet, just like Jeff. Almost everything I've learned about him has surprised me. However, I don't think I'm going to be able to see him today because it's Elliot's birthday party tonight and I had told him I would stay overnight along with a few other guys that I don't know too well. But I'm sure they're nice since they're friends with Elliot. I still haven't been able to see Jeff much after he left that morning. It's only been a few days, so he's probably just been busy. It'd be nice to see him sometime soon though.


I knock on Elliot's front door, holding his present under my arm. It's his 18th birthday so he wanted to have a sleepover as one last moment of being a kid, or whatever. He's sentimental like that. I don't know any of the other guys that are gonna be here though, I guess they're all a part of his other friend group. Finally, the door opens.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Elliot greets me in a chipper mood.

"Hey." I smile back and hand him the gift.

He grabs onto the gift, "Cool thanks! Come on in, the only other person here so far is Sam so I can introduce you two now then." Elliot explains before waving me inside and walking into the foyer. He places the present down on a side table and walks off into the living room where, who I assume to be, Sam is sitting. "Sam, this is my friend (Y/n), he lives across the street." Elliot introduces me and I wave at Sam with an awkward smile.

Sam waves back to me, "Hi!" He says welcomingly and I relax a little.

Meeting new people in these situations tends to be stressful, and there are like four other people coming. I sit down on Elliot's couch and listen as he and Sam talk. I'm not sure what they're talking about, so I listen. I do join in every now and then when I can, Elliot's good at not leaving anyone out.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now