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"(Y/n)." Jeff whispers while trying to shove me awake. I groan tiredly as he continues borderline shoving me off the bed.

"What do you want?" I roll over, annoyed with being shaken awake. Jeff's face is lit up from the moonlight.

He smiles, "You said we could hang out as long as I'm not stalking you. So, come with me." Jeff leans in and grabs my arm, he then pulls on it; dragging me out of bed. I let him pull me out, only half understanding what's going on.

"...what." I rub at my eye drowsily, being pulled towards my window. 

"We're going to my cabin." Jeff states, slightly annoyed at my cloudy half-awake state. Taking in what he's saying for the first time, my eyes jolted open fully.

"We are? What time is it? Are you trying to get me to jump out the window?" I bombard him, but genuinely though is he wanting me to jump out that second story window?

Jeff rolls his eyes, "So now you're awake, and to answer your questions yes, I don't know dark, and sort of." What does he mean by sort of? Jeff clicks his tongue before opening the window more and leaning out. "Rope." He says when he faces back at me, gesturing for me to look out the window myself.

"You aren't gonna push me out the window or something?" I asked nervously.

"Don't you think I would have done that already." Jeff grumbles and crosses his arms, apparently annoyed in my lack of trust in him. It's not my fault the first time we met he tried to kill me. However, I do decide to trust him, and I lean out the window to see a long, thick tan rope tied to the gutter. I'm surprised climbing up that thing didn't snap the poor gutter in half. I lean back into my bedroom.

"Well?" Jeff asks smugly.

"Alright" I exhale, preparing for whatever is about to happen next. Jeff goes first, showing me how to get down. All he does is grab on and slowly side down, bouncing off the house when he gets close to hitting it. Once he's at the bottom he gestures at me to go. I take a deep breath before following the steps he took. First, I grab onto the rope with my hands, then I swing the rest of my body onto it. Slowly I try to lower myself without burning my hands on the rope, but eventually I get the hang on it and just slide down it. As I get closer to the bottom I start to swing into the house, but instead of catching it like Jeff I just end up smacking my side into it. The rest of the way down was uneventful even if my landing was unsatisfactory. Once I'm fully on the ground Jeff starts giggling at me. I glare at him, knowing that the reason he's laughing is because I fucked up so badly.

"Are we going or not?" I complain, trying to hide my embarrassment of my failure.

"Yeah, yeah let's go." He says and starts walking off into the darkness. 

As I follow after him, I start to wish I had brought a flashlight, or at least my phone. At some point I lost sight of him and had to depend on the sound of his footsteps. I could've been following an animal for all I knew. I'm not even wearing shoes or anything, so I probably stepped in poison ivy somewhere along the way. Speaking of that I also now have cuts all over my feet from the twigs I've stepped on. I really shouldn't have agreed to this.

After what feels like an hour we arrive at his cabin. It looks different now that it's dark out, more hidden. I guess that's a good thing though. We walk in through the front door and it's pretty similar to how it was last time I was here. Though it does seem...cleaner, less blood everywhere. Jeff flops down on the biggest couch just like he did last time.

"So, what were you wanting to do?" I ask, awkwardly sitting down on an armchair across from him. 

"I don't know, I was just bored." Really? You dragged me out in the middle of the night through the forest and we're just going to sit here? I feel my stomach growl, damn.

"You got food?" He's got to at least pay me back with snacks before I have to walk barefoot through that forest at night. 

Jeff's face lights up, "No shit, have you seen how much I've stolen." I shake my head 'no' and he gets up from the couch walking over to a closet in the kitchen. I get up and follow him, kind of curious myself. What I was not expecting was a pantry piled full of chip bags, soda packs, Oreo containers, packs of ramen, and all other kinds of junk food you can think of. 

"My God, that's a lot of junk food. It looks like you raided a Costco!" I gape as Jeff stands there showing off his "collection". 

"Just wait till you see the collection of all the other things I've stolen from people's houses." Jeff grins and waves for me to follow him. I grab a bag of pretzel chips before following him. He leads me through a dark hallway which he doesn't bother turning on a light for. Jeff turns into a room and flicks on a light. The room is full of what looks like antiques and knick-knack things. I walk through the room, there seems to be some pretty expensive stuff in here. 

"Woah, that's cool. Why do you take all these?" I ask out of pure curiosity, snacking on the pretzels.

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"Well, I thought you would just go in to kill the people. I didn't expect you would have the time to find all these old things." I tell him, brushing my hand across a big dusty globe. Like how does he steal something as big as this?

Jeff laughs at me, "I don't know, it's a hobby or whatever. Plus, I turn them in for money at pawn shops every so often. I don't do it often because most of the necessities I have are stolen anyway." I hum and nod my head at his response, continuing to look around the room. In this case it looks like he raided an antique store. My eyes wander over to a ceramic rabbit, I pick it up and pretend to pet it. "You could take something if you want." Jeff tells me, sounding a little awkward. 

"This?" I asked him, holding up the rabbit. 

