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"Open your Bibles to Leviticus..." The pastor droned on from behind the podium. My dad, who forces me to come every Sunday, nudged me to do as the pastor said. I pout and pick up the leather-bound book to open it as he said. The church we go to spends more of its time telling us how sinful we all are than actually teaching us anything useful. It's almost like they're objective is to make us feel guilty instead of teaching us to "love everyone" like the bible actually says. I even know that. How come the Pastor can't get it right. I slouch in my seat and hold the Bible lazily in my hands. As a kid instead of listening to the Pastor talk, I would just read the bible for the hour we were there, some of the stories were interesting. Like the one about the demonic pigs that were chased off a cliff, or the one about Abraham almost sacrificing Issac. Right now, not even that sounds entertaining. 

I gaze out the window, my eyes glancing over the tree line. I stare for who knows how long, waiting for something interesting to happen. Maybe for a bird to fly past or a squirrel to run up a tree. To my surprise my attention is caught by a figure approaching from behind one of the trees. Their stature seems familiar...and I can't help but feel Deja-vu after seeing the pale figure of Jeff the killer outside the window once again. Is he really stalking me from a window again...No, maybe he doesn't even know I'm in here. He might just be walking by the forest, and I happened to see him. Except he doesn't move, he just stands there, staring directly at me. Almost like he knows I can see him. I turn my head away from the window, refusing to look back at it. Maybe I'm just tripping out, the exhaustion of having to sit here must be getting to me.

After church I made a point to look over at the spot where I saw him standing in the forest. He's still there, sitting down next to a tree. I look away from Jeff to my family and see that they're busy talking to some of the other church goers. In a moment of pure impulsivity, I sneak away to the backside of the church building and walk over to where Jeff is sitting by a tree and picking at a dandelion. I catch his attention and he looks up at me with wide eyes like he just got caught.

"Hey." I whispered to him.

"Hey?" he replies, confusion laced in his voice.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask, wanting a response. I look over my shoulder to make sure no one has noticed I was gone before shifting behind a tree.

"How did you know I was here?" He retorts slyly.

"I saw you out the window, stupid." His gaze turns away sheepishly, and I snicker. Jeff stands up, tossing the picked apart dandelion onto the ground. He strolls around before settling in front of me.

"Well, you caught me, what are you going to do?" he asks, leaning closer to me teasingly. I can't help but freeze up looking at him like this, his head is tilted, and he has a smirk on his face. He's so close...I feel my face warm up and I look away. 

"Whatever." I pushed him away, rolling my eyes. Jeff laughs, pulling back. He pushes his hand through his hair and his face is fully visible. When he laughs his cheeks squish up, which is kind of-

"(Y/n)!" I hear being yelled in the distance.

"Shit! I gotta go, bye." I spit out before dashing off to where I left them.


I stare at the long list of groceries my Rachel sent me to pick up. This is the time when it sucks to be able to drive. Ok first on the list is...

I groan as I roll the cart down the cereal aisle. Thank God I'm almost done with this list. Alright so Scott wants lucky charms and Rachel wants-

"Hello sir, can I help you find anything?" My head jerks around at the sudden and familiar voice. There he is, Jeff the fucking killer wearing an employee's uniform, a hospital mask, and a matching hat. I must've looked like I'd seen a ghost because of how shocked I was at that moment.

"How, how do you keep finding me?" I asked Jeff, absolutely stunned. He shrugs in response, probably smirking under his mask. That bastard. "Aren't you afraid of being seen!?" I look around me seeing if there's anyone else around.

"That's why I have a disguise, duh." He retorts and walks to the other side of the aisle. I watch him, confusion spreads across my face, as he reaches down to grab a box of cereal and throw it into my cart. 

"I'm not buying that." I frown at him; Rachel doesn't want me buying anything more than what she had on the list. 

"Oh, come on, it's what, like two dollars?" He leans on the edge of my cart, not letting me move.

"No, like five."

"Eh, still not that bad." Jeff states, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyways, happy to help you out, bye now. Make sure to leave a good word with my manager for me!" 

"I know you don't actually work here..." I mumble as he walks away. I ended up buying the cereal he put in my cart, it was pretty good anyways. 

After that instance I figured that would be all. Like how more obvious could he be about seeing me in public? Why was he even doing this? I thought after he knew I wasn't gonna rat him out to the police he wouldn't wanna be around me anymore. I mean that's why I had said that whole formal goodbye after I walked home from his cabin. However, I must have misunderstood, because that was not the last time, or the most obvious time, I saw him in public.


