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October 31st, otherwise known as Halloween. Me and Jeff had decided to wear matching costumes and go out and do something. I'm not sure what we're doing yet though. His job was to find something for us to do and mine was to pick out costumes. I was gonna buy him something stupid like a giant banana costume, but he would refuse to wear it anyways so it wouldn't be worth it. What I chose for us is basic anyway. I thought the classic angel and devil costumes would fit. Of course, Jeff gets the devil costume, I think he'd like that best anyways, and I get the angel costume. They're pretty simple too, definitely more aimed for sorority girls though. A halo and wings for the angel costume and devil horns and a tail for the devil costume. I also bought some clothes that would work with each costume. A white fishnet shirt and white cargo pants for me and a black poofy vampire sort of shirt and black leather pants for Jeff. Might've been a little expensive, but I got money to spend.

I add final additions to my costume when I get a knock on my window. That must be Jeff. I unlocked the window and let him in. 

"Hey, you like the costume?" I ask as he climbs into my room. He dusts himself off and looks at me fully.

"Hell yeah! So, I'm guessing I have a matching devil costume?" Jeff questions and I nod, pulling out the costume I bought for him. 

"It's a basic idea, I know, but whatever." I hand him his costume and he gets changed in my closet. 

"Can I keep these clothes?" He asks when he steps out. 

"Duh." I responded, walking up to him. Hm, I feel like he needs something else. Something that'll make him look less like his wanted poster. "Stay there." I told him before walking off to get my face paint kit from the bathroom.

"Face paint?" Jeff asks, unsure of what I'm planning to do when he sees me bring back the paint kit. 

"It's to disguise you more." I answer, dipping the brush in some red paint. Jeff shrugs and closes his eyes, allowing me to do whatever. What I'm thinking of is more standard for a clown costume than a devil costume, but it'll still work. I paint triangles above and below his eyes and back away. Because of the cuts on his cheeks, it'll fit the clown look and won't draw as much attention.

"There, that'll be good." I say and Jeff opens his eyes and walks over to my mirror to see how it looks. 

"Huh, alright, that works. So, want to know where we're going?" He looks at me, with a smile spread across his face. 

"Well, yeah." I laugh, I've been aching to hear what we're doing tonight. 

"We are going to a Halloween night at a club downtown." Jeff grins, before turning around and heading to the window.

"Wait, isn't that illegal?" I ask following him.


"You still haven't answered me. How are we supposed to get in when we're under 21?" I asked while walking with Jeff along the road. An Uber was too risky, even with the makeup, so we had to walk. Jeff said it was just downtown which isn't too far away, so it's not so bad.

"I know a guy. Spared his life after he saw me kill someone in the alley. He made a deal with me, that he'd let me in whenever, as long as he could live. I figured it'd come in handy and agreed to it." Jeff explained and I nodded in understanding.

Eventually we arrive at the place, and Jeff leads us around back to where the bouncer he was talking about is. The guy looked tough and for a moment I was worried the agreement Jeff made was just a heat in the moment thing. But as we approach the man just nods to Jeff and opens the door. I guess he's done this before then. We walk in and it suddenly becomes clear that this isn't just a club, yes everyone's in Halloween costumes, but I take notice that it's a gay club. Gay club, gay bar, whatever you wanna call it. 

"So, what 'cha want to do?" Jeff asks, yelling over the loud music and pulling me through the crowd. 

"I don't know, I've never been to one of these places." I shout back, man you can't hear anything in this place. Jeff brings me over to this lounge area in the corner. 

"Alright, how about some drinks first then? What do you want?" He picks up a menu sitting on the center table in the middle of the couches and hands it to me. I don't want a lot; I can practically still feel the hangover from the last time I drank. I pick out something that looks interesting and a waiter comes by to take our orders. This place is interesting. We sit down on the couches and watch the people dancing. I'm not the biggest fan of dancing and I doubt Jeff would be either. It is cool to be in a place like this though, with all the music and lights. It's also cool how we were able to sneak in now that I think about it. Lucy would've been so jealous if she was still here.

Our drinks arrive and not long after two people sit down on the couch across from us. A man with dark red hair and a woman with bright purple hair and lots of glittery makeup. I sip my drink slowly and see Jeff eyeing them warily out of the corner of my vision. 

"Wanna play a game?" The man asks us, pulling out a pack of cards and laying it on the table.

"What's in it for us?" Jeff asks, taking a sip from his drink. The man raises an eyebrow before shuffling around in his pockets and laying a fat stack of money out on the table. He must be confident in his abilities. I look at Jeff, considering it. 

"What do you get in return then?" I ask the two of them and sit up straighter. 

"Whatever you wanna give us." The man responds, leaning into the conversation. Unexpectedly Jeff throws a wad of cash of his own onto the table. I'm not even gonna ask where he got all that money, or even if it's real or not.

"Alright then! Here's how the rules work." The woman smiles, before explaining the game to me and Jeff. They both have this cocky air to them; it's a little unsettling.

The game is tense. The people we're playing against immediately start off on a roll and it's baffling how well their strategy is. But I have a feeling by the look in Jeff's eyes that he has a strategy too. 

I place down two cards for my turn. "I found a loophole. Keep doing as you're doing." Jeff whispers into my ear before putting four cards down. As the game goes on, I start to see that the other people are making more mistakes and seem to be losing.

"Beginner's luck." The man says after having to take another card from the pile; another point lost. 

