Smoke & Rosemary

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I woke up, startled by Jeff shaking me awake. He crouched down on the floor, looking at me from eye level. What is he doing here? What time is it? I glanced away from where my eyes had been glued on him—to outside. It must be sometime in the middle of the night. How come he hadn't told me he was coming?

"I just wanted to see you." Jeff whispers to me and I turn my gaze back to him. 

"So, you missed me, huh?" I say as I smile sleepily at him.

He returns the smile, "I guess so." Jeff says and stands up from the ground to sit down next to where I'm lying. I sit up as well and stretch my arms while I'm at it. "So, anything new since I've last seen you?" He asked me. I take a second to think.

"Yeah actually, I guess I've never told you about Maisy." Jeff raises an eyebrow. "She's been on my case for a good while. Claiming that she knows that I know you and all. Which she's right about, but it's concerning." I told him.

"Wait, how would she even know that?" Jeff asks in confusion. I bit my lip.

"Well, she might've heard me talking to Elliot about you once in class, and in that video from Halloween she spotted me in the loft. I'm not sure how valuable her evidence is...but she's the one who claims she'll be the one to catch you." I explain and Jeff looks conflicted.

"Can you show me the video?" He asked and I reached for my phone. I pulled up the video—which I had saved— and played it for him. I watch him observe it like a hawk, his eyes glancing across the screen. 

"That should be the part where you can see me." I say, listening to what's happening in the video. Jeff zooms in on the screen and squints.

"How could she tell that was you?" He asks and looks up at me, puzzled. I shrug in response; I have no idea. He hands me my phone back and I sit it down next to me.

"Anyway, what's new with you?" I ask him and he suddenly begins to look uncomfortable. "Jeff?" I try to get him to explain. He takes a deep breath in and averts his gaze.

"Do you remember when that girl with the black hair, Jane, came by? She said next time someone stopped by to try to get me to come back it would be Slenderman. Well, that happened, and it wasn't pretty." Jeff explained to me; it seemed to be bothering him to talk about it. Noticing this, I put my hand out for him to hold. He sees it and flickers his gaze from my eyes to my hand before intertwining our fingers together.

"Anyways." He says as he pulls his sleeve back to reveal the "gang symbol", which now looks to be freshly burned deeper into his wrist. I gasp at the sight and Jeff looks away. "He knows how much I hate being burnt." He comments quietly.

"How long ago was this?" I asked him.

"Probably a week ago." He answers me, grazing his fingers over the mark with his other hand. 

"And it still looks this bad?" I can't imagine what it must've looked like when it happened. He looks at me and nods. 

He sucks in a deep breath, "It's whatever. Come on, let's go out." He smiles and motions to the open window. It seemed like he was trying to ignore what he just showed me. I wanted to find out more about what happened, but he obviously didn't want to share much. And getting out of this hell hole sounds great right now. 

We make sure to be especially quiet while sneaking out, not wanting to cause any more issues. We take turns climbing down from the rope slowly. I'm not sure how he gets that thing hooked up onto the gutter, but he does it somehow.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, hopping down from the rope. Jeff shrugs before walking farther off into the yard.

"Just the forest." He answers, looking back at me, waiting. I catch up to him and he holds his hand out for me. My heart flutters as I accept it. He pulls me deeper into the forest, brushing branches out of the way. It's a nice night, it's warmer than usual. There's a slight breeze through the trees and the moon is full, making it easier to see. We eventually arrived at the clearing with the pond he brought me to, right after we confessed to each other. It feels like such a long time ago. It really is an amazing looking place. "It's been a month since we were here." Jeff comments, as if he knew what I was thinking about. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now