Me and Willow walked around the mall, looking through the shop windows, talking about the things we would buy if we weren't both broke. Elliot was supposed to be here too, but he had to cancel at the last minute, so it was just us. It had been a long time since we hung out with just us, so it was kinda nice.

"So, anything new with you?" she asked me while browsing through some jeans in a department store.

"Uh..." I try to think of anything new in my life that I would be allowed to talk about. "Nope, can't think of anything new. What about you?" I listen as Willow starts talking about some drama she got into on the internet. Something about how she had to give someone a reality check because they were trying to summon anime characters or something. We walked out of the store trying to figure out where to go next.

"I dunno maybe we could go-" I'm cut off by an arm being swung around my shoulder. What the fuck. I turn my head to the left to see that it's Jeff again in another disguise. Is he stalking me again? I then turn my head to the other side to see Willow staring back at me in shock, she probably thinks this is just some random guy.

"Hey (Y/n), whatcha doing here?" He asks me, also making it known to Willow that at least we know each other. 

"I could ask you the same question." I grit through my teeth, aggressively smiling at him. Willow then walks over so she's facing us, still seeming wary.

"So, uh, you know each other?" Willow motions between the two of us.

Jeff speaks up before I get the chance to, "Yeah we're besties, did he not tell you?" Jeff ruffles my hair before dropping his arm off of my shoulder. I stuff my face in my hands, internally groaning at how embarrassing this is. "Anyways it's nice to meet you, what's your name?" Jeff greets Willow offering his hand out in return for her name. 

Willow glances from me to Jeff and starts to calm down, "Nice to meet you too, my name's Willow! And what's your name- " 

"Will you excuse us for a minute? Sorry Willow." I yank Jeff by the arm off to a less populated side of the hallway. Once I'm far away from her for her to hear I lightly punch Jeff in the shoulder. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask, baffled, why he would keep doing this.

"What, I'm not allowed to talk to your friends?" He cocks his head mischievously. 

"The whole city is on a manhunt for you, do you really want to be interacting and showing yourself in public so much?" I blink, not understanding what he's getting at with this. 

"So? Again, I'm disguised, you don't have to worry about that." Jeff smiles, gesturing to the mask and black hoodie he was wearing.

"How about the way you've been stalking me everywhere I go? How do you know where I am all the time? And why do you keep doing it? I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore." I confronted him. Jeff frowned at that.

"Is that what you want?" His voice sounded darker, and quieter. I faltered for a second not expecting the sudden change in demeanor.

"What?" What is he asking?

"Do you not want anything to do with me anymore?" Jeff taunts, inching closer slowly. "Because I figured that after what you did, we're sort of tied together now. I helped you hide the fact that you killed Trent, so you're just going to leave me now?" Jeff hisses at me, making sure no one around could hear the details of our conversation. Although I don't want to admit it I do suddenly feel selfish for assuming and saying goodbye like I did. That's what I thought he wanted though! He hasn't done all that much before that to make me believe he wanted to be around me. Not that much at least.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath in, "Sorry, I figured you didn't want to be dragged into my mess, so I thought I was already doing you a favor, but I guess I was wrong. I wasn't trying to make it seem like I didn't want to be around you anymore." I apologize to him, and he backs off, content with what I said. 

"That's good." Jeff states. "Just no more of the indefinite goodbyes."

I sigh in relief and nod my head, "Just cool it with the stalking, okay? We can hang out in private, but this is just too risky." Jeff smiles slightly at that.

"Deal." He puts his hand out and we shake on it. "Oh, and you should also get back to your friend, I think she's been waiting for a while." I jump at the reminder that I just left Willow alone in the middle of the mall.

"Oh yeah, uh see you later then." I glance back at him before hurrying away to where I left Willow. Luckily, she was still there, and I didn't have to walk across the whole mall to find her again.

She looks up when I get closer to her, "Well that took forever. Where's your friend?" Willow asks, looking around for Jeff. 

"Oh, uhm he had to leave somewhere. Sorry I took so long." I apologized and grabbed my shopping bag from where I left it on the ground. I forgot I had that with me too.

"It's whatever, but you didn't tell me about him when I asked if anything was new?" She teases me, bumping me lightly with her shoulder. 

I smile back at her, "Yeah, I must've forgotten about it." 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now