"Yeah?" Jeff asked before placing down his last card. "I like to call it strategy." He grins and grabs the pile of cash. The man sighs in defeat and places his head in his hands.

"I thought you said you were good at this?" The girl rolls her eyes at the man and gets up to leave. I watch as she walks away onto the dance floor. 

Jeff looks at me, "How about I get us some shots then?" He holds up the money and gets up. I smile, proud about our victory, which was mostly carried by Jeff but whatever. I lean back onto the couch and look at the ceiling which has beams of purple and orange light being shot at it.

"So, I haven't seen you around here." The man across from me speaks up suddenly, sounding completely normal again. I guess he bounces back quickly.

"Obviously." I respond and continue admiring the ceiling lights.

"Oh, so you don't come here often is what you're saying?" I turn my head away from the ceiling and look at him, confused. He's looking right at me and has this weird expression on his face.

"What?" I ask, not because I didn't hear, but just what?

"My name's Brian and if you ever want someone else to buy you a drink around here hit me up." He moves seats to sit closer to me and slips me a piece of paper with his number on it. 

"I'm good, thanks." I give the paper back to him, but he just slips it back to me. Does he not get the hint or? Brian scoots closer to me. I look out into the crowd and meet eyes with Jeff and mouths to me what looks like "Do you want me to fucking kill this guy?". I nod my head discreetly and Jeff hands the shots to someone standing near him and makes his way over to me. As Jeff gets closer the man finally sees him and backs off, but Jeff already saw what he was trying to do. I watch as Jeff punches him square in the face causing Brian to fall back onto the couch. Jeff shakes his hand off and glares at the sputtering man trying to find his balance. Jeff turns to me and puts his hand out for me to grab, while Brian runs off.

"Thanks." I say, holding onto his hand as he pulls me up. God, that was uncomfortable. Jeff smiles in return and grabs the shots from the person he handed them to. 

"No problem." Jeff responds, handing me one of the shots as he downed the other. I drink mine too and look around. Everyone is glancing over at us, probably because of the scene we caused.

"We should probably leave." I say and Jeff nods in agreement before leading me through the back door.


There wasn't much else to do downtown so I figured we could just head back to my house. On the way home an abandoned barn catches Jeff's eye and we stop to check it out. It's in the middle of a cornfield, so it was a hassle to get to. The paint is chipped, but inside it isn't too poorly decayed.

"We could turn this into a secret meeting place." Jeff says excitedly, climbing up the latter into the loft area of the barn.

"Sure." I laugh and follow him up. The loft is covered in hay and there's an old quilt, which is probably disgusting. Jeff sits down, leaning against the back wall, and takes off his devil accessories. I sit down next to him, on top of a pile of hay. Jeff smears the paint off his face. It's so silent outside I can hear the crickets chirping, and an owl if I focus on it. It's calming after how chaotic it was inside that club.

"Would you say we're dating?" Jeff speaks up and I look at him. I guess we hadn't had that discussion yet; I keep forgetting to bring it up.

"Yeah, I would." I tell him and lean my head back against the barn wood. Jeff looks into my eyes and smiles softly.

Our moment is cut off suddenly by the drone of motorbikes from outside the barn. We freeze before turning our heads towards the small barn window that looks outside. A couple of teenagers hop off the motorbikes and take out flashlights before walking into the barn. They look like they're here to look for ghosts or something. Why else would they be here on Halloween night? As they step into the barn, I can hear them teasing each other about being scared. Jeff taps my shoulder and I look at him, he has a finger over his mouth in a "shh" motion. He grins mischievously and I grin back, waiting to see what he's scheming. 

Jeff crawls quietly to the edge of the loft and looks down. I follow him slowly to the edge to look down as well and see what they're doing. The boys are messing with one of the members of their group, scaring him with cheap jump-scares. I look at Jeff who seems ready to do whatever he's planning.

"Chill out dude, you're way too scared. This is just a dusty old barn." One of the boy's voices resonates through the barn as he laughs. Jeff takes this moment while they all have their backs turned to jump down from the loft. The teenagers jump and slowly turn around, only to jump back again out of fear of who they're seeing.

"You shouldn't be here." Jeff says darkly, tilting his head and making himself seem creepier. After he stops speaking, they immediately drop their stuff and run out. Jeff goes to chase them, but the roar of their motorbikes tells me that it's not worth going after them. I scoot back to where I was sitting before and wait for Jeff to climb back up. When he gets back in the loft, I see he has a six pack of beer in his grasp.

"Did they leave that?" I ask while he saunters over to sit next to me.

"Yep," he says happily, tearing the box open. "Worth getting my face put up on the internet tomorrow." He tells me before cracking open a Pabst.

"What do you mean?" What does he mean his face is getting put up on the internet?

He takes a sip, "When I got down there, I noticed one of them had their phone out, recording with the flash on." Jeff explains and passes me a can. Might as well.

"Oh, guess that means the police will be in on this place then." I respond and take a sip of the beer, which tastes grosser than I remember.

"Guess we'll just need to find a new meeting place." Jeff leans into me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. 

I giggle, "Hmm yeah, I guess we will." I rest my head on top of Jeff's and rest my eyes. I'm gonna need to go home soon, but just for now I want to stay right here with Jeff. Maybe he can even come stay over in my room tonight.

A/n: My last prewritten chapter! This week I plan on writing a couple to catch up so that I'm able to post next week.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now