"Yeah, sure whatever." He shrugs and opens his mouth to say something else when the doorbell rings. This makes both of us jump, staring at each other, both probably thinking about the worst person who could be behind that door. For him, the cops. For me, any one of my family members. After the doorbell rings again, Jeff sneaks over to the front entrance, peeking through the window blinds. I followed him of course, curious as to who it was as well. 

"Oh, it's just this guy." Jeff groans, pulling away from the window blinds and unlocking the door. I stand behind his couch, holding the ceramic rabbit in my arm, and my pretzels in my hand. Jeff opens the door to reveal a tall guy in a black hoodie wearing a blue mask with black eyes that looked like they were leaking from mascara. The man waves at Jeff. "What are you doing here?" Jeff grumbles, annoyed. 

"Can I come in?" the guy asks in a monotone voice. 

"No." Jeff states and attempts to shut the door on the guy.

"Please? I brought Smile." the guy says, holding up what looks to be a leash. Does he have a dog? After hearing that, Jeff seems to have agreed because he swings the door open and walks over to the couch I'm standing behind and plops down on it. The guy in the blue mask then walks in, leading a husky with an abnormal smile in as well. "Oh, you have a victim with you?" The guy asks Jeff, did he just notice me now?

"No." Jeff scoffs with his arms crossed.

"Oh." The guy states, standing still. "Then who? -"

"That's (Y/n)." Jeff cuts the guy off.

"Hey." I say awkwardly, not having a free hand to wave at him with. The guy doesn't say anything for a minute, he just stares at Jeff...weird. 

"I see." He says and goes to sit down on a rocking chair, letting go of the dog's leash. The dog, who I assume is named Smile, runs over to Jeff and jumps onto his lap, barking in excitement. I decided I should probably sit down as well instead of standing around awkwardly, so I go take a seat on the chair I was sitting in earlier. We sit in awkward silence until the guy I still don't know the name of speaks up.

"Slender wants you to-"

"I told you I'm done with him!" Jeff yells back, cutting him off and startling Smile. Man, this guy really seems to throw Jeff's mood off. I have to admit it is a little crazy how quickly and easily his mood can change though. 

The guy sighs, "Fine, but you know he's not going to stop trying to make you come back." 

Jeff drags his hands down his face in frustration, "Don't you think I know that." The guy just shrugs at him in response. 

"Especially if you're hanging out with some random person." The guy states with a hint of what might be annoyance in his voice. "How do you even know you can trust this person?" He huffs out. 

"Um, I helped him hide a body. He's not going to 'tell on me' or anything." The guy faces me, and I nod in agreement. 

He hesitates before sighing, "Yeah, okay. I'm Eyeless Jack by the way."  Eyeless Jack says to me, finally giving me his name. 

"That means he's blind." Jeff announces bluntly, earning what might be a glare from Eyeless Jack. "What? You are!" He complains while stifling a laugh.

"So, you're blind and wearing a mask or does wearing that mask make you unable to see?" I asked, confused about how he would know I was here if he couldn't see. Jeff cackles at my question which makes Smile bark.

"What?" Eyeless Jack asks, taken aback. 

"Like, is it that you can't see with the mask on, or are you just blind and covering it up with a mask?" Jeff starts to laugh even more, which I'm not sure why because it's a genuine question.

"Uh, well I am blind but I'm not wearing the mask to cover it up. Jeff, why uh-" Eyeless Jack has no words.

"That's just what (Y/n) does, he asks weird questions." Jeff speaks in between laughs. He isn't wrong though I guess I do ask weird questions. At least I'm honest.

"Yeah, the first thing I did when I met him was argue about his catchphrase." I huff out a laugh. 

Eyeless Jack hums, "So he tried to kill you? And you're still here?" 

"Yep..." I answer, I guess it is kind of a rare thing. Eyeless Jack "looks" towards Jeff, and they seem to say something without actually saying anything.

"Okay" Eyeless Jack drags out oddly. "Well, I got to go now, if I stayed too long Slender would get suspicious." Eyeless Jack states, getting up from his chair. "Oh, and I need Smile back." Jeff groans in response and lets go of the dog, letting him hop off so Eyeless Jack can attach the leash. We sit there in silence as he leaves. The air still feels very strange for some reason.

"So, what time is it?" I ask Jeff, actually wanting a straight answer this time. I still have school tomorrow. God I'm gonna be exhausted. Jeff sighs and gets up from the couch, walking into the kitchen to check on the clock. 

"4:30." He states before falling back down onto the couch. 

"It's that late!" I yelp, jolting up straight.

"Yeah, it's no big deal, just sleep in." He shrugs. 

"Dude, I have school." I deadpanned, a little upset with how early he woke me up.

"Oh. I forgot that's still a thing." Jeff says faintly before getting up. "Alright guess you want to leave now?" he asks rhetorically.

"Yeah." I sigh and get up to follow him out. "Hey, could I borrow shoes?" I don't want to walk back barefoot again.

"Shit, you walked here without shoes? Yeah you can borrow some. Here take these." He hands me some flip flops and I look at him. "Hey, they're the only other shoes I have!" Jeff grumbles. When I get back to my house, wearing his shoes and holding his ceramic rabbit, I realize that I really gotta stop taking his stuff.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now